
Revealed: The only Huangpu general who can retreat from Lin Biaosuyu's attack

author:Sichuan Zhengdao culture

In modern history, huangpu phase I and huangpu phase IV will be the two most famous. Today I will introduce you to a famous Huangpu general, he is also a huangpu fourth-term graduate, perhaps his fame is not as loud as Huangpu fourth-term Zhang Lingfu, Lin Biao, Hu Lian and other people, but he is the only Huangpu famous general who can retire from the hands of Lin Shuai and Commander Su in the Liberation War.

He was the bald general Liu Yuzhang.

Liu Yuzhang, a native of Xingping, Shaanxi, can be said that among the tough generals under Chiang Kai-shek, many of them were Shaanxi people such as Guan Linzheng, Hu Lian, Zhang Lingfu, Du Yuming, and so on. After graduating from the Whampoa Military Academy, Liu Yuzhang successively experienced the Northern Expedition War and the Central Plains War. Although there is no big work, but the small work continues.

In 1933, when the Japanese army invaded Shanhaishan, Chiang Kai-shek transferred the 25th Division north to resist the Japanese, and Liu Yuzhang was in Guan Linzheng's headquarters, because the commander of the 25th Division was Guan Linzheng. Liu Yuzhang fought bravely to kill the enemy at the South Heavenly Gate of Gubeikou, reflecting the true color of Lengwa in Shaanxi, Shaanxi. In the later battles, Liu Yuzhang also suffered several wounds.

By the time the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in full swing in 1937, Liu Yuzhang was already the head of the school regiment, of course, he served under Guan Linzheng, and Guan Linzheng's 52nd Army was the most fierce unit of the Nationalist Army, like the 52nd Army in the War of Resistance. Like the later Battle of Taierzhuang, Liu Yuzhang fought bravely with the devils, and the regiment he led became a sharp knife of the 52nd Army.

Later, he participated in the defense of Wuhan with the 52nd Army. By 1941, the 52nd Army was transferred to Yunnan, and Liu Yuzhang was already the commander of the 2nd Division under the 52nd Army. Just after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu Yuzhang was transferred to the northeast battlefield to fight a civil war for Chiang Kai-shek.

In 1948, the Liaoshen Campaign officially broke out, and at this time, the Northeast Eighth Route Army was no longer the previous Eighth Route Army, because it received the military weapons left by the Japanese army in the northeast and the weapons given by the Soviet Red Army, it can be said that at this time, Lin Shuai's subordinates were strong and strong.

Revealed: The only Huangpu general who can retreat from Lin Biaosuyu's attack

Just when Chiang Kai-shek's army was at a disadvantage in the Liaoshen Campaign, Chiang Kai-shek personally flew to the northeast to summon Fu Zuoyi, Wei Lihuang, Du Yuming and other generals to a meeting, and Liu Yuzhang was also ordered to lead the 52nd Army to attack Jinzhou from jinxi. Note that at this time Liu Yuzhang was the commander of the 52nd Army.

Due to the tight war in Jinzhou, Chiang Kai-shek asked Liao Yaoxiang's corps to support Jinzhou, but Liao Yaoxiang's corps was prevented from moving slowly around the Great Tiger Mountain. After Lin Biao conquered Jinzhou, Liao Yaoxiang's army was also wrapped in dumplings.

At this time, Liu Yuzhang was calculating deeply, he did not go to the rescue of Jinzhou, but let his people occupy the port of going to sea in the middle of the road, indicating that he was preparing for his own escape. When it was learned that Jinzhou had been breached, once Jinzhou was broken, it was equivalent to closing the gate inside the Guanxi, and there was only an isolated city of Shenyang left. I don't think I need to be buried.

At that time, Lin Biao's main force directly attacked Shenyang, and Yingkou became a loophole, and when Lin Biao found out, they said that the enemy might escape from Yingkou. Therefore, he urgently sent the seventh column Deng Hua, the eighth column Duan Su Quan, and the nine columns Zhan Caifang to occupy the mouth of the camp.

Revealed: The only Huangpu general who can retreat from Lin Biaosuyu's attack

In the face of the fierce attack of the seven columns, eight columns, and nine columns, Liu Yuzhang could only fight a battle at this time, and told his brother that there was no way to retreat, and only a battle could survive. Faced with the hope of survival, the 52nd Army killed the red eye one by one, and even killed the attack of the three columns of the red eye.

Just gasping for breath. Liu Yuzhang was bold and took the attack as a defense, and our army was unfavorable in battle due to fatigue from long-range attacks and lack of heavy weapons, and about 1,700 people were captured. Maybe Chen Guang was later dismissed, which has something to do with this battle.

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the navy, Gui Yongqing, personally led the navy to the sea off Yingkou on the Chongqing, so Liu Yuzhang led the 52nd Army to successfully escape the hands of Lin Shuai and retreated.

Liu Yuzhang, who fled back, was particularly heavily valued by Chiang Kai-shek, because the 52nd Army was the only bit of bone and blood left by the northeast battlefield. Speaking of Liu Yuzhang, he was also sure that he was a bit of a cow, and he withdrew from Lin Shuai's hands, some people may say that this was a coincidence, but in the later Battle of Shanghai, Liu Yuzhang retreated in the hands of Su Yu for the second time. You must know Lin, Su is the two great war gods of our army.

Revealed: The only Huangpu general who can retreat from Lin Biaosuyu's attack

The 52nd Army led by Liu Yuzhang in Yuepu, Shanghai, fought against the 28th Army and the 29th Army in Sanye, and finally the 52nd Army successfully escaped on a warship again. This time it can't be said to be a coincidence.

In short, Liu Yuzhang also has outstanding points, and the 52nd Army is also an army that can recruit good runners. In Taiwan, Liu Yuzhang was promoted to general of the army in 1970 and then a strategic adviser until his death on April 11, 1981, at the age of 78.

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