
On 519 China Tourism Day, CCTV Cultural Tourism released Dong Yuhui's dubbing video: After mountains and rivers, life is worth it

author:Damien Miscellaneous

The latest news on May 19, following the "Outlook Oriental Weekly" released a video of Dong Yuhui dubbing to promote the museum on May 18, International Museum Day, at 19 o'clock on the same day, on the occasion of the arrival of "519 China Tourism Day", CCTV Cultural Tourism released a video of Dong Yuhui dubbing to promote tourism, which shows that Dong Yuhui has a huge influence in the field of cultural tourism!


With the increasing influence of the outdoor live broadcast of the provincial tour of "Reading Mountains and Rivers with Hui", Dong Yuhui's influence in the field of culture and tourism is also expanding rapidly, so now many media video accounts and cultural tourism accounts in various provinces and cities have begun to use Dong Yuhui's appearance and dubbing videos to promote cultural and tourism activities.

CCTV Cultural Tourism released this video at 19 o'clock on May 18, promoting the upcoming "519 China Tourism Day", the theme of the video is "May you go through mountains and rivers and still feel that life is worth it!" ”

On 519 China Tourism Day, CCTV Cultural Tourism released Dong Yuhui's dubbing video: After mountains and rivers, life is worth it

This video released by CCTV Cultural Tourism is based on Dong Yuhui's previous live broadcast of a girl, and after listening to her story, he felt and said this paragraph about "Is life worth it?" ".


Although the full text is only a short 220 words, it tells us that as an ordinary person, when you feel lost in life, what should you live in life? Think more about those beautiful moments in life, and you will find that there will be a life in life that is worth remembering and yearning for, and it is worth continuing to pursue.

On 519 China Tourism Day, CCTV Cultural Tourism released Dong Yuhui's dubbing video: After mountains and rivers, life is worth it

So don't look at this summary "little essay" of just over 220 words, but it is full of questions about "Is life worth it?" And "What do you live for?" The profound philosophy of life can point out the direction of life path for people who feel confused in life, so that you no longer feel lost, but full of yearning for a better life again.

On 519 China Tourism Day, CCTV Cultural Tourism released Dong Yuhui's dubbing video: After mountains and rivers, life is worth it

Although this is a "small essay" about whether life is worth it, it was used by CCTV Cultural Tourism in this video to promote "519 China Tourism Day", but it still makes everyone feel very suitable and does not violate the harmony.

On 519 China Tourism Day, CCTV Cultural Tourism released Dong Yuhui's dubbing video: After mountains and rivers, life is worth it

Through the beautiful scenery of all parts of the country shown in the video, and then listening to the dubbing text narrated by Yuhui in the video, it also makes everyone have the urge to go out and see the beautiful scenery outside, which really makes people feel amazing, maybe this is the charm of Dong Yuhui's wonderful "small composition"!

On 519 China Tourism Day, CCTV Cultural Tourism released Dong Yuhui's dubbing video: After mountains and rivers, life is worth it

To borrow a passage from Yuhui in this wonderful "little composition": "Every moment here is enough to be worth a trip to this world, sometimes think about our lives, isn't it for these moments to live?"

I wish everyone on the occasion of the arrival of "519 China Tourism Day", go out and take a look more, and "read the romance of life, feel the warmth of the world, so that after going through the mountains and rivers, I still feel that life is worth it!" ”


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