
The same is the fish, black eyes and yellow eyes are very different, understand and then buy no loss black eyes with fish and yellow eyes with specific differences with yellow eyes how to choose high-quality fish with yellow eyes? 2. Look at the fish scales 3. Look at the eyes

author:Chef Jiang Yizhou

The same is with fish, black eyes and yellow eyes are very different, understand and then buy no loss. Hello, hello everyone, I am Chef Jiang Yizhou, today is the time to share the food with you, are you ready?

The same is the fish, black eyes and yellow eyes are very different, understand and then buy no loss black eyes with fish and yellow eyes with specific differences with yellow eyes how to choose high-quality fish with yellow eyes? 2. Look at the fish scales 3. Look at the eyes

Striped fish is a type of fish that lives in deep-sea areas and is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, known as "vegetable oils", which can enhance the antioxidant capacity of the skin. Help the skin to lock in moisture, for middle-aged and elderly friends and women who love beauty can eat more with fish. The fish is rich in lecithin, which is a traditional Chinese medicine component that makes up nerve tissue, which can eliminate the fatigue of the brain. Improving memory and preventing Alzheimer's disease also helps very well. It is also good to eat fish several times every three forks and five minutes.

The same is the fish, black eyes and yellow eyes are very different, understand and then buy no loss black eyes with fish and yellow eyes with specific differences with yellow eyes how to choose high-quality fish with yellow eyes? 2. Look at the fish scales 3. Look at the eyes

There are so many striped fish on the market, how should we choose? What is the difference between a black-eyed fish and a yellow-eyed fish? Many friends are stupid and can't understand. Today I will share the selection method of bringing fish to everyone, friends who like to eat with fish hurry up and follow me to learn it!

The same is the fish, black eyes and yellow eyes are very different, understand and then buy no loss black eyes with fish and yellow eyes with specific differences with yellow eyes how to choose high-quality fish with yellow eyes? 2. Look at the fish scales 3. Look at the eyes

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > the specific difference between black-eyed fish and yellow-eyed fish</h1>

Black-eyed striped fish

Knowledgeable friends know that the belt fish is generally divided into northern belt fish and southern belt fish. The northern striped fish is mainly known as the Zhoushan striped fish, its flesh is very tender, belonging to the individual small black-eyed striped fish. The aroma of Zhoushan striped fish is relatively small, the length is generally about 40 to 60 cm, and it is a good choice for steaming. Therefore, if you want to eat the umami taste of the fish, you must choose the Zhoushan fish.

The same is the fish, black eyes and yellow eyes are very different, understand and then buy no loss black eyes with fish and yellow eyes with specific differences with yellow eyes how to choose high-quality fish with yellow eyes? 2. Look at the fish scales 3. Look at the eyes

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > yellow-eyed striped fish</h1>

The yellow-eyed striped fish is the southern striped fish, which belongs to the tropical striped fish. These striped fish are affected by the water temperature as well as the water pressure and salinity of the sea, and their eyes will take on a yellow color. Its thickness is slightly thicker than that of the north, and its fishy taste is heavier and suitable for fried eating. The meat quality is not as tender as the northern fish, so when you choose the fish, don't make the wrong choice.

The same is the fish, black eyes and yellow eyes are very different, understand and then buy no loss black eyes with fish and yellow eyes with specific differences with yellow eyes how to choose high-quality fish with yellow eyes? 2. Look at the fish scales 3. Look at the eyes

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" how to choose high-quality striped fish >? </h1>

1. Try not to pick a segmented striped fish

When we go to the supermarket to buy striped fish, it is best to pick the whole striped fish. The fish in the freezer is not recommended for everyone to buy, and most of the fish in the freezer are not easy to sell. Such a striped fish is wrapped in frozen ice thickly, and we can't tell how much flesh is in it. Two-thirds of the 1 piece of fish with fish is thick ice, so that the fish are bought home. Not only is it a waste of money but it is also impossible to eat fish. So be sure not to buy this kind of striped fish.

The same is the fish, black eyes and yellow eyes are very different, understand and then buy no loss black eyes with fish and yellow eyes with specific differences with yellow eyes how to choose high-quality fish with yellow eyes? 2. Look at the fish scales 3. Look at the eyes

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" >2</h1>

When we buy striped fish, it is best to buy the kind of striped fish that does not have scales on the surface. The silver powder on the surface of the fish is actually its nutrients, and the silver powder on the surface is gone, which means that the fish is not fresh. After buying such fish home, it not only has a poor taste, but also has no nutritional value.

The same is the fish, black eyes and yellow eyes are very different, understand and then buy no loss black eyes with fish and yellow eyes with specific differences with yellow eyes how to choose high-quality fish with yellow eyes? 2. Look at the fish scales 3. Look at the eyes

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="22" >3</h1>

If the eyes of the fish are not shiny, it is not recommended that everyone buy it. The eye of the fish is meaty, indicating that it has been in place for a long time. If the eyes of the striped fish are shiny, it proves to be fresh striped fish. If you want to eat fish, it is best to go to the seafood market to buy, the sales of fish in the seafood market are always better than the sales of fish in the supermarket, the price is cheap, the ingredients are fresh, so don't go to the wrong place when you buy fish!

The same is the fish, black eyes and yellow eyes are very different, understand and then buy no loss black eyes with fish and yellow eyes with specific differences with yellow eyes how to choose high-quality fish with yellow eyes? 2. Look at the fish scales 3. Look at the eyes

Well, that's all there is to it. Do you have other different approaches to picking striped fish? Welcome to share with us in the comment area. Like this article, remember to collect and forward Oh. You can pay more attention to me. I would update a different cuisine every day. We'll see you next time.

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