
客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁‬客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁。 Why is the stuffed tofu for the New Year fried instead of the steaming that many netizens see? ‬炸这么多豆腐怎么吃?

author:Sauce Chronicles

#Boom boom over the year ##福牛贺新岁 #

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">‬客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁。 </h1>

客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁‬客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁。 Why is the stuffed tofu for the New Year fried instead of the steaming that many netizens see? ‬炸这么多豆腐怎么吃?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > why is the stuffed tofu fried instead of steamed by many netizens? </h1>

Because the tofu prepared for the New Year is relatively more than other festivals, in order to better preserve it can only be fried crisp, and then cooled with a plastic bag into bags and put into the refrigerator for freezing, so that the 30th night of the New Year, the first and second days of the New Year, as long as you take it out to thaw.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">‬炸这么多豆腐怎么吃? </h1>

Fried tofu we can eat it in garlic soy sauce for 10 minutes, or eat it when playing the side stove, and when making Hakka dishes, the fried tofu minced and radish garlic sprout shrimp skin are mixed into a filling and wrapped into a vegetable basket, and there is also a way to eat it is just fried when the outside is crispy and tender, dipped in salt water directly, and our family's special method is to slice and cook porridge, which is very good. And the Hakka people eat stuffed tofu has a meaning, such as brewing money and brewing ding, eating tian cai and adding ding. Tofu Hakka dialect is "head rich", eat it will be "head fu head rich", so the New Year must eat "head rich".

客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁‬客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁。 Why is the stuffed tofu for the New Year fried instead of the steaming that many netizens see? ‬炸这么多豆腐怎么吃?

This year, our family did not return to their hometown, and the sister-in-law and uncle gave us a little black tofu from their hometown early. In fact, the Hakka people use tofu made of soybeans to make stuffed tofu, but the sister-in-law said that black tofu is more delicious, so this year I will use black tofu to brew. Next, I will share it with you, Chinese New Year's Eve don't know what to eat when you can try stuffed tofu.

Fried stuffed tofu preparation

客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁‬客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁。 Why is the stuffed tofu for the New Year fried instead of the steaming that many netizens see? ‬炸这么多豆腐怎么吃?

【Ingredients】 8 pieces of black tofu, 250 grams of minced meat, minced green onion and garlic to taste.


1: Add 1 spoonful of salt, a little soy sauce, oyster sauce, thirteen spices, vegetable oil, starch, minced green onion and garlic to the minced meat bowl and stir well and marinate for 20 minutes. If the meat has a fishy taste, you can also add a little cooking wine to taste it.

客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁‬客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁。 Why is the stuffed tofu for the New Year fried instead of the steaming that many netizens see? ‬炸这么多豆腐怎么吃?

2, black tofu soaked in salt water for about 15 minutes, and then washed, dry water into the refrigerator for about half an hour, refrigerated tofu is relatively hard, so that when the meat filling is not easy to crack.

Then use a knife to cut the tofu into four small pieces, and then diagonally cut into triangles, if the tofu is more square and small pieces can be directly diagonally cut into triangles, so that the triangle tofu will look larger, and it will not be so time-consuming when brewing.

客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁‬客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁。 Why is the stuffed tofu for the New Year fried instead of the steaming that many netizens see? ‬炸这么多豆腐怎么吃?

3, next with a small spoon to the tofu in the middle of the urgent side to dig a small nest, when digging must be light hand, the other hand must be gently fixed tofu, dig not too hard, to prevent the tofu digging through. Dig up all the chopped tofu and set aside.

客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁‬客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁。 Why is the stuffed tofu for the New Year fried instead of the steaming that many netizens see? ‬炸这么多豆腐怎么吃?

4, next brew tofu, put the marinated minced meat with chopsticks to put a small ball into the nest of the tofu, with chopsticks or with the thumb gently pressed, so that the minced meat sticks firmly on the tofu.

客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁‬客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁。 Why is the stuffed tofu for the New Year fried instead of the steaming that many netizens see? ‬炸这么多豆腐怎么吃?

5, after all the tofu is brewed, pour into the wide oil, because it is fried, so the oil must be more, the oil temperature is burned to 40% hot when the brewed tofu is put in, open the fire to fry until golden brown, the frying process needs to observe the side towards the bottom of the pot, to prevent the tofu from frying the pan.

客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁‬客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁。 Why is the stuffed tofu for the New Year fried instead of the steaming that many netizens see? ‬炸这么多豆腐怎么吃?

6: After frying until one side is golden brown, use a spatula to turn over and fry the other side, when all the stuffed tofu is floating on top of the oil, turn off the heat, continue to fry for 2 minutes, and then use a strainer spoon to fish out the control dry oil and put it on the plate.

客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁‬客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁。 Why is the stuffed tofu for the New Year fried instead of the steaming that many netizens see? ‬炸这么多豆腐怎么吃?

【Bao Ma Tips】

(1) It is best to use lean pork belly for minced meat stuffed with tofu, so that it will not be tasteless. When concocting the filling, you can also add cumin and cooking wine to remove the fishy taste.

(2) Be sure to soak in brine, because the surface of the tofu bought back will have dust, it is dirty, the brine can be disinfected and sterilized, and the dust impurities on the surface of the tofu can be cleaned well after soaking.

(3) When digging the noodles with a spoon and stuffing the meat into the small nest, the action must be gentle, because the tofu is very, very tender, and it is easy to crack.

(4) When frying, use wide oil, do not turn it frequently, turn it over and turn the meat stuffing will fall out. And don't feel very waste oil to use the way of frying, frying and frying taste is completely different, and it is not easy to preserve. So remember not to save fuel.

客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁‬客家人逢年过节必吃菜肴——酿豆腐,外酥里嫩,寓意:酿才又酿丁。 Why is the stuffed tofu for the New Year fried instead of the steaming that many netizens see? ‬炸这么多豆腐怎么吃?

Summary: just fried out dipped in salt water to eat a few pieces of really crispy inside the tender special fragrant, with black tofu to do fried stuffed tofu, the disadvantage is that after frying out is relatively dull yellow, it looks like there is no white tofu fried out of the golden yellow, so it is best to choose soybeans made of tofu to do. Do you think that this dish "Hakka people must eat dishes every New Year's Festival - stuffed tofu, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, which means: brewing is brewing and brewing." "How? Have you ever eaten this dish? Leave a message in the comment area to exchange and learn together.

Hello everyone! I am yatou sauce sauce in the field of food, an authentic Hakka mountain village post-90s baoma who loves food and likes to share. ‬在这里感谢粉丝朋友们的一路陪伴和支持,如果你觉得本文分享得还行,麻烦用您的金指给我点个赞转发一下哈,再次感谢了。

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