
The Biography of WuSheng Wang: Documentary Historical Novel Part 1 Chapter 23 The God of Pinshan

author:Wang Genquan lectures on book genealogy

Wusheng Wang Zhao Biography: Written by Wang Genquan

A history of the Spring and Autumn Warring States,

A history of the civilization of the Great Qin Empire,

A family history of the king.

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Carry forward the Chinese tradition, carry forward the essence of culture and nationality!

The first Wang Qi family

Chapter Twenty-Three: The God of The Frequent Mountains

Pinshan made Wang Qi, and Wang Qi deified Pinshan. Pinshan gave birth to many wang generals, who all built miraculous feats in the Chinese unification war, so Pinshan was praised as the General Mountain. Qin Shi Huang unified China, the six kingdoms of Pinghan, Zhao, Yan, Wei, Chu and Qi, yiwu and Yue, and The five kingdoms of Zhao, Yan, Wei, Chu and Qi, and Yiwu and Yue. Pinyang Wang Qi , one family, two marshals, three generations, four generals, five marquises. The people revered Wang Qi as the Martial Saint of China, and the royal edict named Wang Qi as the god of Pinshan.

Pinshan Mountain, located at the junction of present-day Yaozhou District and Fuping County. The Ming "Yaozhou Chronicle" records: "General Mountain, Wang Qi Ancestral Hall is in Yan. "Wang Qi is the god of Pinshan, and the temple is located at the top of Pinshan. Wang Zhai temple, giant cypress green, lush.

The mountain is not high, and the immortal is named. The water is not deep, there are dragons and spirits. For more than 2,000 years, Pinshan Mountain has been famous far and wide, and the Wang Zhai Temple is full of incense. Chinese martial artists, not far away thousands of miles to pinshan mountain, pilgrimage to incense. The people of all directions worship and worship, and the sacrifices continue. Ordinary vegetarian pilgrims are crowded, coinciding with the tenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar on the day of Wang Qi's birthday, and the mountains are full of people. The drama is very lively. For more than 2,000 years, the temple of Wang Qi collapsed and repaired, and I don't know the number of calendars. During the Song Dynasty, the roof of the temple was overturned by the strong wind, and the floating mats on the rafters blew down the mountain. The villagers of Pinyang regarded the floating mat as the will of the gods, and built another temple at the place where the mat fell, and recreated the statue of Wang Qi, which was the Temple of The General of Jiulongyu.

Pinshan is famous for Wang Qi, and there are many beautiful legends. On the mountain ridge three miles from the front of the mountain, there are the hoof prints of Wang Qi's mount and the sword stake of Wang Qi's sword. To the right, there is a Wang Qi quenching sword pond on the mountainside. The water was gushing and clanging. Climb another rough path, there is a flat ground, lying across a boulder, with a platform several inches wide. This is the son of the Wang family and the "Ghost Valley" disciple Pin Shan performing martial arts, talking about the military and discussing the front, crossing the line, calculating the long and short, and pointing out the martial arts stage of the jiangshan.

In addition to being enshrined as a general mountain, people also gave Pinshan a number of good names. The mountains are stacked with mountains, ravines, rocks, and bright moons and clouds. People think of Wang Qi's martial virtue, so they call Pinshan Mountain Mingyue Mountain. The ancient cypress of the pinnacle mountains is towering in the sky, the forest is green, and the shape is like a picture screen, like an arch obstacle. People thought of the martial arts of Wang Qi's father and son and the establishment of the Great Qin Empire, and sent a beautiful name to Pinshan called Jinping Mountain. Pinshan is majestic and towering like a cloud, reaching out to the nine peaks of Pinyang, like nine dragons. People think of the conquest of the Qin King sweeping Liuhe, many wang family generals, Jinge iron horses, swallowed thousands of miles, and gave Pinshan a mighty name called Jiulong Mountain.


WuSheng Wang Qi, the god of the frequent mountains.

Martial arts are the best in the world, and martial arts are extraordinary.

The green mountains are not old, and the fanghua will last forever.

Welfare floods, help all people.

