
Niche movie "Easy Freedom": When the ideal enters reality, I see what it looks like to grow up 01, the idea of firmly pursuing "easy freedom" seems to be maverick, but it is actually an idealistic state 02, in the face of successive denials and doubts, forced to leave their comfort zone, but can not see the direction of progress 03, confusion and fear are the catalyst of life, is the only way for a person to mature 04, bravely face real life and experience, will eventually find their own happiness 05, combined with "Easy Freedom" This movie, let me talk about the thoughts and inspirations it brings me about life:

author:Hao Classmate's House

"Easy and Free" is a niche film in France, the name of the film seems inconspicuous, but in fact it is a rare film, after watching it, there is a sense of comfort and relaxation and sudden openness. The film tells the story of 29-year-old "unemployed vagabond" Sebastian, who has no lofty ambitions and no work he wants to do, and the only wish in his life is: to live easily and freely, and not to do anything. His favorite thing is to lie in bed, or in a daze.

In order to change his mind, Sebastian's parents pushed him out of the house, he came to Paris to live in a new apartment, there are two roommates Anna and Bruno, in the face of the two roommates working hard every day, Sebastian was not affected at first, or relaxed and comfortable every day. But with the growing number of skeptical voices around him, and seeing the continuous progress of his roommate Bruno, Sebastian's heart gradually changed, he began to re-examine his life, and finally found the purpose and meaning of life that he really pursued in his heart.

The character setting of the movie is very interesting, the male protagonist Sebastian is not a passionate inspirational character, but a person with the ideal of "doing nothing". Just like those of us who work hard every day, we will also have this idea from time to time:

How nice it would be if you could be free every day;

How pleasant it would be if you could sleep until you woke up naturally every day and then do something you wanted to do;

If every day's thing is just hanging out on the couch, or going to the park to read a book, life will not be perfect.

The male protagonist of the film, Sebastian, presented us with such a life, and thought that such a day must be very happy, but the male protagonist had to face the denial and questioning of the outside world again and again. In the end, we found that whether it is the people around them or the male protagonist himself, there is an evasive and timid side, and when different lifestyles collide, they also bring new changes to each other.

In today's article, I will talk about how the male protagonist Sebastian went from being free at the beginning, to being confused and afraid, and finally returning to a comfortable and comfortable process. In my opinion, Sebastian's transformation can be analyzed in four stages. In the last part, I will combine the changes in the male protagonist Sebastian in "Easy and Free" to talk about my real-life thoughts.

Niche movie "Easy Freedom": When the ideal enters reality, I see what it looks like to grow up 01, the idea of firmly pursuing "easy freedom" seems to be maverick, but it is actually an idealistic state 02, in the face of successive denials and doubts, forced to leave their comfort zone, but can not see the direction of progress 03, confusion and fear are the catalyst of life, is the only way for a person to mature 04, bravely face real life and experience, will eventually find their own happiness 05, combined with "Easy Freedom" This movie, let me talk about the thoughts and inspirations it brings me about life:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >01, the idea of firmly pursuing "easy freedom" seems to be unique, but it is actually an idealistic state</h1>

At the beginning of the film, the male protagonist Sebastian clearly shows his difference: to be a peaceful and stretched person.

As he said at the beginning of the movie: I only like to dream about life, not a mixed life, I am not interested in success, I have no ambition, I don't want to do anything, just be happy. Sebastian did implement his ideals very thoroughly, and the most important thing in his life was the bed, most of the time lying on the bed or on the sofa.

In fact, Sebastian is a bully, has multiple professional degrees, and likes to read. His parents advised him to look for a job as soon as possible, and Sebastian told his parents to spend more time thinking, because he had not yet found any job he liked, so instead of aimlessly looking for a job, it was better to stay at home for the time being. When his mother asked him if he intended to do nothing in this life, Sebastian replied, "Is a man defined by his actions, not by who he really is?" ”

So his parents pushed him out of the house, and when Sebastian left the house for the new apartment, he had to worry about the rent of the house, and his solution was not to find a job, but to apply for a minimum guarantee so that he could return to a relaxed and comfortable life as soon as possible.

Indeed, Sebastian's comfortable life inevitably makes people yearn for, completely abandoning the shackles of reality and creating a piece of inner peace and comfort. But from another point of view, Sebastian is more like a child who has not yet grown up, and complete idealism can allow him to live in an isolated world, but if he can't find a balance between ideal and reality, he can't enjoy the true meaning of relaxed freedom.

