
The man who called your wife

author:Shandong Hanfei

The man who calls you wife, the man who calls your wife, he's your husband.

Only he can call you that in this world.

He is so precious.

You must have had a fight. For a magazine that is littered everywhere, for a house that loves it to the extreme but cannot afford to buy it.

You think he is so sloppy and incompetent, and you regret why you didn't marry Zhang Sanli Andi Wang Ermazi in the first place.

But every time you quarrel, you are always the winner in the end.

Because he will suddenly stop and make a gesture of surrender to you, or, if he does not surrender, he will also hide aside, cook a dish or smoke a cigarette.

He always lets you go, whether he makes sense or not. In fact, you also know that in this world, there are not many people who can let you everywhere.

The only person who can make you for a lifetime is him. He calls you wife, he's your husband.

He was a little stingy, even a little stingy, which was very different from before marriage.

You remember when he only made 180 yuan a month, but he could invite you to eat ice cream for 5 yuan a day.

Now, he makes 1800 yuan a month, and yet your ice cream has become 5 dimes a piece.

Of course you are willing, because he will give you the salary in full.

In fact, his money for cigarettes and alcohol, the money he paid for inviting friends to dinner, your ice cream, all with his pitiful little pocket money.

Sometimes you hurt him, take out a hundred yuan bill and hand it to him, saying that you are also filling your face in front of your friends. Of course, he was happy, and he smiled like a child, and immediately called on his friends to lead him.

When you come back in the evening, you find that he still has 80 yuan left.

He said that he still saved some money, and the money was enough for us to eat for several days.

Married, no matter how vain and arrogant he is, he thinks first of all about you and your children, not his own face.

In fact, the only person who can worry about you all his life is him.

He calls you wife, he's your husband.

On the outside, he will suffer, he will suffer, he will be angry.

But when I got home, I never said it.

He wants to make the home warm, warm, full of laughter.

He would rather bury all the unpleasantness in his heart and bear all the suffering alone.

In fact, he is the only one who can do this all his life.

He no longer offers you, but when you are cold, he will put on a dress for you;

When you're hot, he'll bring you a glass of ice water;

When you're hungry, he'll cook two eggs for you;

When you're tired, he'll act as your pillow or cushion. It's all so decent, it's not fancy.

He doesn't need to be appreciated and praised, he does it all because he's your man.

In fact, the only person who can care for you all your life is him.

When you are old, he will hold you and walk together on the path.

He will tell you about your past, and every time, he uses a voice as tender as water.

When no one is around, he'll kiss your wrinkled lips, and maybe he'll call you your young name, making you feel like those lost years are just around the corner.

But you know, you're old.

You have lived a trivial life, a life of chai, rice, oil and salt, a life of blandness, and a happy life.

He has accompanied you all his life and used his youth.

You appreciate him and cherish him.

Because, he calls you wife, he is your husband.

In this world, only he can call you that, he is your only one, he is precious.

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