
"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

author:Nothing stays forever

This article is reproduced from the public number: nothing will stay forever

"Not interested in success, unambitious, not wanting to do anything, just being happy, living peacefully, and then leaving peacefully." Lying down is one of their hobbies, and sleep time is far beyond the average human average. I like to stretch and stretch, and my ambition is to be a peaceful stretcher. ”

This self-description of the protagonist Sebastian is a true portrayal of him personally.

The freedom of delusion

"Scrupulous" is the key word in Sebastian's life.

"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

After 10 years of university studies, he has 7 degrees, including a doctorate in modern and classical literature, a master's degree in social philosophy and psychology, and a bachelor's degree in English, Chinese and art history, but because he is not interested in his job, he chose to apply for the minimum guarantee.

"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

This choice, which seemed strange to others, made Sebastian feel comfortable.

He lived his dream life by collecting low insurance, reading books, watching movies, dancing a lot, going to the store to buy biscuits, and then eating it in the park, and his daily life was regular and pleasant.

"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

In Sebastian's words, "I live a very peaceful life, like moving and like I'm fixed, and I feel almost satisfied with that life." ”

For Sebastian, he enjoys the inner riches of a peaceful life more than working hard. He had no extra desires, and therefore a low security deposit was sufficient to support his life; he did not want to be defined by work, and he wanted to pursue what would make him happy than to work mechanically like a slave. In the film, he is also encouraging everyone around him to pursue his true happiness.

In the film, Sebastian always appears in brightly colored clothes. Lying in bed, nestled in the couch, reading comics, planting an avocado.

"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

There are also people dressed in bright clothes, flowing against the current through the black crowd.

Whenever he walks out of the house and into reality, he will meet a group of "targeted" adults unexpectedly. It's like Sebastian is fighting a group of real-life people.

This picture impressed many viewers, who were looking forward to the "boring justice" of the male protagonist to overcome the "blind meaning" of the world.

But in fact, as long as you look closely, you will find that behind the first three times Sebastian "went against the current", he did not have a relationship with the real world. As Milan Kundera said, "Man begins to become his perfect self only when he is fully in the midst of others". The freedom that Sebastian gained in his early "confrontation with the world", as Fromm called "negative freedom", is a pseudo-freedom that turns the individual into an isolated existence, does not trust the world, and maintains a distant relationship with the world.

Blind meaning

The film's director, Benjamin Guedge, is a Cancer boy from '89, who was just 25 years old in 2014, when the film was released.

Perhaps it is the same age and similar experience with the male protagonist that makes the big boy able to show the confusion, uneasiness and ordinariness of young people so cutely through his own lens.

But the whole network to find this director, can find only a few sentences of introduction; and about this film released in 2014, although it received a Douban score of 8.4 points, only more than 4,000 people commented, more than 10,000 people watched.

Some Douban netizens commented that "watching this movie is as happy as picking up money", and even many netizens do not want this film to be seen by too many people out of protection for Sebastian. They said, "Seeing Sebastian is like another self." ”

"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

In 2019, the Japanese drama "We Can't Be Beasts" starring Yui Niigaki made the term "social animal" quickly become popular. Many young people in China use the term "social animal" to describe themselves as beasts of being squeezed by reality and work.

Behind the popularity of this phenomenonized word is the anxiety and helplessness of contemporary young people. It is precisely because of this that everyone has placed illusions and high hopes on Sebastian, hoping that he will never become a "social animal".

Unfortunately, in the film, although Sebastian escaped the fate of the contemporary young "social animal", he did not escape the reality of being accused of "moths" by the public.

"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

Cohabiting Anna wants Sebastian to be more "ambitious", telling Sebastian that "contentment" is just a lie for the rich to stop the poor from plundering their wealth. Classmates ridiculed Sebastian for not having a job, and living on a minimum guarantee every month, which is a "cancer" in society. Even passers-by in the park couldn't bear to see Sebastian doing nothing on the bench.

"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

This man who desires nothing to do and no one has cheated is still unavoidably bound by the "social self".

It is hard to say that it is not right to be asked to be a "social self" because we cannot survive apart from the social structure. But it is not free to play only the "social self" because we are extremely distant from the relationship between the self.