Niche movie "Easy Freedom": When the ideal enters reality, I see what it looks like to grow up 01, the idea of firmly pursuing "easy freedom" seems to be maverick, but it is actually an idealistic state 02, in the face of successive denials and doubts, forced to leave their comfort zone, but can not see the direction of progress 03, confusion and fear are the catalyst of life, is the only way for a person to mature 04, bravely face real life and experience, will eventually find their own happiness 05, combined with "Easy Freedom" This movie, let me talk about the thoughts and inspirations it brings me about life:

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >02, in the face of a succession of denials and doubts, forced to leave their comfort zone, but can not see the direction of progress</h1>

While Sebastian was immersed in a life of "doing nothing", he was questioned by the outside world one after another:

Complaints from roommates:

Bruno, who has always been good with Sebastian, dresses up as Santa Claus at Christmas, and he is very helpless and jealous when he sees Sebastian's leisurely ease.

Questions from classmates:

At a college reunion, when everyone learned that Sebastian did not want to work, they all felt incredible, felt that he was wasting his life, and did not face the reality, and advised him to find a job as soon as possible.

Indignation from strangers:

Sebastian was reading leisurely in the park, but was harshly reprimanded by the strange aunt, because Sebastian sat in a chair for several days, his behavior was unbearable, and it disturbed other people, Sebastian was full of disbelief, and finally the police issued a ticket.

After a series of blows, Sebastian decided to look for a job for the first time, but soon lost his job.

Sebastian's first change was forced, that is to say, he did not find what he liked to do, nor did he clarify his goals and directions, but under the blows of repeated blows, he doubted his choices, so that he acted with the mentality of trying it out, but in fact, his heart was still wavering, so it was easy to give up trying.

Niche movie "Easy Freedom": When the ideal enters reality, I see what it looks like to grow up 01, the idea of firmly pursuing "easy freedom" seems to be maverick, but it is actually an idealistic state 02, in the face of successive denials and doubts, forced to leave their comfort zone, but can not see the direction of progress 03, confusion and fear are the catalyst of life, is the only way for a person to mature 04, bravely face real life and experience, will eventually find their own happiness 05, combined with "Easy Freedom" This movie, let me talk about the thoughts and inspirations it brings me about life:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >03, confusion and fear are the catalysts of life and the only way for a person to mature</h1>

After the failure of his first job, Sebastian returns to a life of doing nothing, and his roommate Bruno also returns home to do nothing with Sebastian after several blows, which makes Sebastian happy, because he is free and has friends at the same time. But after four months Bruno couldn't stand it, he didn't want to live like this, he wanted to do a job he liked, he had an apartment of his own, and then Bruno finally got his wish to find his favorite job as a sports commentator and moved out of the apartment.

Then a remark from roommate Anna completely woke up Sebastian, Anna said: "You prefer to dream about your life rather than actually experience life, this is not right, you are not happy, you are afraid, all about dreams and life are lies." 」 You don't do anything, that's because if you don't do anything, you won't fail, and you think the best way to not die is not to be born, but then you will die unhappily, you haven't even tried, to be happy, that's very sad. ”

For the first time, Sebastian began to feel confused and afraid of the future, he began to feel bored that it was no longer a fun thing to do, and he began to seriously think about his future life and life goals. If we do not think about where to go in the future, but have been content with the present pleasures, we will naturally not have negative emotions such as anxiety and entanglement. Having a sense of urgency and loss of control about the future can be said to be psychological progress and the beginning of a person's real change.

As Rousseau said, "The reason one works is to get some rest, and maybe that's why boredom becomes boring." ”

Niche movie "Easy Freedom": When the ideal enters reality, I see what it looks like to grow up 01, the idea of firmly pursuing "easy freedom" seems to be maverick, but it is actually an idealistic state 02, in the face of successive denials and doubts, forced to leave their comfort zone, but can not see the direction of progress 03, confusion and fear are the catalyst of life, is the only way for a person to mature 04, bravely face real life and experience, will eventually find their own happiness 05, combined with "Easy Freedom" This movie, let me talk about the thoughts and inspirations it brings me about life:

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >04, bravely face real life and experience, and eventually find your own happiness</h1>

A troubled Sebastian walking on the road saw a little boy learning to ride a bicycle, the boy's mother asked if he could remove the balance wheel in the back, and the little boy asked his mother in fear: "What if I fall?" The boy's mother smiled and replied, "I'll catch you." Sebastian seemed to have an answer in his heart, and he returned home and asked his mother, "If I fall, will you catch me?" Although mom didn't know why, she still answered affirmatively: "Of course!" ”

The understanding and support of his parents reinvigorated Sebastian, who found a job selling beds in the mall and soon sold more and better than others, a job That Sebastian was able to do with ease because he was an expert in the field. During his work, Sebastian not only achieved career success, but also harvested beautiful love, and finally found his own life path and goals.

