
How to make and eat it

author:Flower Sister 520

It has been some years since I left my hometown, and the years have changed and people's feelings have changed. Nowadays, it is rare to return to my hometown for the New Year. But whenever it is almost the New Year, my relatives and friends always do not forget to send me some rice dumplings and hometown New Year goods, and every time I eat sweet and sticky rice dumplings, I recall the lively scenes and new year atmosphere of the rural waxing moon.

Do you remember the scene of playing rice sticks, do you remember the production process of rice sticks, now I will share it with you!

Make sticks

1. The new glutinous rice harvested in that year is soaked in water one night in advance, and then the next day the glutinous rice that has been soaked in advance is filled with wooden dumplings, and the wooden rice filled with glutinous rice is placed on the earth stove and steamed on a high fire

How to make and eat it

2. After steaming, clean the stone mortar, place it in a flat open space, and then use the scoop to put the steamed steaming glutinous rice in a basin, and then pour it into the stone mortar. At the same time, the smooth and hard wooden sticks are cleaned, and two young and middle-aged men are arranged, each holding a large wooden stick, using the thick end, you and I pound it into the stone mortar with force, pounding it until the stickiness is thick

How to make and eat it

3. After beating, the rice dumplings will be picked into a sieve coated with a layer of oil in advance, and then a towel will be taken to wrap the glutinous rice balls, and it will be rounded with a towel across the hand, and then cooled and finalized

4. Place the formed fin in a ventilated and dry place to dry in the shade. The prepared rice dumplings are soaked in water, and the water is changed regularly, which can be stored for a long time, and can be eaten from waxing moon to June and July of the following year.

What is gained through labor is the greatest pleasure. Only by personally experiencing the hardships and joys of playing rice dumplings can you more deeply feel the different tastes in the delicacy.

How to eat the rice dumplings

There are many ways to eat rice sticks, let's take a look at some of them

Fried rice dumplings

Cut the rice dumplings into pieces, put them in the pot and boil, then fry them until golden brown, sprinkle with sugar or brown sugar, and finally drizzle with syrup, the rice dumplings are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the sugar liquid is golden and sweet.

How to make and eat it
How to make and eat it

The fragrant smell will immediately enter your internal organs and make you "salivate for three thousand feet".

Grilled rice dumplings

The finished rice dumplings, when roasting the fire, put on the side of the roasted crisp, bite a bite, the rice sticks are hot, the teeth bite in, feel the gums are crisp, you can also add meat in the rice dumplings, sausages and the like to grill and eat.

Rice soup

Bring the rice dumplings to a boil in water, add brown sugar or white sugar out of the pot and make a sweet soup to eat.

Steamed rice dumplings

Place the rice in a pot, steam it, sprinkle with sugar and serve.

Rice balls

The rice dumplings are kneaded into balls and stir-fried with slices of meat, vegetable stems, shiitake mushrooms, cuttlefish, garlic, peppers, etc., which are spicy and delicious, and are a good dish on the table.

Water fins

After steaming the good glutinous rice, beat it with a pestle until the glutinous rice is fully melted, like a cotton ball, and then take out the glutinous pulp to make a ball and put it into the steamer basket to steam. Water dumplings are more stuffed, such as bean paste, lotus paste, sesame osmanthus sugar, etc., the texture is delicate and flexible, white and crystalline, such as steaming when out of the cage, and then wrapped with a little sugar or cooked bean powder, it is delicious and fresh, and the taste is smooth and sweet.

Spicy rice dumplings

Cut the rice dumplings into pieces, fry them until golden brown, drizzle with egg mixture, and then you can put some chili sauce or old dry mother, fragrant, spicy, and flavorful.

There are many ways to eat rice dumplings, which are different everywhere, and different combinations and taste buds collide with different aromas, so that more people fall in love with eating rice dumplings and fall in love with this traditional cuisine.

It is such a piece of sweet and sticky rice dumplings, carrying the warm affection of a family and the good memories of youth.

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