
Are all with fish, black eyes good? Or is yellow eyes good? Learn 4 tricks, fresh and delicious

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Are all with fish, black eyes good? Or is yellow eyes good? Learn 4 tricks, fresh and delicious

There are many kinds of fish, usually people love to buy live jumping fish, killed and made, and there is a kind of fish that is difficult to buy alive, but it is very popular, it is a very common fish, with it to do dry fried fish is particularly delicious, more than fried small fish to eat more enjoyable, I believe you also like to eat. However, if you want to eat the best taste of fried striped fish, you must first learn to choose, otherwise the ingredients are not good cooking techniques are useless, and it is difficult to make delicious.

Are all with fish, black eyes good? Or is yellow eyes good? Learn 4 tricks, fresh and delicious

When it comes to buying fish, friends who often go to buy must have found a phenomenon, some with fish are black eyes, some with fish are yellow eyes, then the same is with fish, black eyes are good or yellow eyes are good?

Buy with fish also pay attention, can not see the fish on the buy, otherwise it is easy to buy poor taste, even buy not fresh with fish, teach you a few selection skills, learn 4 skills, easy to buy good with fish, fresh taste, the method is very practical, please come and see, I believe it is helpful for you to buy fish.

Are all with fish, black eyes good? Or is yellow eyes good? Learn 4 tricks, fresh and delicious

First look at the difference between black-eyed fish and yellow-eyed fish

Black eye with fish, its flesh is relatively tender, the fishy taste is relatively small, the body size is not too wide, if you buy such a fish with fish, how to do it is delicious, even if it is directly steamed, it is also very good, not afraid of fishy taste is too heavy. Zhoushan striped fish is black-eyed, it is the best taste of the striped fish, friends who have not tasted it can try.

Yellow-eyed striped fish, its flesh is more chai, the fishy taste is also relatively heavy, the body size is relatively large, the flesh is relatively thick, and the black-eyed striped fish has a significant difference, most of the southern striped fish are yellow eyes, and most of the imported striped fish are also yellow eyes.

Depending on the point, now you know which kind of fish with eyes is delicious, right? Don't make a mistake in the future.

Are all with fish, black eyes good? Or is yellow eyes good? Learn 4 tricks, fresh and delicious

However, just know that buying black-eyed fish is not enough, if the quality is not good or fresh, it is difficult to make delicious, the following to share with you the 4 selection skills.

Tip 1: Look at the silver grease on the surface of the fish

A layer of silver powder on the surface of the fish is called silver grease, which is highly nutritious and is not recommended to be removed when cooking. When buying fish, you should observe the silver fat, if the fall off is very serious, and it will fall off when you touch it, it is best not to buy this kind of fish. Because only when the fish is not fresh, this layer of silver fat will fall off.

For example, some people love to buy frozen fish pieces, when thawed and cleaned, this layer of silver grease will easily fall off. Therefore, when buying a fish, you should touch it with your hand to judge.

Are all with fish, black eyes good? Or is yellow eyes good? Learn 4 tricks, fresh and delicious

Tip two: Look into the eyes of the fish

The trick of buying fish to see the eyes is also suitable for the fish, although it is in a dead state, but if it is a fresh fish, its eyes must be bright, and the eyes of the non-fresh fish are cloudy.

There is also just mentioned black eye with fish and yellow eye with fish, if you encounter these two kinds of fish at the same time, you can choose the black eye, when you really can't buy this kind of fish and then buy yellow eyes.

Are all with fish, black eyes good? Or is yellow eyes good? Learn 4 tricks, fresh and delicious

Tip three: Look at the integrity of the fish

Good quality with fish, its whole body is complete, there is no damage, and some of the bad quality of the fish, the fish will be damaged, because the placement of a long time, the meat quality of the fish will be poor, a little touch will be broken, then encounter this kind of fish, no matter how cheap the price is not to buy, if you buy after all, the taste is very strange, there will be a very heavy fishy smell, and even a smell.

Are all with fish, black eyes good? Or is yellow eyes good? Learn 4 tricks, fresh and delicious

Tip 4: Buy the whole striped fish instead of the striped fish pieces

I believe that someone has bought with fish pieces, I have also bought, bought is the kind of frozen fish pieces, small bags of packaging, although the price is very cheap, but after buying home found that something is wrong, the quality of the fish is very poor, with water a rinse of the surface of the silver grease on the fall off, cooked after the taste is very bad.

This kind of fish block often has a very thick ice layer, not only can not judge the quality of the fish, but also when the ice layer melts off the actual weight is very light, so it is not recommended to buy a fish block, buy the whole better.

Are all with fish, black eyes good? Or is yellow eyes good? Learn 4 tricks, fresh and delicious

Share a steamed striped fish, make it delicious according to this method, the more you eat it, the more fragrant it is, you can try it.

Treat the fish cleanly, rinse them, remove the head and tail and cut into small pieces. Put a few knives on the fish cubes to facilitate the taste, put them in a bowl and add cooking wine, ginger shreds, green onion strips, pepper powder, pepper, salt and mix well, marinate for half an hour. After marinating, remove the striped fish pieces and wipe them with a kitchen towel. Fill the frying pan with oil and fry the fish in the pan until golden brown on both sides. Bring the fish to the steaming pan and serve with ginger and green onion.

In the empty bowl, add soy sauce and oyster sauce and stir evenly into the surface of the fish, like tempeh can also add some, add water to the steamer, put the fish into the pot to steam, steam for seven or eight minutes to turn off the heat out of the pot.

Are all with fish, black eyes good? Or is yellow eyes good? Learn 4 tricks, fresh and delicious

The steamed fish that comes out of this way is not fishy, very delicious, I don't know if you have learned? There are also tips to keep in mind about buying striped fish, and it is better to buy dishes made of good quality with fish. Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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