
Tianfu famous snack - brown sugar rice dumplings

author:Fat and skinny food safety circle

Sichuan, Guanzhong Left Kunhan, Right Longshu, Woye Qianli, this so-called Golden City Qianli, the kingdom of Tianfu! It has thousands of rare plants, dozens of mineral resources, the former has the care of Dujiangyan, and then there is the Siguniang Mountain as the backbone; Longquan Mountain is like a dragon, Qingcheng Mountain is immortal, Mount Emei asked, Gongga Mountain is called king!

The country of Tianfu is not only beautiful in scenery, but also in history and culture! In this land, nature, humanities, and social customs depend on each other; beautiful scenery and delicacies are even more unforgettable; from all kinds of small noodles to scribes, dumplings, from pickled delicacies to cold mixed cold food, from pan fried preserves to pastry soups, there are many varieties, such as noodles and famous snacks Dan Dan noodles, Song sister-in-law noodles, Zhong Shui dumplings, dragon scribes, etc.; today, to recommend to you is a Famous Snack of Tianfu, which can be used as a snack, but also as a complementary food or breakfast, as long as you like, how you want to eat, how you eat, it is - brown sugar fin dumplings;

In the first step, we prepare relevant ingredients, 250g of glutinous rice flour, 100g of brown sugar, 200g of soybean flour, and 250g of oil;

Tianfu famous snack - brown sugar rice dumplings

In the second step, put the glutinous rice flour into a bowl and add boiling water;

Tianfu famous snack - brown sugar rice dumplings

In the third step, the glutinous rice flour is stirred into a flocculent form and then the dough is formed;

Tianfu famous snack - brown sugar rice dumplings

In the fourth step, divide the dough into small portions and roll into long strips;

Tianfu famous snack - brown sugar rice dumplings

In the fifth step, add the brown sugar to the water, boil it into a syrup under the pot and set aside;

Tianfu famous snack - brown sugar rice dumplings

Step 6, add oil in the pot;

Tianfu famous snack - brown sugar rice dumplings

In the seventh step, fry over low heat until swollen and golden brown, then fish out and plate;

Tianfu famous snack - brown sugar rice dumplings

Step 8: Sprinkle with soybean flour and drizzle with brown syrup;

Tianfu famous snack - brown sugar rice dumplings

Bells, bells, bells, bells, QQ bullets can also be brushed brown sugar rice dumplings on the production of Oh, hurry up and take out a piece to taste it, is it particularly delicious? Not only delicious, but also nutritious Oh, remember Ma Ma said, brown sugar rice can not only supplement the energy needed by the human body, but also improve human immunity, especially for women have different care for it!

Finally, through the query of Du Niang, some of the effects and functions of brown sugar sticks and raw materials will be shared with you (the following is excerpted from Baidu APP)

Efficacy and function of fin rice

1, fin rice mild tonic, for qi deficiency, anemia stomach is not good, often sweating people, fin rice has the effect of tonifying blood, beneficial qi and blood, strengthening the stomach and spleen, antiperspiration.

2, fin rice can strengthen the stomach and spleen, for the spleen deficiency caused by nausea has a certain effect, loss of appetite or pregnancy caused by the pain of the lower abdomen, can be through the consumption of fin rice to do dietary conditioning.

Soybean flour efficacy and function

1. Improve lipid metabolism: soybean powder can effectively reduce the high cholesterol caused by eating meat, and it is also good for improving lipid metabolism. Regular consumption of soybean flour can play a role in preventing and treating coronary artery hardening and Alzheimer's disease.

2, health care: soybean powder can effectively supplement the human body protein, for promoting the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, strengthen the body's tissues and organs are very helpful.

3, auxiliary antihypertensive: soybean powder nutritional value is very high, appropriate consumption can promote human metabolism, auxiliary antihypertensive.

4. Protect blood vessels: soybean powder can maintain the normal function of cells, reduce serum cholesterol, reduce blood viscosity, improve blood microcirculation, enhance the elasticity of blood vessel walls, protect blood vessels, and prevent arteriosclerosis.

5, healthy spleen accumulation: soybean into the spleen meridian, has a healthy spleen to eliminate accumulation, wide in the qi effect, therefore, soybean powder for eating less accumulation of food, chancre diarrhea, bloating and thinning and other symptoms have a role in alleviating.

Brown sugar efficacy effect

1, warm spleen and stomach: brown sugar water can drive away the cold and keep warm, warm the spleen and stomach, moderate drinking can achieve the effect of activating blood stasis and relieving muscles.

2, qi and blood: brown sugar is a common medicine in gynecology, brown sugar can supplement the raw materials of the body's metabolism, supplement energy; brown sugar is rich in iron and folic acid, which can improve anemia, promote hematopoiesis, expand blood volume, is an important nutrient for the human body; pregnant women consume brown sugar water after childbirth, but also play a role in activating blood stasis, can help regulate the uterus, discharge uterine lochia, regulate qi and blood, diuresis. Women with menstrual dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation can also drink brown sugar water to relieve pain.

3, health care: brown sugar is very suitable for physical weakness, the beginning of serious illness, pregnant women and the elderly to eat, its nutrients are rich, can supplement the body's vitamins and electrolytes, can regulate the concentration of various substances in the tissue fluid, promote the body's metabolism, discharge of toxins in the body, help regulate people's qi, increase appetite.

4, beauty skin care: brown sugar is rich in amino acids, fiber, vitamins and other antioxidant substances, can scavenge free radicals, promote skin cells for stable metabolism, inhibit melanin production, keep skin elastic and smooth, delay aging, fade melanin.

5, deficiency: brown sugar's deficiency effect benefits from its rich sugars, including fructose and glucose, which are important substances for the body to supplement energy, so brown sugar can improve physical weakness and strengthen the body.

6, sterilization: brown sugar has a certain bactericidal effect, mild taste is not greasy, can clear the lungs and cough, suitable for gastric ulcers and bronchitis, chronic gastritis disease treatment.

Well, this issue of food sharing is here, thank you for your attention and reading, and please like this issue of friends remember to like Oh!

Fat and lean food circle, food to meet!

Text: Muzimu

Original: Fat Skinny Food Circle

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