
Easy and Free: Is Your Life Dream Extended Online?

author:Caramel colored mocha

In the face of boredom, or overwhelmed, or arduous and heavy, or mechanically repetitive work, have you ever been confused about "what is hard work for"? For life? But unfulfilled work squeezes life into living by eating and sleeping. If it is just to meet the need to eat and sleep to live, why choose such a difficult or boring job? For the dream? If the answer is yes, congratulations, you have an enviable life. It is important to know that few people are lucky enough to know what their dream life is without taking a detour, and even "whether your dream is still there" has become a problem.

Easy and Free: Is Your Life Dream Extended Online?

Yes, the original dream is difficult to survive in life. It can be burdened by the expectations of its loved ones, stifled by the cruelty of reality, forced by the perception of universal value orientation, and even confused by areas where it seems to be better than others. Should I live the life of my dreams, or should I live the life that everyone wants? Should I choose a job that I enjoy myself with, or should I take on a job that matches my own knowledge structure? Are you on the extended line of life of your dreams?

Easy and Free: Is Your Life Dream Extended Online?

Can you, like Sebastian in Easy Freedom, who has "easy freedom" as his life goal, dare to admit that he is at odds with mainstream values? People like enterprising people, but Sebastian openly expresses "like to waste time, like moments of time stagnation, like to wait and travel long distances, like the preparation stage of things..." Sebastian's dream of not wanting to do anything in the film is of course not just a literal narrow concept, it represents a dream that is different from mainstream values, and this dream is not only Sebastian's preference, because I see my own shadow in Sebastian and believe that I am not the only one.

Easy and Free: Is Your Life Dream Extended Online?

In the face of the life of their dreams, most people look for peace of mind and comfort on the eclectic road. Such as Bruno, who is a sports journalist and has the dream of a lover, frequently changing garbage jobs and blindly changing herself according to her lover's preferences; such as Anna, who dreams of traveling around the world and getting ahead in publishing houses, grabbing the camera to appear in travel photos around the world, and enduring the grievances of adapting erotic novels and thriller novels... Just like "I am using a shampoo, washing dyed hair, washing uncomfortable dandruff, but still able to wash" in the ideal and reality of the compromise, knowing that I can not go to the dream but still walking.

Easy and Free: Is Your Life Dream Extended Online?

When everyone is covering up the gap between reality and ideals, insisting on being an idealist who dares to ignore reality will become an enemy of the world. Facing parents "How can you support yourself without a job?" In question, Sebastian lived by applying for a social minimum guarantee to buy discounted goods. In the face of the complaints of classmates that "you are not a person of this world at all, you are just asking for money from society", Sebastian used "Poor people want to share the sunny weather with you to make you very unhappy?" "Hit back. In the face of strangers, "Sir, you must do something, otherwise it will make us very unhappy, and if you don't want to do anything, go to the supermarket door for a beer and beg." Filled with insults and unjustified accusations, Sebastian was powerless to argue and was fined 35 euros.

Easy and Free: Is Your Life Dream Extended Online?

Harmless freedom has become a thorn in the side of those who struggle in the shackles of life and cannot be freed. Will the only color in the film that goes against the crowd in black uniforms be swallowed up by the malice of the world? In the reflection of the puddle, the white moonlight in the hands of the beggar, the French girl in the news who wants to have a beautiful life and not just a beautiful dream, Sebastian in a voice of opposition is encouraged and guided by like-minded beings. Anna's heart-wrenching words also pricked his question: "You prefer to dream about your life rather than experience it." Yes, Sebastian's insistence on dreams is admirable, and his way of "dreaming, being pure-minded, and living leisurely" is resisting "doing things you don't like" with "doing nothing", which is really powerless and self-deceptive. And the one whom Sebastian called "France's most determined girl" triggered his reflections on the relationship between dreams, struggles, and life: "Struggle is realistic, it is not beautiful and unattractive, but it is the road that links dreams and dream life." ”

Easy and Free: Is Your Life Dream Extended Online?

As a result, the film can not escape a peaceful ending, the romance of French fairy tales. Sebastian found a balance between dream and reality, enterprising and comfortable, the more the dream looks, the more life looks, life moves forward step by step in the direction of the dream. And those influenced by Sebastian are becoming more and more loyal to their dreams and moving closer to the life of their dreams. The abrupt colors mixed in the crowd of black professional suits have finally softened in front of life, but they still insist on their own direction, and will eventually awaken those confused people, towards the direction of a better life, the direction of dreams.

Easy and Free: Is Your Life Dream Extended Online?

"Easy and Free" is a film full of monologues and dialogues. Use monologues to explain the background of events and inner dramas, and use dialogue to express the conflicts and differences of different characters on issues such as "dreams", "life", "work", and struggle, as well as the personality characteristics and value orientations of different characters. The logic of the lines of the whole movie is relatively strong, and the most valuable thing is to let the male protagonist have both the idealistic flash point and the attitude of waste wood life, so that people swing and think between the affirmation and doubt of the male protagonist, which is also the unique charm of the film. This combination of idealistic thinking and funny bridges is deeply rooted in my heart, but the chicken soup at the end is sudden, and the film has endured for a long time, but it is always necessary to come, after all, I can't think of a better ending. The film style is also beautiful, and the small freshness in European literary and artistic films is very worth watching.

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