
In a word, she had waited for six years, a word, two people in pain. 01. Life is short, there is no need for an impossible person to miss another possible person, for a person who does not love himself to fail another person who loves himself in his old age. 02. But everything has no if only results!

author:Steppe Army Brother

Wen l Lee Navy

In a word, she had waited for six years, a word, two people in pain. 01. Life is short, there is no need for an impossible person to miss another possible person, for a person who does not love himself to fail another person who loves himself in his old age. 02. But everything has no if only results!

Flowing years, Faye Wong "a lifetime / narrow road meets / can not be spared in the end / palms suddenly grew entangled curves." ”

If time can be turned back, the years can be turned back, she will never be so stupid and bitter, just for the one who can't wait to waste youth and love.

<h1>01. Life is short, there is no need for an impossible person to miss another possible person, for a person who does not love himself to fail another person who loves himself in his old age. </h1>

Just like the story below.

She waited for him for six years for his words, "life can have several six years" The most beautiful and best youth is all spent on a "wait" word, and in the end in exchange for only a sentence he downplayed, we are not suitable, and she does not know that when she waited for him, there was also a boy who waited for her for six years, waiting hard, humble, but helpless.

They first met at the company's newcomer welcome party.

In a word, she had waited for six years, a word, two people in pain. 01. Life is short, there is no need for an impossible person to miss another possible person, for a person who does not love himself to fail another person who loves himself in his old age. 02. But everything has no if only results!

On that day, she and he (Liu Li, Zhao Kai) were new recruits who were recruited on the same day. And he Li Ya has been in the company for three years, or the head of a department of the company, maybe it is a coincidence, maybe it is the arrangement of heaven, they are both arranged in Li Ya's department, under his control, the story begins.

Liu Li, Zhao Kai is a college classmate and a fellow countryman, the two have a good relationship, not lovers are better than lovers, in fact, Zhao Kai likes Liu Li, but has not said, he is afraid of saying that lovers have not become even friends can not do, and Liu Li did not have this feeling He thought that Zhao Kai was good to her because of the relationship between the hometown and the same window, although sometimes it also felt that Liu Jun cared a little about her, she also jokingly asked Liu Jun if he liked her.

If Liu Li hadn't asked in a joke at that time, if Liu Jun had boldly said that he loved her, maybe the following thing wouldn't have happened.

In a word, she had waited for six years, a word, two people in pain. 01. Life is short, there is no need for an impossible person to miss another possible person, for a person who does not love himself to fail another person who loves himself in his old age. 02. But everything has no if only results!

<h1>02. But everything has no if only results! </h1>

Soon after entering the company, Liu Li fell in love with Li Ya, perhaps Li Ya's charm of a mature man attracted her, or it may be that the help she was helped at work touched her, in short, Liu Li fell in love, fell in love with her boss, and loved a mess.

Love is wrong, cute objects are wrong, love will be wrong.

Love is to support each other, pay each other, and Liu Li's love is only her unilateral payment, in order to get Li Ya's love and to prove to him that she loves him, Liu Li even does not hesitate to gamble with her youth, in order to help Li Ya complete the tasks stipulated by the company, she is willing to put herself into it, only for that sentence I love you, but a few years later, in addition to the sentence "Believe me, I will not lie to you". Li Ya never said to her, "I love you."

It wasn't until a few years later that Li Ya was promoted to manager of a department of the company, saying the phrase "We are not suitable." ”

As The Tang poem goes: "Huang Liang must wake up in a dream, and the rootless and infinite will return to dust."

In a word, she had waited for six years, a word, two people in pain. 01. Life is short, there is no need for an impossible person to miss another possible person, for a person who does not love himself to fail another person who loves himself in his old age. 02. But everything has no if only results!

Soon Liu Li resigned and returned to her hometown, became a teacher and Zhao Kai resigned half a year ago for Liu Li, the destination is unknown, I once asked Liu Li if she regretted it?

She said: "There is no regret or regret, it is the adults themselves who do their own things, what is there to regret"!

What about Zhao Kai?

Don't you feel ashamed of him?

No, I have nothing to be sorry for him, because I didn't know that he loved me so much, he should be ashamed of me, since he loves me, why not say, if he had told me earlier, there would be no today.

I hate him.

It turns out that if you love someone, you will be hated by others!

Many things, after experiencing, understand that it is a wind.

No one gets whom, and no one can get who gets!

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