The poetic texts of Yimei Pinshan and the god of Pinshan are mostly scattered due to their age. Stone inscriptions, it is difficult to collect. Only some of them are included to feed the reader.

Wang Qi Ancestral Hall

Author: Yang Jue


The Three Qin Cheng Emperors had made brilliant achievements in the human world

The Six Kingdoms emperor Ming Weixun is famous all over the world


The founding of the founding of the country allowed Yimei to be a hero of the cause of the three Qins

Mingzhe protected himself as a good field Confucian will be a higher generation

Yang Jue: Zi Boxiu, Hushan, a native of Fuping, Shaanxi Province. Born in 1493, died in 1549, at the age of fifty-seven. In the eighth year of Jiajing (1529), he was a jinshi (進士), who was awarded the title of Xingxing (司行行), and later served as the inspector of Shandong Province and Henan Province. On the first day of February in the twentieth year of Jiajing (1541), the sky was slightly snowy, and the university scholars Xia Yan and Libu Shangshu Yansong made praises and congratulations to please Sejong. Yang Jue praised Fei Rui as a congratulations and was outspoken. "Sejong was furious and ordered him to be tortured, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere, and he died and recovered. The emperor asked the law division to be convicted, but the emperor did not allow it, and the order was strictly restrained. The jailer, with his unpredictable intentions, screened his family, did not give food, and repeatedly died. The chief priests Zhou Tianzuo and Goshiura Wereakami were rescued and killed in prison, and since then there has been no one who dares to speak. Later, there were Liu Kui, a member of the Ministry of Works, and Zhou Yi, who were all in the same line of words and events, and they did not release them for five years. Jiajing was released from prison in August of the twenty-fourth year (1545). It took only ten days to hunt again. Jiajing was released in November of the twenty-sixth year (1547). He lived at home for two years and died on October 9, 1549, the twenty-eighth year of Jiajing. He is the author of "Zhou Yi Discernment" and "Zhongyong Solution", and "Hushan Testament" has been handed down. 20 years after Yang Jue's death, he was able to rehabilitate Zhaoxue, and Long Qingchu was posthumously awarded the title of Fengyi Dafu and Guanglu Temple Shaoqing. Wan Li posthumously pursued the title of "Zhongsuke" and ordered the provinces, prefectures, prefectures, and counties to build shrines for him. Yang Jue and Hai Rui were contemporaries of Zheng Chen, sometimes known as "Northern Yang Nanhai". The Kangxi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty gave An inscription to Yang Jue: "Yang Zhongjie Duke Ming Dynasty Affairs, Guanxi Fuzi Qing Shi Name". Mao Zedong wrote in his commentary on the Biography of Ming Shi Yang Jue: "There is no beginning in jing.". He pointed out the common diseases that feudal emperors rarely managed to cure consistently, appreciated Yang Jue's advice and political views, and made just conclusions for Yang Jue and The Jiajing Emperor.

The Monument of the Divine Beauty of Pinshan

Author: Yang Heng

In ancient Guangdong, there was a generation of wise lords, and a generation of Ming dynasty masters must be born. The fuehrer shares the humerus, and the other must be successful.

Imitation of the history of youth, the class can be based. After Qin became strong, he relied on the Lingjiang Han and annexed the Six Kingdoms. And in the realm of Kunhan, neighbors do not dare to attack its front. When Jing Chu betrayed, Qin Jun summoned a good general; he who would choose his surname and name, had the talent to strategize and win a decisive victory. The Eastern Crusade swept away the Six Kingdoms in one fell swoop, and Qin Juncheng knew the people. If this is allowed, then the merit is full of merit, loyalty runs through the sun and the moon, and the reward cannot be opened? For this reason, the Qin Emperor conferred the title of Marquis of Meiying, Gao Qiye; the one who gave The Beauty Field a Thousand Trees, the One Who Gave It Luye; the One who Matched Huayang, Shi Qile Ye; the One Who Chose the Sun of the Frequent Mountains, and Made Him Live in It!

