
"My Hero" Shan He

author:Two or three miles of information

The sun and the moon are long, the mountains and rivers are unharmed, and the hundred-year-old picture scroll is lyrical and boundless; "the clouds and mountains are cang, the rivers are swell", and the martyrs have a long wind and a song of mountains and rivers. This year is the centenary of the founding of the party, looking back at the years when blood and fire were intertwined, the names of the world and the earth were filled with tears, and the emotions in the heart were about to erupt.

This great mountain and river bears witness to a history of war and suffering. Today, we may not be able to personally feel the terrible suffering from the historical data, but you listen, even though the roar of the bomb has gone away, even if the cries and shouts have disappeared, these words have precipitated at the bottom of time, penetrating the barriers of history, and bringing us an immortal legend: "If a country lives and dies, will it avoid it because of happiness and misfortune?" "Wishing that the cold star would not notice, I would recommend Xuanyuan with my blood!" "Look at the world with white eyes, and report to the country with a heart!" ...... Too many, too many, shining names, shining images have become the beacon of each and every one of us. They are not old photos in the history books, but a vivid and enthusiastic soul, spanning a hundred years of time and space, we are the same age as them, we and their figures have overlapped, we have a common name with them: Chinese. Look, how fortunate we are to be born in the times they have fought with their lives, and how honored we are to shoulder the same cause as them.

The Slovaks are gone, and the wind and bones are still there! We should also remember: when the mountains and rivers are broken, what prompts them to go forward and support this Chinese land with their lives? What is the reason for the determination to pass down the generations that has germinated and made the Chinese nation, a weathered nation, always bloom in this world? I think it's a fist-and-fist patriotic heart.

Patriotism is the duty, but also the duty, is the heart of the direction, the return of the feelings, the meaning of patriotism, the history of evidence; the greatness of patriotism, you and I practice. Patriotism, love for the family, Chinese's blood rolls with infinite pride and sincerity to the homeland, with unlimited wisdom and inexhaustible enthusiasm, callos, indomitable, more and more courageous, marking a new height for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and continuing to write new glory. "Borrow the three-foot sword of the king, the fire of the city head and the liver and gallbladder; borrow the three-foot sword of the king, and the prosperous rivers and mountains." Thirty years, a hundred years! Patriotism is the business card of the Chinese, the business card of the current prosperity and prosperity; patriotism is the core of Chinese culture and the classic that has been sung in this Chinese land for a long time.

Patriotism casts heroes, and heroic feelings need to be passed on from generation to generation. Advocating heroes will produce heroes, and striving to be heroes will produce heroes. Jiangshan lived up to the tears of the hero and broke the sword into the sky. A heroic country, witnessing the heroic years, this will will continue, as long as we uphold a Chinese heart, take on the great responsibility of the times, the road will continue to extend. In this hundred years, looking forward, we are the history of the republic, and looking backward, we are the future of the land of China. Everyone has everyone's mission, everyone has their own cherished mountains and rivers in their hearts, and everyone's dream is the future of China.

This mountain and river has a charming scenery, an intoxicating background, and a place where we stand - Longgang. Longgang is our mountain and river. Here, the flow of time is extraordinarily slow, only because there are too many beautiful things here, and the time passed here is exceptionally fast, only because here lives a group of lovely people who are fully pursuing their dreams. This is a high hill on the mountain and river, and it is the place where the phoenix rises. We are a Chinese, a Longgang person. As a result, our steps are particularly firm, and our smiles are full of confidence. As we are, Longgang is what it is, and this nation should be what it should be. Each of our nerves is tied to Longgang and thus to a wider place.

"Heaven and earth have liver and gallbladder, and mountains and rivers read sideburns." May according to this Tiangang, the jade dragon refer to the mizu. Longgang has been cultivating, loving, and encouraging more eagles to fly to this dome. The land of China has been nurturing, witnessing and looking forward to the birth of more beautiful people in this mountain and river.

Author: Yang Zhen, a senior high school student of Longgang School in Hanzhong City, Instructor: Xu Xing

Source: Western Net

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"My Hero" Shan He

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