
Bow down! Wang Quanmei, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, practiced his original intention in this way

author:CCTV News

In the early course of development of the Communist Party of China, a number of brilliant revolutionary martyrs emerged, who spread Marxism and sowed the seeds of revolution with the fearless posture of pioneers, and made outstanding contributions to the founding of the Communist Party of China. Today's column "Striving for a Hundred Years, Setting Sail for a New Journey • Counting Popular Figures" takes you to know one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, Wang Gemei.

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Born in 1898, Wang Quanmei was originally named Wang Ruijun, a native of Zhucheng, Shandong. In 1918, Wang Gemei was admitted to the Shandong Provincial First Normal School; during the May Fourth Patriotic Movement, he was elected as one of the leaders of the Shandong Student Federation. After the establishment of the Marxist Theory Research Society of Peking University in March 1920, Wang Gemei was developed into a member of the foreign port and became a staunch Marxist. In the spring of 1921, Wang Gemei and Deng Enming initiated the creation of the early organization of the Communist Party of Jinan. In July of the same year, he went to Shanghai to attend the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China. 

Bow down! Wang Quanmei, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, practiced his original intention in this way

In October 1922, under his direct leadership, the workers of the Jingfeng Railway Shanhaiguan carried out a huge strike, which lasted for 9 days and won the victory of the struggle. In the rush of the whole day, Wang Zhimei became ill with overwork and suffered from severe lung disease. However, as a sick man, he still traveled to Jinan, Qingdao, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places to propagate Marxism and organize and launch the workers' movement. 

On August 19, 1925, Wang Gemei died of illness in Qingdao at the age of 27. 

Bow down! Wang Quanmei, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, practiced his original intention in this way

Li Haitao, director of the Party History Research Center of the Zhucheng City CPC Committee of Shandong Province: When Wang Gemei was critically ill, he entrusted the responsible person of the Qingdao Party organization at that time to record his will, "All comrades must work well and strive to the end for the liberation of the proletariat and all mankind and the complete realization of communism." Entrusted with the cause of the Party. He is like a beacon, educating and guiding us generations of communists, not forgetting our original intentions, keeping our mission in mind, and continuing to struggle. (Reporter Chen Yongqing, Pang Zhen, Huo Xipeng, Shandong Tai, Li Ling, Li Tao, Liu Bei, Qingdao Tai, Meng Wei, Zhuchengtai, Li Chaoyang)  

(Edited by Yang Yalan)

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