Marquis Liu of Fuyi, Su Mu Zhongliang, bowed down to the temple and worshiped him. Lose three or two silver, thinking that it is the capital of the new temple; cutting people to a ding, thinking that it is a plan to recruit monks. He also ordered the rich people Li Chaoguan and the layman Li Shixin to correct the people to lose capital. During the twelfth year of the Wanli Calendar, the Dingxin Temple was built, and three halls were added to the front. Although the clouds have been accomplished by everyone, liu Jun's responsibility has done a lot of work.

The spirit of the loyal martyrs is indelible throughout the ages. The former is enough to help the ancients, and the latter can also help the future; those who are up enough to settle the court can also be the people; those who hike to respect the four seas can also protect the near side. If the temple is not rebuilt, the previous achievements will not be fulfilled; if the golden stone is not relegated, Liu Jun's heart will not be mastered. And the heart of the dynasty, the new times, etc., is also deaf and deaf! Mu Zhongliang's heart, why is it white in the back of the yay! Hence the narrative.

Yang Heng: Unknown birth and death, a native of Duhu Village, Laomiao Town, Fuping County. Ming Jiajing supervised the grandson of Yushi Yangjue and the official Superintendent of the Shanglin Garden.

Pinshan Temple inscription

Destroy the Six Kingdoms, a generation of Yuan Gong.

With Hua Yang Clan, followed by Eun Ying.

It has a long history and distinct tribes.

Yun Nai wei rises, and the melon is proud.

Looking at the ancient tracking, yu yu jia city.

The leaves are hanging down, and the sound is hectic.

Written in the autumn month of 1585 (the thirteenth year of the Ming Dynasty).

Five stele of the temple of the king general

Author: Lee In-duk

General Shi Ji, a native of Dongxiang, Pinyang. My village is under the Pin Mountain. According to ancient legend, the temple god general is the god of the society, and there is also a temple on the mountain, and the temple is known as the Mei Ying Hou. When Yu was young, he read in the mountains, and those who heard the rain poured water and dragon springs, and the number of tests was like a sound, so he was also called the general as the god of the frequent mountains. According to the dozens of township temples, but the village of Wu takes July 7 as the birthday of the general, and will be a great society. The general's residence was named Qiankou, and he was buried in the east of Xianzhen, and Yongqi Zhiyun.


Frequent mountains and frequent water trees Sensen, General Dito has a hometown forest.

The broken jie has been cold with the Dan seal, and the barren platform has been stained with green huashen.

The village xia hugged the peak in the evening, and the moraine moon was born in the autumn and the ancient stream was yin.

In order to trace the Yu Tongli Society, along the Gongfu La Lie today.


The Qin Emperor laughed and talked about winning the crowd, and a generation of clan ministers made the first battle achievements.

Shiyuan Banner often enlists wild elders, and soldiers yu sword pei style wind ying.

The new big big building is in Panli, and the old one is good for the field to point to Gu Zhong.

Passers-by do not need to talk about the past robbery, the townspeople recommend the same.


The mountain spirit god blessed the head of the shrine, and there was still blood in zili.

The ancient house plug carved itself sadly, and the cloud flag flew angrily.

The first house of the will was passed on to a thousand mouths, and the five kings were listed in the pine tree.

Osawa is a valley for the mausoleum, and he seeks the holy curse of this robe.


The mountain dwelling is partial, and the beauty should be passed on as a custom.

Summer Bay West Shade Tiger Fu, Wenlei Temple left with Dragon Spring.

Thousands of beans and autumn newspapers, four wild mulberry hemp and twilight smoke.

To ask Chongzhi what the beginning of the dynasty, the village does not remember the Han and Tang dynasties.


At that time, it was not a stream flowing south, and in June, jiacheng xiaowu contained it.

Bei Que Zhu Palace moved to the sea city, carved Ge Iron Horse Hidden Mountain Lan.

Chang Yang slipped in the rain and mourned, and the old Bai MoXiao Dai color ginseng.

Do not let the cemetery invade the pastoral erection, and the Qingmen even revived the chao.

