
After Bogu's death, his family held important positions in the party, with the highest official reaching the rank of deputy state

author:Intellectual Acquaintance

Bogu, whose original name was Qin Bangxian, was a Chinese proletarian revolutionary and one of the earliest leaders of our party, and on the way back to Yan'an after the Chongqing negotiations, the plane crashed in The Black Tea Mountain and died at the age of 39. Bogu has a total of six children, some of whom have entered the central government and are in important positions, with the highest official positions to vice-state officials, some engaged in business, some teaching and educating people, all of whom have achieved good results in their respective fields. When Bogu died, the children were still young, so who raised them? And under whose upbringing did they achieve such impressive results?

Bogu died in an air crash

Bogu (May 14, 1907 – April 8, 1946), formerly known as Qin Bangxian, nicknamed Changlin, was a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. He was one of the early leaders of the Communist Party of China and one of the outstanding pioneers and founders of the Chinese Communist Party's journalism. During his term of office in our Party, the leaders founded the "Liberation Daily," which was approved by Chairman Mao to teach work experience to other departments and promote the transformation of various departments, which played a very good leading role in the rectification movement.

Bogu studied Marxism at Moscow University. Because of his erudition and strong memory, coupled with his strong ability to learn, he quickly mastered many complex knowledge theories of Marxism, and he could recite the works of Marxism-Leninism, which was a rare talent. Because of his outstanding performance, Bogu was soon appreciated by the Comintern. In order to strengthen its leadership over the Communist Party of China, the Comintern appointed Bogu as the general director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the acting director of the General Political Department of the Red Army, as the agent of the Comintern in China, directly under the command of the Comintern.

After Bogu's death, his family held important positions in the party, with the highest official reaching the rank of deputy state


Due to their lack of experience in practical struggles and the shortcomings of intellectuals in attaching importance to theory and despising practice, during the period when Bogu led the Communist Party of China, he only blindly followed the instructions issued by the Communist International, copied Marxist-Leninist theory, and pursued Wang Ming's erroneous "Left" line without taking into account the actual conditions of our country, thus causing great harm to the development of our party. Later, when working in the base areas, he accepted the political ideas of the Communist International under the guidance of Li De's adventurism and conservatism in defense, which were not in line with the work of our Party, which led to the failure of the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, which almost led to a catastrophe, and the Red Army was forced to move and begin the Long March.

When it comes to Bogu, there are always more negative voices, but he is different from Zhang Guotao and others, not in the party to engage in power dictatorship, but can humbly listen to opinions, after the Zunyi meeting, timely realize their mistakes, and take the initiative to hand over the leadership power in their hands, willing to be a simple civilian personnel, responsible for the writing and editing of articles within the party. It can be seen that Bogu was an open-minded person, and his son Qin Tie once said, "History arranged for my father to be a role that made mistakes." During his work, Bogu translated a large number of Marxist-Leninist works and taught Marxism to the whole party, so that complex Marxist theories were popularized within the party. He also engaged in education within the Party and carried out literacy campaigns. Under bogu's leadership, the party's press and publication army gradually formed under the impetus of his example by studying Marxism-Leninism, studying diligently, and studying business.

After the liberation war, the Communists and the Kuomintang organized the Chongqing negotiations, and Bogu, because of his excellent writing and editing skills, traveled to Chongqing with the leaders of the country, and his job was to show the contents of the conference negotiations to the people of the whole country in the form of newspapers. On the way back, when the plane passed over Yan'an, the rain and fog were heavy, the visibility was very low, because of the bad signal, the plane lost contact with the ground, could not land as originally planned, forced to return, lost its way, mistakenly flew to the northwest of Shanxi Province, unfortunately crashed into the Black Tea Mountain, all forty-eight people on the plane were killed, and none of them survived. At that time, it caused quite a stir, and for the country, it was really regrettable that a number of outstanding party members had been lost.

