
Crispy and crispy fried chicken, which is tender on the outside, it is not difficult to make at all! Grab it off on the table

author:Hot Daddy Cafeteria

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At the end of each article, there are dry goods, tips and tricks to summarize and share! Stay tuned for the super summary at the end!

Crispy and crispy fried chicken, which is tender on the outside, it is not difficult to make at all! Grab it off on the table

When fried chicken is mentioned, people who love fried goods drool. There are many ways to fry chicken, including American fried chicken, Korean fried chicken, Thai fried chicken, Japanese fried chicken, Cantonese fried chicken and many other methods. The characteristic is that the outside is tender and tender, fresh and delicious!

The raw materials used as fried chicken are generally chicken legs, chicken wing roots, chicken wings, chicken wings, and chicken breasts. Our family mostly uses chicken wing root or chicken breast to make fried chicken.

My family's big treasure loves meat, and every time the fried chicken will not be left. I usually use chicken wing root to make it because the chicken thighs are too big to be fried easily. Chicken wing roots are just the right size and are easy to taste.

Let's make this crispy fried chicken with a crispy outer and tender inside!

【Ingredients】: Chicken wing root (chicken thigh)


【Specific method】:

1. Clean the chicken wing root and use a knife to hit the flower knife to facilitate the taste.

Crispy and crispy fried chicken, which is tender on the outside, it is not difficult to make at all! Grab it off on the table

2: Add ginger slices, salt, sugar, five-spice powder, cooking wine, soy sauce, grasp and marinate for half an hour.

Crispy and crispy fried chicken, which is tender on the outside, it is not difficult to make at all! Grab it off on the table

3: Prepare the breadcrumbs, flour and an egg.

Crispy and crispy fried chicken, which is tender on the outside, it is not difficult to make at all! Grab it off on the table

4: Beat the eggs into egg mixture.

Crispy and crispy fried chicken, which is tender on the outside, it is not difficult to make at all! Grab it off on the table

5: Roll the chicken wing root in flour and wrap well. Then put it in the egg mixture and roll it, and also wrap it in the egg liquid. Finally, roll it in the breadcrumbs, again wrapped and evenly wrapped.

Crispy and crispy fried chicken, which is tender on the outside, it is not difficult to make at all! Grab it off on the table
Crispy and crispy fried chicken, which is tender on the outside, it is not difficult to make at all! Grab it off on the table
Crispy and crispy fried chicken, which is tender on the outside, it is not difficult to make at all! Grab it off on the table

6: Then immediately put in the frying pan and fry slowly over medium-low heat. Do not fry on high fire, it is easy to fry the outside and the inside is not cooked. Until fried to a golden brown. Then fish it out and fry it again. Remove the plate.

Crispy and crispy fried chicken, which is tender on the outside, it is not difficult to make at all! Grab it off on the table
Crispy and crispy fried chicken, which is tender on the outside, it is not difficult to make at all! Grab it off on the table

Crispy fried chicken with a tender outer charred skin is ready!

Crispy and crispy fried chicken, which is tender on the outside, it is not difficult to make at all! Grab it off on the table

No time to marinate, click on the link below to pick up the big brand's delicious fried chicken! The event promotion is very cost-effective!

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Huge delicious fried chicken, juhui big promotion! ¥1.99 To buy

Summary of the main points of crispy fried chicken:

1, chicken wing root must be scraped a few more knives, not only easy to taste, but also easy to fry through. Of course, chicken wings or chicken breasts can be used.

2, when frying, be sure to fry slowly over medium-low heat, otherwise it will be pasted on the outside and not cooked inside.

3, finally fished out, re-hot oil re-fried again in order to eat more crispy. It is also okay not to be afraid of trouble.

Well, that's a summary of the main points of crispy fried chicken. Code words are not easy, and the contribution is all dry goods hard goods, you officials, move your little hand to point a thumbs up! Welcome to favorite, forward! Thank you!

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Hello everyone! I am the owner of the Spicy Daddy Canteen, a national-level professional appraisal evaluator, and a Chinese food judge. She loves Chinese food and is good at making the best taste of ordinary ingredients. I will keep updating every day and share more home cooking with everyone. Also welcome to my homepage, pictures and videos are updated every day, I hope to find what you like in the big canteen. Thank you for your attention and support, and thank you very much! Disclaimer, this graphic work is the original of the Spicy Daddy Canteen, and it is forbidden to carry and steal pictures from bad self-media.