
Will summer school be the "last madness"? Five questions about how the off-campus training market can truly return to the original intention of education

author:Xinmin Evening News
Will summer school be the "last madness"? Five questions about how the off-campus training market can truly return to the original intention of education

It has been half a month since the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Further Reducing the Homework Burden and Off-campus Training Burden of Students in the Compulsory Education Stage," and the social response has been quite positive.

Repair the normal ecology of education destroyed by the virtual fire and chaotic education and training market, and let the training institutions with a large scale return to the original intention of education with satisfaction, what other inherent concepts should be broken? What other cures need to be improved?

A question: Is summer school the "last madness"?

The son of Mr. Cheng, a parent, chose to attend classes at a training institution in Shanghai Global Harbor during the summer vacation. "Classes are held every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with three classes in English, each lasting about two hours," he said. Our family was picked up by my grandfather, and at lunch I helped the two of them to order takeout and change the pattern every day. When the child is in class, grandpa sits in the parents' rest area to look at the mobile phone or close his eyes to recuperate. We applied for the second class of the summer vacation, and since the beginning of August, the tuition fee for the three courses has only been more than 700 yuan. There is also a monthly tuition fee of 199 yuan in English. In fact, parents know that this is the 'fishing price', and the summer vacation is cheap enough to be rooted, just to "hang" the child to apply for the class after the school starts. ”

Just a few days before the central government issued the document, Mr. Li, a citizen, had just put 240,000 yuan into an institution, starting from the summer vacation until the college entrance examination next year, and the son of the third year of high school had to make up for three main courses in English every weekend, and the class for one day was 2400 yuan. Mr. Li said that the new policy has come down, and he does not know whether the tuition fees that have been paid can be refunded, but he is worried that after the closure of the institution, the children will have no place to make up for the classes.

"The Shanghai agency has not yet received a notice of all closures, that is, the typhoon stopped for two days a few days ago. But we also know that July and August this year could be our 'last summer vacation'. The responsible teacher of an institution on Tianshan Road told reporters that they have taken off the line of all the store classes after September, but the summer vacation classes have not been "closed".

Hu Chunhua, executive principal of Shanghai Vanke Experimental Primary School, said that institutions are generally keen to engage in continuous "infinite elevation" and "sea tactics", which violates the laws of children's cognitive development and places a heavy burden on adolescents and children who are developing physically and mentally. I hope that this summer vacation will really become the "last madness" of the institution, and after the "double reduction" policy is fully promoted, it will truly educate a green ecology.

Second question: Will a quick statement be insincere?

The "big guys" in the education and training market have expressed their support for the central government's decision-making at the first time. New Oriental issued a written announcement, saying that it will strictly implement the relevant regulations in the future work, adhere to the essence of education and the original intention of educating people, follow the laws of education and the law of youth growth, and implement the fundamental task of Lide Tree. Good Future said that it is necessary to obey the overall situation of national development and strive to contribute to the cultivation of the builders and successors of the socialist cause of all-round development of morality, intellectuality, physical fitness, beauty, and labor. On the day of the issuance of the document, the China Private Education Association led more than 120 off-campus training institutions to jointly issue a proposal, proposing to profoundly understand the great significance of "double reduction", resolutely support the central decision-making and deployment, adhere to the socialist direction of running schools, and comprehensively implement the party's education policy; correctly understand the positioning of off-campus training, accelerate the transformation into a useful supplement to school education; put an end to illegal training behavior, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate interests of the masses.

For the training institutions to "change the banner of the king of the city" so quickly, some people in the street said that such "overnight determination" is either forced by helplessness or insincere; some people suspect that the institution or hidden "scheming". Wu Zunmin, a professor at the Faculty of Education of East China Normal University, believes that the intensity of the "double reduction", the strictness of the regulations, and the high specifications of the document may have exceeded the expectations of the institution, so resolutely supporting the central policy and implementing the "double reduction" requirement to the letter is the general trend of the entire off-campus training industry. Some training institutions may still have a wait-and-see mentality, want to see the wind direction again, but must make a high posture, which is also protecting themselves and avoiding becoming a typical example of "against the wind" and "against the trend", which is not conducive to their future transformation and even survival.

Three questions: Where is the road to institutional transformation?

An important point of "double subtraction" is that off-campus training institutions must be de-industrialized and return to the original intention of education. According to the reporter's understanding, a number of institutions have revealed signs of transformation in the official website publicity. Good Future's education brand "Reed English" has recently been renamed as "Reebok" and will launch a new offline learning space, covering new products such as English drama, eloquence, aesthetic education, calligraphy, puzzles, chess and so on. New Oriental is also expanding the field of art education, and some stores are still exploring courses such as calligraphy. A training institution in Shanghai recently offered to dilute discipline training and set the main direction of non-disciplinary products such as bridge and "military research camp".

