
It is convenient to be able to open bids online without meeting

author:New newspaper financial media

Henan Science and Technology Daily reporter Ding Zhiguang correspondent Xu Shu

"In the past, when we bid, the procedure was complicated, we needed to print a lot of bidding materials, and we also got to the site, which was time-consuming, laborious and expensive. Now, all the bidding materials can be done in one net, people do not have to go to the scene, on the Internet can 'not meet' to open bids, really convenient! On October 20, at the Huaxian Public Resources Trading Center, Mr. Liu, the person in charge of the bidding work of a company, said with satisfaction.

In recent years, Huaxian Public Resources Trading Center has adhered to the "Internet + transaction" as the carrier, taken the initiative to dig deep into service needs, continued to optimize service methods, built an online virtual bid opening hall and a full "no meeting" platform, realized the transformation of enterprises from "more running roads" to "zero running errands", and effectively created a good business environment for market players and made the service environment more superior.

- "Don't meet" bid opening. During the epidemic period, the center turned the "crisis" into an "opportunity", and after multi-party testing, successfully completed the opening of the first "no meeting" project in July 2020. At present, the center has implemented the normalized "no meeting and opening bids" model, which has greatly facilitated the masses. "Download the bidding documents on the trading platform to participate in the bidding, there is no need to print paper bids, and there is no need to go to Huaxian to participate in the bidding, you can complete the bidding through the online, and truly open up the paperless and the last mile of the whole process of 'no meeting'." Wang Lin, deputy director of the center, said proudly.

- "Don't meet" expert draws. In the selection of bid evaluation experts, the center has an expert extraction room, before the sampling, the trading center terminal operators, bidder representatives, and supervision department representatives participating in the expert sampling, the communication tools are stored in the password file cabinet, and the terminal operators are randomly selected in the henan provincial comprehensive bid evaluation expert database, and the entire extraction process is in a top-secret state. After the experts arrive and enter the bid evaluation room, the relevant personnel involved in the expert selection can leave the closed waiting area, effectively cutting off the contact between the parties and the bid evaluation experts. "The extraction of experts without meeting further reduces the interference of human factors, effectively prevents 'black box operations', better protects the independence and impartiality of the review, and ensures the safe, normal and orderly conduct of trading activities." Xu Wei, deputy director of the bidding center of the Huaxian Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, said.

- "Do not meet" the deposit is refunded. In response to the problem of low efficiency of margin return, in September 2021, the center launched the automatic deposit refund function module, which effectively revitalized the capital flow of enterprises. After the bidding results of the project are announced, the bidding deposit will be refunded to its account within 1 working day, realizing the electronic standardization of the deposit collection and refund. "More convenient, faster and more intimate." The launch of the module has been praised by bidders.

"The establishment of a full'no-meet' electronic trading platform is an important measure to implement smart trading and promote the reform of public resource trading, which can promote the sunny operation of public resource trading, prevent integrity risks, and curb transaction corruption." Lv Weijie, head of the center, said, "In the next step, the center will continue to improve the 'no meeting' transaction application system, strive to promote the efficient and standardized allocation of various public resources, promote the continuous optimization and improvement of the business environment in Huaxian County, and help the high-quality development of the county economy." ”

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