
The Silent Man (pictured)

author:Tu Yongjun


The Silent Man (pictured)

Silent man my good brother

I almost forgot about you

You walk down the street melancholy all day long

Like a tiny projection of a beam of sunlight

Covered with a humble and silent self

Years of people singing and singing

You're standing in a dark corner

Thinking about something or trying to say something

However, nothing was touched at all

Silent brothers

After drifting from the river of years

I'll take your melancholy

It is a cloud that drifted away many years ago

Let me find a lot of inspiration and inspiration

A person who stands drinking under the scorching sun

It's your brother

A person who sits alone in the middle of the night and meditates

It's your mother

You come from the same sky

Bring to life a deeply inner philosophy

Then forgotten before dawn

But I can never forget

You posture gently

I am also a taciturn neem tree

Silently lifted up and knocked down by the light wind

Well, my silent brother

After drinking the last cup of buckwheat wine

Can you tell me easily

Who is the door of your silence open for?

We load our hearts

It can no longer bear too much melancholy and sorrow

The Silent Man (pictured)
The Silent Man (pictured)

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