"What is the reason why the state is trying to rectify this industry with such great efforts?" This is something that training institutions must reflect on before they transform. Song Hui, vice president of the Shanghai Private Education Association and founder and chairman of Junxue Education, said that the transformation of institutions must be "stable". First of all, we must stabilize the basic disk, after all, the education and training institutions are self-responsible for their own profits and losses, and when encountering major turns, we must first stabilize the team, in the education and training industry, the flow of the team will inevitably bring about the flow of students. Secondly, it is necessary to stabilize the basic business, strictly prohibit the institution double rest day and winter and summer vacation to start classes, practitioners should think about how to do in order to meet the needs of the country's policies, Monday to Friday, if the training is carried out in the evening, the institution should focus on helping to review the school homework of the day, for students to do a good job of checking the shortcomings and filling in the gaps, not ahead of the program teaching and engaging in "sea tactics". Schools are the main force of teaching, and institutions only play an auxiliary role in teaching, which is a win-win situation.

Four questions: Will "edge ball" become more and more outrageous?

Although the "double reduction" policy is called "the strictest in history", it is afraid that the institution will play a "edge ball". Xiong Bingqi, vice president of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, said that if the demand for points is unchanged, the institution may go underground.

First, change the "forbidden supplement" on weekends to "1 to 1" personal training. Mr. Li, a citizen, said that his son is going to go to the third year of high school, the grades are not slipping in the autumn, it is impossible to make up classes on weekends, if the institution is closed on weekends, it can only find a "1 to 1" personal trainer, and the price will definitely be very "hot". Just to see the needs of customers like Mr. Li's family, a training institution in Shanghai launched a "VIP escort hosting", on the weekend to carry out "1 to 1 service", 4 hours charge 900 yuan to 1000 yuan, different grades will have differences.

Second, online online classes preempt the evening time. Recently, parents have received a notice from the institution that the online classes that were originally planned to be placed on the weekend after the start of the school year have now been changed to 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the middle of the week, and the weekend is the "course playback" period. Such a "big shift" of the class schedule neither circumvents the "no-make order" on weekends and holidays, nor does it violate the rule that after-school tuition in midweek should not exceed 9 o'clock per night.

Third, give discipline training a replacement "vest". A passage is circulating on the Internet: "Language is renamed Sinology Literacy, Mathematics is renamed Logical Thinking, English is renamed European and American Literature, Physics is renamed Lattice Zhizhi, Chemistry is renamed Material Change, Science is renamed Nature Exploration, Politics is renamed Social Cognition, History is renamed Humanistic Literacy, Geography is renamed Earth Exploration, and Biology is renamed Life Science." Some parents joked: "Will math teachers teach physical education in the institution in the future?" English teacher teaching drawing? ”

Xiong Bingqi believes that whether the rectification and supervision of off-campus discipline training can be truly effective depends on the implementation of other supporting measures. If schools are unable to provide high-quality after-school and custodial services, off-campus training may turn into parents asking for personal training and moving to underground operations. The "head mechanism" may no longer exist, but the small workshop-like institution will spread, which is a new problem that must be confronted.

Five questions: How to solve the "just need" to fill in the gaps?

As long as there is school education, there will inevitably be the existence of "excellent students" and "poor students". A principal of a public high-quality junior high school in Shanghai said that because of the right enrollment, in fact, the difference in student sources is still quite large, and a very small number of students must belong to the class teaching "poor teaching", pushing them to the off-campus make-up class is basically useless, and in the end, the school teachers still need to pull a hand, hold a hand, and make up for their academic deficiencies.

Wu Zunmin proposed that students' off-campus tuition should be combined with unblocking. The Ministry of Education has clarified the "5 + 2" model, that is, two hours of after-school services 5 days a week, the end time should be docked with the normal local off-hours, and after-school services will achieve full coverage of compulsory education schools this fall. At the same time, policy measures such as the development of summer care are intended to meet the actual needs of some families and further reduce the cost of family education. In addition, the policy also clearly requires "vigorously improving the quality of education and teaching to ensure that students learn well in school", which is not only to strictly regulate off-campus training, but also to promote the improvement of the quality of teaching in schools and meet the needs of students' academic development.

Wang Conglian, principal of Jincaiwai Chinese Middle School, said: "There is a popular saying in our school, called 'whose child is held', which means that every teacher must be responsible for the student's academic performance and all-round development to the end. Every day, the school will organize teachers to use the time of after-school extended services to give students voluntary counseling, which subject is poor to make up for which subject, and will also give some students peiyou tutoring twice a week, so that they can fully develop their personality strengths in their own strong subject areas. Wang Conglian also solemnly said that the school should adhere to a concept, and parents should also firmly believe in this concept, that is, the compulsory education school itself bears the heavy responsibility of improving the students' academic excellence and making up for the difference, and cannot be partial to the "flickering" of the external education and training institutions.

Wang Wei, chief reporter of Xinmin Evening News

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