Li Yindu: Character born, trumpet Zide, a native of Hanjia Village, Xue Town, Fuping County. Born in 1631, died in 1692, at the age of 61. 8-year-old can write articles, 11-year-old into the itch, hard learning strong memorization, Bo Jiqun books, fine ancient rhymes, long in literature, especially in poetry. In the eighteenth year of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty (1679), the imperial audition was reviewed by the Hanlin Academy, and within two months, he returned to his mother and old man, and his life was never restored. He is close friends with Gu Yanwu. Fuping Li Yindu, Zhou Zhi Li Erqu, meixian Li Baishi was called "Guanzhong Sanli", a famous Guan scholar in the early Qing Dynasty. He is the author of 15 volumes of the Collected Works of The Qi Tang, 35 volumes of the Collected Poems, 10 volumes of the Commentary on Chinese Poetry, and 10 volumes of Guangzheng Yun.

Inscription General Wang Temple Stele

Author: Lu Likong

The General Temple looks like Xiao Sen, yi Yi layer Xuan out of the old forest.

Biwa Jiu flew to the mountain rain and rested, and Zhu Yong often lay in the water and clouds.

The cool breeze bell blows autumn cool, and the sunset pines into the twilight shade.

The retribution is unknown for several years, and people have spread the word that Fu Lasheng is now.

Lu Likong: Birth and death unknown, character Dongshan, present-day XueZhen, Fuping County. Genius heroic, fond of ancient poetry, not happy to enter, travel far away. Guili and Wei Ji began to read the Mingyue Temple, old and mitsuru. He is the author of "Spring Grass Hall".

Over Huayangyuan

Author: Cao Yuke

Deserted village dead tree spring, Hirano Linhuawei.

The grass was divided into horses, and at that time it was on the ground.

General Yan Beifa, frequent yang swaying.

The future is in Cuihua, and the car is singing Yaopei.

Surround the hub with red makeup and the eagle team.

From the official to the heavens, when encountered, it is given.

The soldiers are the city, and the embroidery is erected in the middle.

The iron horse is also not hoarse, and the song blows to curb the thunder.

Xiao Qi changed his hair, and Xian Zhi gave Tianmei.

Xinsu went to Qingmen and greeted his nephew in the sixth house.

Wan Hu main mansion open, A fang total magnificent.

Zu Long was suspicious, and the imperial government took it as if it were sent.

I sighed at the Guda people, who had no difficulty in dealing with the world.

The lord of the material re-examined the enemy and made a safe and secure contribution.

Du You and Shang Cai, love to kill the first taste.

The general only seeks victory, and he is deeply at peace.

Ge Kaiyun dreamed back, with a phoenix singing.

So far, Yishan Ancestral Hall, white hair Zhu Yanli.

Cigarettes sneer at Xiao Shi, empty and jade to die.

Huayang people are still seeing, and the moon is bright and the crane is coming.

Cao Yuke: Birth and death unknown, character Yu Shu, Lu Hai, Fuping County. In the sixteenth year of Qing Shunzhi (1659), he served as a jinshi in Shouzhang County, Shandong Province, and was an official to the Zhongshu Department. He is the author of "The Slow Fasting Collection".

General Mountain

Author: Li Shiyuan

General Temple on General Hill, Temple Sai General Mountain is named.

The general on the mountain is missing today, and the pine cypress in front of the temple is self-contained.

Where are the Huayang Jin tent people, the beautiful house and the good landlord are several more.

The twilight half-rock clouds are four, and Lei Yin suspects that it is the sound of drums.

Li Shiyuan: Unknown birth and death, character Xingmen, a native of Dezhou, Shandong Province. Qing Jinshi, Qianlong served for twelve years, and wrote filial piety. Officials are diligent in their administration, raising funds for waste, and the military is taking measures.

Travel to Fuping General Mountain

Author: Yu Youren

At dawn on New Year's Day in 1921 (the first day of the first lunar month), he traveled to Xianyuntai to General Fuping Mountain. The old Wang Zhai Temple in the mountain is now in ruins!

Last night did not sleep until this year, breaking dawn to find spring.

The fortress blows back to the wind and burns wildly, and the blood of the wheat field is exposed to the new caste.

The General Mountain is surrounded by spring deer, and the Shrine of the Ancestors is liturged to Han Xian.