A hard-won happy life

Bogu did not know Zhang Yuexia at the beginning, and they also came together after several ups and downs. Bogu's first wife was Liu Qunxian, an important staff member of our party, who went to study at Sun Wukong University in Moscow, the Soviet Union, and he and Bogu met in the Soviet Union and later married. In 1930, she had returned to China and participated in the Long March of the Red Army, Liu Qun had suffered from serious illnesses, due to the limited medical conditions in the country at that time, with the approval of the central leadership, she went to Moscow for treatment, Liu Qunxian knew her physical condition very well, even if she went to Moscow to receive treatment, she could only alleviate the symptoms, and could not get a cure, and her health was already very poor. Before going to Moscow, Liu Qun first filed for divorce from Bogu. They had four children at the time, but they were all scattered everywhere. Later, the German army and the Soviet Union war, the German army used aircraft to bomb Moscow, the situation was turbulent, Liu Qunxian was separated from others during the retreat, in November 1941, Liu Qunxian proposed to return to China to work, and issued an application to the Comintern, which was her last contact with the country, and since then her whereabouts are unknown and disappeared in a foreign country.

Before Zhang Yuexia and Bogu got married, they also had a marriage, when he was engaged in underground intelligence work in Chongqing, and Zhang Mingen formed a fake couple, and the two had a good feeling for each other in getting along, so they applied to the organization, hoping to officially marry, which is also conducive to the development of the work. The organization quickly approved their application, and in those turbulent times, nothing was permanent, and so was a luxury like love, because you couldn't predict the outcome and you didn't know what kind of dangers would happen. Shortly after the marriage, because of the traitors in the ranks, Zhang Yuexia and Zhang Mingen were arrested and imprisoned, and after some severe torture, Zhang Yuexia always claimed that she was an ordinary person and had not participated in any intelligence work, but Zhang Mingen faced severe torture and chose to defect to the revolution, due to the limited evidence available. Soon, Zhang Yuexia was released, but his relationship with Zhang Mingen also came to an end, after being released from prison, the two broke off contact, what should have been a mutually insistent love, but finally ended up like this, the capricious fate, can't help but sigh.

Later, when Zhang Yuexia participated in the revolution in Wuhan, because of the relationship between work, she met Bogu, who was his superior at that time, and the two people cooperated tacitly at work, and soon announced their marriage, because both had a failed marriage, for this reorganized family, the two attached great importance to it, and after marriage, the two had a child. Zhang Yuexia once said that these days were the happiest period of her life, however, just when the War of Resistance was victorious and the liberation of the whole country was within reach, Bogu suffered an accident, the sky did not go according to people's wishes, their happy life was broken by an accident, and the suffering of life was always unpredictable.

Does the young Zhang Yuexia choose to remarry and reorganize the family, or to take up the burden and raise the children? Without any hesitation, she chose the latter.

After Bogu's death, his family held important positions in the party, with the highest official reaching the rank of deputy state

Zhang Yuexia

Take on the burden of the family alone

When Bogu died, Zhang Yuexia was only 36 years old, many people advised him to re-establish a family, after all, his life has a long way to go, but Zhang Yuexia refused everyone's kind words of persuasion, she said, "I married Mr. Bogu although it was only seven years, I am very clear about Mr. Bogu's personality, he definitely hopes that I can remarry, but the children are still young, there must be someone to support this family, as his wife, I am the most suitable candidate, I also know that this burden will be very heavy, but I am not afraid, I hope to give my children a shelter from the wind and rain and give them a home. ”

Zhang Yuexia began to inquire about the whereabouts of the children, when the children were born, it was the era of war, Bogu went around with the army, and some children were scattered everywhere on the way to the army, handed over to their compatriots to raise on their behalf. The conditions of the war were harsh, the troops traveled to many places at that time, and the children scattered everywhere were difficult to find, Zhang Yuexia inquired in many ways, and also went to the garrison at that time many times to inquire about the situation in the nearby villages, and finally lived up to expectations, and the children finally got back together again. Four children were found, so where did the fifth child go?

It turned out that Liu Qun was pregnant when she first went to the Soviet Union for treatment, but everyone did not know it at the time, and she herself only found out after going to the Soviet Union. On June 30, 1940, in Moscow, she gave birth to her youngest daughter, named Jima. After Liu Qunxian disappeared, the child was raised by the International Children's Institute run by the Comintern. In 1954, the International Children's Institute sent the Chinese children in foster care back to China, the Central Organization Department received them, Qin Jima was also among them, the Central Organization Department contacted the children's relatives and informed them to take the children back, Qin Jima did not have a birth certificate, could not directly prove the identity, the only valid clue is an old photo, behind the photo, in Chinese characters written "Bogu Liu Qunxian's child", according to the handwriting, it was Liu Qunxian personally written, the photo is a Soviet female nurse, holding Qin Jima, she was only half a year old, so, The Central Organization Department then informed Zhang Yuexia to come and claim it.

