
What cheap food did Hong Xiuquan use to treat 20,000 soldiers? Ming recommends a dish of delicacies and a spleen and stomach

author:Hong Luck Heart Painting
What cheap food did Hong Xiuquan use to treat 20,000 soldiers? Ming recommends a dish of delicacies and a spleen and stomach

Hong Xiuquan, born in 1814 in FuyuanShui Village, Hua County, Guangdong Province, founded the Worship of God Society, launched the Jintian Rebellion, proclaimed himself the Heavenly King of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and also named Yang Xiuqing the Eastern King, Xiao Chaogui the Western King, Feng Yunshan the Southern King, Wei Changhui the Northern King, and Shi Dakai the Wing King, and was the leader of the peasant revolt at the end of the Qing Dynasty.

What cheap food did Hong Xiuquan use to treat 20,000 soldiers? Ming recommends a dish of delicacies and a spleen and stomach

Hong Xiuquan's greatest achievement in life was to guide the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement. Hong Xiuquan led the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to capture more than 600 cities in 14 years, dealing a heavy blow to the reactionary forces inside and outside China at that time. The Taiping Rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan was the largest peasant uprising in the history of China and the world. Although the uprising unfortunately failed, it had a very significant impact on the changes in modern China.

What cheap food did Hong Xiuquan use to treat 20,000 soldiers? Ming recommends a dish of delicacies and a spleen and stomach

During the Jintian Uprising, the Taiping Army once had a relatively unified logistical support, but with the continuous expansion of the battlefield, the scale of the army continued to grow, and the front line was continuously extended, especially in the middle of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, it was necessary to be on multiple fronts at the same time, and the original unified central military and political command was gradually transferred to the hands of foreign generals, and the Taiping Army had to change to a decentralized logistics of "local supply", and each department raised military food on its own. The food problem is a matter of life and death, and the Taiping Army has many serious and even fatal defects, but it has used much less resources than the Qing Dynasty to effectively support and guarantee the daily life and military struggle of 14 years and up to 1 million officers and soldiers at the most.

What cheap food did Hong Xiuquan use to treat 20,000 soldiers? Ming recommends a dish of delicacies and a spleen and stomach

We all know that the inability of logistical support to keep up is a hard wound for combat troops. According to relevant records, after the Jintian Uprising of Hong Xiuquan that year, he led 20,000 Taiping troops to move to Dongxiang, Wuxuan County. When the Xianfeng Emperor of the Qing dynasty received the news, he was very frightened and urgently sent Li Xingyuan, the minister of Qincha, to Gui to suppress it. Li Xingyuan hurriedly dispatched Xiang Rong, the viceroy of Guangxi, to lead more than 10,000 Qing troops to besiege the Taiping Army, in a vain attempt to stifle the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement.

What cheap food did Hong Xiuquan use to treat 20,000 soldiers? Ming recommends a dish of delicacies and a spleen and stomach

On January 13, 1851, Hong Xiuquan's army occupied the commercial town of Jiangkou. On February 18, Xiang Rong attacked Jiangkou and was ambushed, so he had to switch to the tactic of "encirclement" to block the Eastward Advance of the Taiping Army. Due to lack of food, Hong Xiuquan led his troops to withdraw from Jiangkouwei on the night of March 10, moved westward, and held a position in Wuxuandong Township.

What cheap food did Hong Xiuquan use to treat 20,000 soldiers? Ming recommends a dish of delicacies and a spleen and stomach

The Qing army immediately went to Wuxuan to encircle and suppress the Taiping Army. Although the Qing army was several times larger than the Taiping Army, after a day of fierce fighting, the morale of the Taiping Army was high, and finally it won a victory with less and more, and won the victory of Wuxuan's anti-encirclement and suppression. In order to treat the soldiers and boost morale, Hong Xiuquan arranged for the whole army to have a dinner, but due to the lack of food, Hong Xiuquan thought of the red bad in his hometown, which was the slag left after the wine was the lees, and the use of lees people's dishes was rumored to be created by Hong Xiuquan. Xiao Chaogui, who was a former military commander at the time, was a native of WuxuanDongxiang, and in order to motivate the soldiers, he used the rice produced in the local area, and there was a lot of red rot left after brewing, and he used the lees as a dish to reward the soldiers. The soldiers of the Taiping Army dressed in red clothes ate red dishes cooked from red dishes, which were red and delicious and auspicious, washing the obscurity of being encircled and suppressed, and increasing the courage to take advantage of the victory and chase.

What cheap food did Hong Xiuquan use to treat 20,000 soldiers? Ming recommends a dish of delicacies and a spleen and stomach

Red rot is produced in the south. It is the last remaining dregs of red yeast wine, which is "wasted" by people to make cooking ingredients. Red lees can be cooked with red rotten meat, red bad eels, red rotten chicken, Duck with Su-style sauce, red bad eggs and red lees kimchi, etc., the lees are bright red in color, contain a considerable amount of ethanol, and have a strong wine aroma. Sake lees Sexual ganxin, warm. Return to the spleen and stomach; liver; kidney meridian, moisturize the skin, regulate the internal organs, can activate blood and relieve pain, and cure wounds and folds.

What cheap food did Hong Xiuquan use to treat 20,000 soldiers? Ming recommends a dish of delicacies and a spleen and stomach

On March 30, 2021, the dry branch calendar is the Xin Ugly Year Xin Ji Yue Ding Ugly Day, the 18th day of the second month of the lunar calendar, the Gou Chen Underworld Day, the opening of the throne, the tomorrow Ji Ri Gan Zhi is Ding Ugly. The theory of five luck and six qi believes that the ugly day of Ding ugly is not too yin wet earth, and the wood qi wins the day. Then, on the 30th, tomorrow, I recommend to you a delicacy with the spleen and stomach and the internal organs, "light incense snails".

What cheap food did Hong Xiuquan use to treat 20,000 soldiers? Ming recommends a dish of delicacies and a spleen and stomach

Ingredients: snail meat, sake lees, winter shoots, shiitake mushrooms, green onion and ginger, soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, broth, water starch, sesame oil.

Method: Decontamination and washing of the snail meat, sliced into thin slices of uniform size, put into the pot and drained, marinated with cooking wine, the spare winter shoots, water mushrooms are cut into slices commensurate with the snails, green onion cut horseshoe slices, broth, chicken essence, sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil, water starch combined into a sauce; put oil in the pot, fry the bamboo shoots under the pan for about 1 minute, pour into a colander to drain the oil; the pot leaves the bottom oil, the minced garlic is panned, and then put in the lees slightly simmered, then add the mushrooms, winter shoot slices, pour in the sauce to boil, put in the good snails, stir-fry evenly, and put on the plate.

Light rotten snail slices are the famous knife work dishes in Fujian cuisine, the reason why it is light and bad is based on two considerations, the first point is red and warm, and it is not advisable to eat more; the second red rotten taste is heavy, and the amount is too large to cover up the true taste of other ingredients. Snow-white screws, light makeup yin red, stretch like peony, crisp and fragrant.

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