Carrying wine on the rivers and lakes of the day, Rong Yi was trapped and mistook the gods.

Yu Youren: Born in 1879, died in 1964, died on November 11, 1964, at the age of 85. A native of Mihara County, he was a famous revolutionary, calligrapher, and poet. He studied at Hongdao College, Weijing College, Guanzhong College and Shaanxi Middle School. Later, he fled to Shanghai and Japan because of the anti-Qing Dynasty, and joined the League. He has founded Shenzhou Daily, Minwu Bao, and Democracy Daily. He successively served as the deputy minister of communications of the government of the Republic of China, the commander-in-chief of the Jingguo Army in Shaanxi, the president of Shanghai University, and the president of the procuratorate of the Kuomintang government.


Author: Li Caibai

Yu avoided chaos and lived in Fuping to Xianzhen, and it is said that the Prince of Jin went to Qin with heavy ears and used to be here. Two miles outside the east gate of the town, there is the tomb of Wang Qi.

Suddenly, the Duke of Jin came to Weishang, and Xiao Xiao wang was lying in Pingyang.

Divide the beans and cut the people haggard, and say that the intestines are broken by hanging the west wind.

Li Caibai: The word is the same as the beginning, and the master of the three halls of hope. A native of Houli Village, Sufang Town, Pucheng County. Born in 1874, died in 1941 at the age of 67. 17-year-old Zhongxiucai, tired of eight shares, light family name, coaching for many years. In 1925, he traveled to Luo, Bie, Beijing, and Tianjin, and was hired as a county magistrate, but resigned. Later, at the request of Yang Hucheng, he served as a senior senator of the Shaanxi Provincial Government. He once ran for the rescue of Zhou Zhiren, the head of the underground party in Pucheng County, the COMMUNIST Party. He is the author of "Seven Absolute Copies of The Three Halls of Hope".

Wang Qi's tomb poem

Author: Kiko Hou

On the evening of May 3, 1937, Wang Zhai, who read the history of Qin, destroyed Chu Shi. General Wang is a fellow countryman. On that day, when the Shi Huang was harsh and cruel, the general Yi Wu was able to treat him with humility, and the Shi Huang actually entrusted Chu with 600,000 soldiers. The general can end with merit, and his descendants will be passed on to all generations, and the grave will be full of floating plains! There are several old clans such as Wang Qi in Wufuyi for more than 2,000 years! A poem on the tomb of General Wang.

Several dynasties prospered and several dynasties perished, and many emperors had no end.

Today, linyuan east looking at the first look, the high tomb is still planted with descendants incense.

Ji Zi Hou: Nicknamed Yan Kun, also known as Shu Yuan, the character Jing Yi, a native of Xinhe Village, Fuping County to Xian Town. Born in 1879, died 1947 at the age of 78. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, xiucai, he devoted himself to education all his life. In his spare time, he has created more than 10 scripts and more than 600 poems, with excellent poetry.

Wang Qi

Author: Xu Wenwei

Hua Yang married to Fuping, and the male lord will have a trade-off.

In order to destroy the Six Kingdoms, General Pinyang was famous.

Xu Wenwei: A native of Shanghe Village, Laomiao Town, Fuping County, and a former member of the CppcC Committee of Fuping County. Born in 1911, died 2000 at the age of 89. He has been engaged in primary and secondary education all his life, proficient in literature and history, and good at poetry. He is the author of "Three Hundred Poems" and "Old Temple Literature and History Materials" 1-3 series.

Climb Pinnacle Mountain

Author: Hui Zhigang

On November 6, 2002, in order to collect the legend of Wang Qi, he went to Jiulong Village in Didian Township, Zhan General Temple, and climbed Mingyue Mountain (that is, Pinshan Mountain), imagining and dancing, feeling a thousand emotions, looking at Pinyang from afar, and gladly writing.

At the peak of the Peak of the Pinnacle Mountains, overlooking the Three Qins Chong Xiaohan.

The depths of Kowloon are full of aura, and the incense in the General Temple is incense.

The quenching pool book is a good story, and the hoof print sword pile recalls the year.

I want to dream of a thousand mouths in the village, as if to see The Elder weng in the field.