Zhang Yuexia received a notice from the Central Organization Department to let her claim Bogu's daughter, Zhang Yuexia was very confused at the time, did not know where this little daughter came from, but she decided to go to see the situation first, she came to the Organization Department, as soon as she saw Qin Jima, she was sure that this was Bogu's child, because this little girl and her brother and sister and Bogu himself were very similar, so she took Qin Jima home to raise, living in the Soviet Union for a long time, his language and living habits were completely different from this family, and because he had never been in contact before Qin Jima is very strange to this family, under the best efforts of Zhang Yuexia to raise, she finally adapted to the life of this family, but also with her brother and sister, later, she sent Qin Jima to Beijing Primary School to study, taught her to learn Chinese, she and Bogu are very similar, the same smart, soon the academic performance caught up, was guaranteed to Chinese people's Liberation Army Military Engineering College to study,

After Bogu's death, his family held important positions in the party, with the highest official reaching the rank of deputy state

Later, he married his classmate Li Haiyuan (the son of Li Qi, then the head of the Beijing Municipal Propaganda Department).

In that era of material scarcity, Zhang Yuexia had to raise five children, his salary alone was not enough, the living conditions were difficult, the children often did not have enough to eat, and after the organization learned about their family's situation, they decided to pay a part of the living allowance every month.

Bogu's eldest son, named Qin Gang, was raised by his grandmother's family in Wuxi shortly after birth, and later died of tuberculosis. The second son's name is Qin Gang Because the name of the eldest brother is the same, as for why the two children have the same name, it turns out that after he was born, he has always been called "Afu", and the eldest son has not been around for a long time, so that Bogu forgot the name of his eldest son and named the second son Qin Gang. Everyone called him Xiao Qin Gang, he was very smart, had good academic performance, and had a strong talent for writing, which was inherited by Bogu, and later he became a professor at the Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

The youngest son, Qin Tie, is Zhang Yuexia's biological son, who was persecuted during the Cultural Revolution, but he still actively loved life, and then he was promoted to captain after working as a driving assistant at Sino-Ocean Company, and Bogu's biographical information was compiled by him.

The eldest daughter, Qin Moya, had been raised by her aunt, and was later abducted and sold out of the country, he worked in the factory for a long time, drifted and suffered a lot, and later was educated by Zhang Chunxia's family in Beijing, and was admitted to Beijing Normal University, where he served as an associate professor.

The second daughter, Qin Xinhua, is the only one of the four children to engage in politics, and she is also the most accomplished, he is mainly engaged in the ministry of health, once served as deputy director, but also the vice president of the China Eugenics Association, her official title is equivalent to vice ministerial cadres, she also wrote the first "Maternal and Infant Protection Law" for China, to make up for the gap in China's law in this field, and her husband once served as the president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences as vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, is a vice-state-level cadre.

After Bogu's death, his family held important positions in the party, with the highest official reaching the rank of deputy state

During the revolutionary period, Zhang Yuexia was able to actively participate in the revolution and forget his life and death, and after the revolution, he took off his military uniform and became an ordinary housewife, touching everyone with his selfless and great maternal love. After Bogu's death, Zhang Yuexia, who was only 36 years old, still supported this broken home, she politely refused the kindness of her relatives and friends to let her reorganize the family, and with selfless and great maternal love, she took on the burden of raising children and provided a warm home for these orphans. For the children, Zhang Yuexia, as a stepmother, is better than her own biological mother, she selflessly dedicated, raised several brothers and sisters, even if life is difficult, she has never had the slightest complaint. The mother and them are dependent on each other, and the affection between them cannot be broken, perhaps this is their destiny. In that difficult period, the turmoil in the Cultural Revolution made them devastated, but Zhang Yuexia and the children never gave up the hope of life, actively faced the setbacks and sufferings of life, and his behavior infected the children, making them face difficulties one by one, never give up, and achieve satisfactory results in their future lives. If it were not for Zhang Yuexia, Bogu's children would not have been able to achieve such great achievements as today, and it is gratifying that the children are very filial to her, they are a family.

The story ends here, and some people say that Zhang Yuexia is lucky enough to have many excellent children. But from the children's point of view, how can they not be lucky? What do you think about that? Welcome to leave your valuable comments in the comment area, thank you for reading, we will see you in the next issue.

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