
The law of renunciation that makes your life easier and freer

author:New Yao Book

At the beginning of another year of lively Double Eleven, think about the way I had to stay up late every year to participate in college, and now I haven't paid attention to Double Eleven for several years. All this was brought to me by "Breaking Away".

The law of renunciation that makes your life easier and freer

As I get older, I feel more and more light, and a calm and unhurried life is the most comfortable and valuable state.

Hideko Yamashita wrote in "Breaking Away":

The most effective way to make life happy is to throw away the "unwanted, inappropriate, uncomfortable" things.

Hideko Yamashita, through yoga, penetrated the practice philosophy of letting go of the obsession in her heart, "breaking the line, abandoning the line, leaving the line", and then based on this concept, wrote a new decortical technique of personal practice, "Breaking the Separation".

We can start from the cleaning up of the daily home environment, slowly change the inherent consciousness, get rid of material desires and obsessions, and live a free and comfortable life.

The law of renunciation that makes your life easier and freer

First, break the line: cut off the things that are never needed

Most of the troubles in life come from "can't put it down, can't think about it, can't see through it, can't forget it." ”

We often can't let go of our attachment to the past, and we are often worried about what might happen in the future. We always hoarded too much until the house was packed.

In fact, the past has been settled, the future is still unresolved, why not look at the present, live in the present!

In fact, a person does not need anyone to make friends, some people, will only consume your life, waste your feelings, and finally drag you into the abyss. Life, meeting a partner who accompanies a lifetime, deeply making two or three confidants with two ribs and knives is enough.

Don't think that the bigger the circle, the wider your life, only learn to purify your circle and keep worthy people, is the best life.

The law of renunciation that makes your life easier and freer

Second, give up: give up excess waste

Mr. Lin Yutang said: "Wise abandonment is better than blind attachment." ”

In life, the vast majority of things are insignificant, and those that can really be used are often only a few.

Throughout his life, Jobs pursued minimalism: less is more, less is more.

The furniture in his home was extremely simple, and the room left only 3 necessities, a table lamp, a chair and a bed, and nothing else.

He dressed the same way himself, and every year Jobs attended apple releases, he wore a simple black T-shirt and blue jeans every time.

Reducing unnecessary material desires in life and kicking out the useless parts of life can cultivate the truly useful parts to the extreme.

If a person wants too many things, the desire is infinite, and it will only be difficult to fill. If you have been stuck in the pursuit of materials, it is easy to lose yourself.

Therefore, reducing the demand for materials is what we should do. As the saying goes: contentment and happiness, living in the mud of desire, how can you have happiness?

The law of renunciation that makes your life easier and freer

Third, leave the line: get rid of the fascination with objects

Break away from the fascination with objects, with desires, with others, and return to yourself.

If a person lives in someone else's world, he cannot be his own.

People with a flattering personality tend to aggrieved themselves and suppress themselves, and over time they will be deeply troubled by depression.

Only when you begin to follow your heart can you be a better version of yourself.

The law of renunciation that makes your life easier and freer

Write to the end

The Tao Te Ching says: "The beginning of all things, the road to simplicity." ”

In this materialistic age, most people are used to adding to life. In fact, life should be a practice of simplifying complexity, so why not do subtraction for yourself?

Cut off the powerless things, abandon relationships that are too laborious, and stay away from emotionally draining objects.

Learn to break away, life begins to see the clouds, see open, let go, follow the heart of the renunciation is the top self-discipline in life.

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