Sebastian's changes not only enriched and happy himself, but also positively affected those around him. He is no longer immersed in his own world to enjoy himself, but to integrate his hobbies into the real work life, to find a real position to achieve ease and freedom; people who were once trapped in reality have also learned to pay attention to their inner world, making boring life colorful and positive.

The whole film is light and humorous, and through a series of psychological changes of the protagonist, it presents us with a completely different state of life. In fact, no matter whether we choose to be maverick or to win steadily, we must always have a positive and optimistic attitude, bravely jump out of our comfort zone, and not be afraid to try and challenge.

Niche movie "Easy Freedom": When the ideal enters reality, I see what it looks like to grow up 01, the idea of firmly pursuing "easy freedom" seems to be maverick, but it is actually an idealistic state 02, in the face of successive denials and doubts, forced to leave their comfort zone, but can not see the direction of progress 03, confusion and fear are the catalyst of life, is the only way for a person to mature 04, bravely face real life and experience, will eventually find their own happiness 05, combined with "Easy Freedom" This movie, let me talk about the thoughts and inspirations it brings me about life:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >05, combined with the movie "Easy and Free", let me talk about the reflections and inspirations it brings me about life:</h1>

(1) The inertia of thinking makes it impossible for us to look at the problem objectively

Sometimes, the way we look at problems is a bit habitual thinking, adhering to the concept that we think is right, and once we encounter things that are out of our cognitive range, we will inevitably have resistance and opposition.

Just like the ironic scene in the film: Sebastian, who sits in the park and does nothing, is found to be disturbing the people, precisely because he does nothing, which is more abrupt than the rushing crowd, and also makes the people around him resentful and negative due to psychological imbalance.

The reason for this is that you are not the same as us, so you are wrong.

When we move with the surging flow of people, and suddenly see a person walking in the opposite direction with his back to everyone, we will subconsciously think that he is wrong. In fact, everyone should have their own ideas and choices, a small number of choices are not necessarily wrong, to look at the problem in a more objective and inclusive way.

(2) Find what you love, and dreams can also shine into reality

Some people say that if you take a hobby as a profession, you will gradually lose the happiness you get from hobbies, but I don't think so. In my opinion, only by liking to do one thing from the bottom of my heart can we get more sense of achievement and value from it, and even if we encounter difficulties and challenges in the middle, we will not give up lightly.

In the film, Richard, a social security worker, also impressed me, and at first he introduced himself as an ordinary person who could no longer be ordinary, and his life was unchanged. Richard had a dream as a child to own a scone house, but chose to give up because it wasn't a formal job. In the process of getting along with the male protagonist Sebastian, Richard saw another side of life, and later he quit his job to open a scone house, truly making his dream a reality.

Sometimes we feel that reality is rigid and boring because we don't inject that love into it, find the dream that belongs to our hearts, and then try to achieve it. Doing what you dream of in reality, who can say that this is not a happy and comfortable life.

Niche movie "Easy Freedom": When the ideal enters reality, I see what it looks like to grow up 01, the idea of firmly pursuing "easy freedom" seems to be maverick, but it is actually an idealistic state 02, in the face of successive denials and doubts, forced to leave their comfort zone, but can not see the direction of progress 03, confusion and fear are the catalyst of life, is the only way for a person to mature 04, bravely face real life and experience, will eventually find their own happiness 05, combined with "Easy Freedom" This movie, let me talk about the thoughts and inspirations it brings me about life:

(3) When we dare to face the failures and confusion in life, we have achieved real growth

Sebastian's psychological changes in the film make him truly an adult, if he has been in his own small world, he may always enjoy himself, will not experience the confusion and fear behind, but at the same time he will always look at the world around him with a childlike wayward attitude.

Life is like a kaleidoscope, if we only see the joy and happiness side, we do not see the true face of life, those setbacks and difficulties, is also an indispensable part of life. It is these intertwined experiences and experiences that make us slowly have a spoiled mentality, have the courage to face challenges, and better understand the difficulty of cherishing ordinary life.

To summarize:

In this fast-paced era, we will inevitably be confused, anxious, and want to hide in our own small world. After watching the movie "Easy and Free", it may bring us some thinking and inspiration. Reality and ideals are not clearly distinguished, only by letting the ideal enter the reality and letting the reality merge into the ideal can we find a truly relaxed and free state of life.

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