Fulfilling and happy

Sebastian, who stepped into reality, got a job he was good at, married a wife he had long admired, and had a cute child. And one day when he was 29 years old, he found the job he wanted to do most in his life - the housewife.

At the end of the film, not only Sebastian, with the support of his wife, successfully embraced the happy and safe "gouge" life of his dreams. And the people around him were no longer attached to the worldly meaning, and when Sebastian poured into the crowd against the current, the crowd suddenly changed direction and joined him.

"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

"Easy Freedom" uses a French humorous tone to tell the protagonist's process from the initial insistence on the false "pseudo-self", to being influenced by the people around him into the "social self", and finally faithful to the heart to find the "true self". While showing the confusion and self of young people entering society for the first time, they also explore more possibilities of life.

Compared to Sebastian, modern young people are always admonished to work hard and achieve their dreams.

Even if 007 and 996 work more than twelve hours a day, live in a corner of the city, and sacrifice their precious freedom to work, they may not really think about what the work is for.

"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

As Thoreau said in Walden, "People spend the most precious time of their lives to make money in order to enjoy a little suspicious freedom in the least precious time." ”

As everyone knows, true freedom is not far away at all, but is hidden in the folds of current life.

In real life, like Sebastian, "stubborn but free" is also Oihara Flat.

Born in 1985, Ōhara was a strange "philosopher" and hermit. After graduating from high school, he missed the college admission application time because he was thinking about whether to continue his studies or work.

Later, Bian Li worked as a sales clerk in supermarkets and convenience stores, and also worked in factories and bookstores. Working more than 12 hours a day makes the flat body breathless. "I want to quit my job every day," Hirori said in an interview with Ichijo, "and a lot of people in Japan are 'overworking.'" ”

Fed up with being kidnapped by work and money, Bian Li quit his job and went to the suburbs of Taipei to live a life of "two days off and five days off".

Working two days a week, Bian Li can get a salary equivalent to about 60,000 yuan per year (the Japanese government defines people with an annual income of less than 68,000 yuan as poor), which belongs to the poor people in Japan.

But compared to the barren material conditions, Bian Li felt that he was full and rich.

"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

During the five days without work, Bian Li read, walked, ate, and watched movies. For Bian Li, reading is the happiest thing, happy and free. As for work, Bian Li said, "Work is only to meet my needs in life, and too much work will only make me lose the meaning of life." ”

"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

In January 2019, Daihara Bian li compiled his life and feelings into a book, and "Do Two Rest Five" was published.

Li Zhide, editor-in-chief of "Duan Media", commented on Bian Li, "He has his own care and pursuit, and he is not "desperate"... Once the philosophy of life practiced by the "Obara Flats" becomes the mainstream, the world should be better than it is now. ”

Be a person who is close to your heart

In the spring of 1845, Thoreau, who had built a wooden house by Walden Lake and lived a life of self-cultivation, once said, "I hope that the people of the world, the more different the better, may be careful to find and adhere to his own suitable way, rather than simply copying and imitating the way of life of his father, or mother, or neighbor." One needs absolute autonomy to be a different person than anyone else, to be one who can say the words 'I am what I am'. ”

It is not so much that the fast-paced life and the huge social pressure have given birth to "hermits in the present world" such as Sebastian and Ohara, but rather that the progress of the times and the open environment have provided us with more models for life possibilities.

"Easy and Free": Young people, what's wrong with not loving work?

In this society that pursues greater efficiency, we can certainly work hard, work hard, meet the expectations of our families, and pursue so-called "success" like most strivers. But if you have spent all your efforts and found that you have only completed an ordinary life, and this "ordinary" and "ordinary" has made you fall into deep anxiety and self-blame, and you can no longer feel the joy of life, you may wish to stop for a moment, stop and think, is the life you are pursuing now, is it your heart's desire, or the false happiness?

This century has defined too many "right paths" and "good lives" for us. But as Yohji Yamamoto once said in an interview, "Modern young people, they always seem to be giving up on themselves to align themselves with most people." ”

Life is originally a red stripe without concern, and life is just a passing. And the only one who can give meaning to life is ourselves. "Life is a natural sound, and it needs to be listened to calmly." Everyone deserves a more human life, so they need to be closer to their hearts and choose the life and work they really want.

In the end, we will find that "the world is open with windows in all directions, looming in all directions and leading to its own path." ”

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