Written on the day of the release of the "Biography of Wang Qi"

Pinshan Duolingxiu, the first person of Wang Qi.

Four generations of loyalty, unbridled ambition.

The longitudinal horse shears the crowd, and the horizontal go-round is hectic.

Meritorious service is high and the history is clear.

Hui Zhigang: A native of Xiren Village, Zhixian Town, Fuping County, Shaanxi Province, born in October 1940. He has been teaching for 22 years, engaged in party affairs after 1980, and served as deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Fuping County CPC Committee, director of the County Civilization Office, member of the Standing Committee of the Eighth CPPCC County Committee, director of the Study Committee, and director of the Weinan Regional Ideological and Political Work Research Association. His works include: "The Fire Is Merciless and Compassionate", "The Brilliant Model of Contemporary Youth - Shao Xiaoli", "General Zhang Yi'an", "Yang Changnian and the Four Regiments of Fuping East", and "Selected Poems of Ji Zihou". He is the chief editor of the "History of Zhixian Literature" and presided over the compilation of the "Materials on the Organizational History of Fuping County, Shaanxi Province of the Communist Party of China (Volume III)".

Climb General Mountain

Author: Wang Maoyi

The Qin Emperor asked linmeiyuan and China to be unified for two thousand years.

GongCheng retired to unload his armor, and did not see the general but only the mountain.

Serving the country and serving the people bows down, knowing the advance and retreating is very heroic.

During the Duanyang season, worship the ancestors and build the hometown to raise the whip.

Wang Maoyi: A native of Changning Village, Liuqu Town, Fuping County. Born in 1949, he joined the army in 1970. After demobilization, he successively served as secretary of the Youth League Committee of Liuqu, Wang Liao, Zhao Laoyu, Meiyuan and other townships, deputy secretary of the party committee, director of the Agricultural Office of the County Family Planning Commission, deputy county governor of The People's Government of Fuping County, deputy secretary of the county party committee, and director of the Shaanxi Provincial Gaojian Highway Administration.

Pass the tomb of Wang Qi

Author: Li Wenpu

In 2002, Meng Xia, with the cultural relics inspection of the Standing Committee of the Fuping People's Congress, drove past the tomb of Wang Qi, but saw the blue sky, white clouds, green mounds, and green fields, and the feeling of admiration came out of nowhere, and it became a small poem:

Sweeping liuhe jian qigong, the great cause is brilliantly famous.

The earth-shattering drum marched far away, and the moon knife bow cleared the frost.

Tiger Guiping knows the advance and retreat, and Ma Yue is at the right time.

Today, the general's tomb passed, and I still felt the majestic wind rising in the four fields.

Li Wenpu: Born in 1946, a native of Hejiayuan, a village in Fu plain village. He is a member of the Shaanxi Writers Association and the Standing Committee of the 14th People's Congress of Fuping County. From 1995 to 2002, he served as the director of the Fuping County Library and Cultural Center, and authored the "Collection of Literary and Artistic Works of Li Wenpu".

Wang Qizan

Author: Wang You

Wang Qi destroyed the Six Kingdoms in a rage, and the good story was circulated for two thousand years.

The Qin Emperor gave a feast and celebration, and the general waved his division triumphantly.

As a result, China became unified, and the history of Qing dynasty began with a new era.

Xianzhe was well versed in the way of literature and martial arts, and returned to the countryside after unloading his armor.

Wang You: Born in 1940, a native of Dajia Village, Caocun Town, Fuping County. He has taught at Mihara Middle School, Caocun Nongzhong Middle School, and Caocun Middle School.

Tomb of Wang Qi

Author: Wang Zhongling

Mi Hou asked for shame, and breaking Zhao's death was a smooth way.

There is a lot of good iron since the "beginning", for Wang Yong to be the precursor.

Wang Zhongling: Author unknown.

Author: Yi Sheng

The Seven Heroes competed for supremacy and raised the sails, and the Inner Qin Emperor Zhi was stronger.

The four seas chengping nostalgic for the past, Wu Chengxun's industry shines in the dust.

Yi Sheng: The author is unknown.

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