
The final madness of late autumn turtle fishing

author:Ah Kun loves fishing

Late autumn and even the weather turned cool and to the season of sticking autumn fat, the angler to supplement the body turtle for the choice, the weather becomes cool turtle is not good to fish, how to fish, the following with you to share with you the late autumn season fishing skills.

The final madness of late autumn turtle fishing

October is about to hibernate, and the amount of food eaten in the last month or so will reach its peak is the best season for turtle fishing, and the fishing method is still to use pork liver to put turtle forks and other fishing. The selection of seats should be different in the summer, the current season should give up the shallow water at the head of the river to choose the large waters to avoid the wind and the sun, the mud bank is the best because now the turtle has found a good winter place, the choice of a good place can be said to be very important.

In the next hook time, choose to go out at 1 p.m. to fish for about 3 hours to close the hook, every time I go out, I will take about 20 ground inserts, and recently I can basically harvest 3 to 5 wild turtles every time. I feel that the choice to cool down 2 days before the release of fishing, the best effect is very easy to burst protection, the current season every week to eat a turtle on the male compatriots kidneys is quite beneficial, soup into angelica, saffron goji berries, pot into the refrigerator to eat turtle jelly is also very good, I hope that everyone after reading the daily burst protection.

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