
Teach you a different way to make lollipop chicken, the method is simple, the dish is salty and slightly spicy, refreshing and delicious

author:Kittens love the kitchen

Hi @Hello everyone! I am the kitten of "Kitten Loves Kitchen", and today I met you again to share life, share food, and share happiness! Today's kitten brings you a famous dish that we Sichuanese love to eat: "lollipop chicken", which is a special existence in the cuisine. It is a cold dish in meat, and it is natural to use it in summer to serve wine and appetizers. It's also pretty awesome to use it for dinner!

Teach you a different way to make lollipop chicken, the method is simple, the dish is salty and slightly spicy, refreshing and delicious

Lollipop chicken is also called "Jiading lollipop chicken" and "Leshan lollipop chicken". This dish originated from Hanyang Dam in Leshan, and is now Hanyang Town, Qingshen County, Meishan City. Take the fine breed of Hanyang chicken, cook it, and then use a wooden stick to beat the chicken and eat it. Lollipop chicken is a Sichuan specialty. It belongs to the cold dish in Sichuan cuisine, the main ingredient is chicken, and its taste is numb, spicy, sour, sweet, fresh, salty, and fragrant.

Teach you a different way to make lollipop chicken, the method is simple, the dish is salty and slightly spicy, refreshing and delicious

The key to the "lollipop chicken" is actually in the sauce. Spicy taste is essential, of course, if the bottom is a bowl of hot and spicy red oil, in order to be considered solid, in fact, the earliest heard of lollipop chicken, only think that this name is really cute, the taste must be great! But really, the origin of this name has nothing to do with the taste. The lollipop chicken I made today did not use the whole chicken, and considering the operability of everyone at home, I changed it to chicken breast. After careful beating with my family's ancestral rolling pin and accompanied by a secret sauce, the flavor type belongs to the "strange taste", which is a particularly delicious dish. Well, a little bit more, the following introduction to the production method.

Teach you a different way to make lollipop chicken, the method is simple, the dish is salty and slightly spicy, refreshing and delicious

——【Strange Stick Chicken】——

【Ingredients】: 1 large piece of chicken breast, 1 lettuce

【Cooking Seasoning】: Green onion knots, ginger slices, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, a few dried peppers, a dozen peppercorns, 1 large ingredient

【Secret Seasoning】: 3-4 cloves of garlic, 1 spoon of sesame paste, 1 tsp of millet spicy, 1 tsp of cooked white sesame seeds, 1 spoon of salt, 1 spoon of chicken essence, 1 tsp of sugar, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of aged vinegar, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 2 spoons of red oil, 3 tablespoons of soup for boiled chicken breasts

——Production methods and steps——

【Step 1】: Put the chicken breast in a cold underwater pot, add the chopped green onion and ginger slices, dried chili peppers, a dozen peppercorns, 1 large ingredient, then put in a spoonful of cooking wine, heat high to skim off the foam, cover and cook on low heat for 8 minutes, simmer for 10 minutes, cook the chicken breast.

Teach you a different way to make lollipop chicken, the method is simple, the dish is salty and slightly spicy, refreshing and delicious

【Step 2】: The chicken breast is fully cooked, fish out the chicken and let it cool, and keep the chicken soup without losing it.

Teach you a different way to make lollipop chicken, the method is simple, the dish is salty and slightly spicy, refreshing and delicious

【Step 3】: Peel and clean the lettuce, then use a knife to cut into strips and put it into water, put a spoonful of salt and soak for 10 minutes, after soaking in salted water, the lettuce slices will become crisp and refreshing, and the color is emerald green and beautiful.

Teach you a different way to make lollipop chicken, the method is simple, the dish is salty and slightly spicy, refreshing and delicious

【Step 3】: Fish out the soaked lettuce, drain the water and put it on the plate for later.

Teach you a different way to make lollipop chicken, the method is simple, the dish is salty and slightly spicy, refreshing and delicious

【Step 4】: Garlic pat minced into minced garlic, millet spicy also cut into minced together into a small bowl, at the same time put in 1 spoon of sesame paste, 1 small spoon of cooked white sesame seeds, 1 spoon of salt, 1 small spoon of sugar, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of aged vinegar, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 2 spoons of red oil, 3 tablespoons of boiled chicken breast soup, stir evenly into the "strange taste" sauce.

Teach you a different way to make lollipop chicken, the method is simple, the dish is salty and slightly spicy, refreshing and delicious

【Step 4】: The cool chicken breast is gently and forcefully knocked out with a rolling pin, and the meat will be naturally divided into silk according to the texture with the beating, this step is the key to the lollipop chicken, do not omit it.

Teach you a different way to make lollipop chicken, the method is simple, the dish is salty and slightly spicy, refreshing and delicious

【Step 5】: Shake the chicken shreds that are knocked out and scattered by hand, if you feel that the silk is not thin enough, you can tear it by hand.

Teach you a different way to make lollipop chicken, the method is simple, the dish is salty and slightly spicy, refreshing and delicious

【Step 6】: Lay the chicken shredded flat on the lettuce, and finally pour the seasoning sauce on the chicken shreds to make a dish, and when you eat it, you will be OK!

Teach you a different way to make lollipop chicken, the method is simple, the dish is salty and slightly spicy, refreshing and delicious

——Cooking Tips——

This delicious summer cold mix dish "strange taste stick stick chicken" we are ready, the taste is numb, spicy, sour, sweet, fresh, salty, fragrant, especially refreshing and delicious, in the summer we use it to drink wine is quite good! Have you learned? If you like it, you can try it yourself when you go home, that is, pay attention to some details when making it.

(1) Chicken breast is best to choose fresh chicken breast, this chicken breast meat is good quality, elastic, made to taste good. Don't cook too old when the chicken breast is cooked, too old is not delicious, boil for 8 minutes, simmer for 10 minutes is almost the same.

(2) After the chicken breast is cooked, it must be beaten and spread out with a rolling pin, which is an important step and is the key to ensuring that the taste of the chicken breast is not woody.

(3) Knock the chicken breast but do not use too much force, prevent the chicken breast from being knocked to pieces, use a little less force, slowly knock the chicken breast and spread it, if it is too thick, tear it open by hand.

(4) Lettuce is directly soaked in salt water, do not use blanched water, blanching water will lose nutrients, and the taste is not good. Lettuce soaked in brine has a crisp texture and a beautiful emerald green color, while adding flavor in advance.

(5) The practice of red oil is on the line for daily household use, and supermarkets also have finished products that can be bought.

(6) The strange taste of this dish is in the tahini, so this is indispensable.

The above content is the "weird stick chicken" method that I shared with you, I hope it will be helpful to you today and I will share it with you here. Welcome everyone to pay attention, I will update you every day on food practices and tips, if you have any comments or suggestions you can comment and interact with me below, Kitten is very grateful, if you like kitten sharing, just forward + favorite + like support it! Every one of your likes is the motivation for the kitten to continue to work hard! Thanks for the support, thanks for the company! We'll see you tomorrow!

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