
Old Beijing sauce stewed lentils authentic method, sauce fragrant, 5 minutes out of the pot, than put meat also fragrant lentils in season sauce, a city's taste sauce stewed lentils production process precautions

author:Du Rui cuisine

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<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > lentils are in season</h1>

Old Beijing sauce stewed lentils authentic method, sauce fragrant, 5 minutes out of the pot, than put meat also fragrant lentils in season sauce, a city's taste sauce stewed lentils production process precautions

Lentils are a very common ingredient, in the past, every family's wall root courtyard, a few lentils, you can climb most of the yard. It really affects people going in and out, and it also makes people endure the pain of cutting love and cutting off most of them. The more late autumn the lentils, the more exuberant the results, and the lentil racks are full of clusters of white lentil flowers, full of bunches of fresh and tender lentils, and people can not only appreciate the scenery, but also eat the fresh and tender lentils in season. Lentils are an alkaline ingredient, eat lentils must be blanched or fried, this can be remembered, enjoy the delicious at the same time, safety is the most important.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > sauce, a taste of the city</h1>

Old Beijing sauce stewed lentils authentic method, sauce fragrant, 5 minutes out of the pot, than put meat also fragrant lentils in season sauce, a city's taste sauce stewed lentils production process precautions

Today, I will share with friends a classic home-cooked dish from our old Beijing, braised lentils in sauce. This menu uses the season's fresh and tender lentils, try to choose the kind of flat and round lentil varieties when selecting materials, and the long lentils should be divided into two from the middle, which is not too long, affecting the quality of the dish. Sauce is a favorite seasoning of our old Beijingers, and it is also a taste of the city. The fried sauce noodles of old Beijing are typical representative noodles that use sauce to reach the extreme, and are also one of the top ten classic noodles in China. The soul seasoning of this dish is soybean sauce, and the rich flavor of the sauce after the dish is the biggest feature of this dish. Below, let's make this sauce stewed lentils, which is worth looking forward to.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > sauce stewed lentils</h1>

Old Beijing sauce stewed lentils authentic method, sauce fragrant, 5 minutes out of the pot, than put meat also fragrant lentils in season sauce, a city's taste sauce stewed lentils production process precautions

Ingredients: 370 g of fresh tender lentils

Ingredients: 5 g green onion, 20 g garlic

Seasoning: 30 g vegetable oil, 30 g fresh soybean paste, 15 g cooking wine, 150 g water, 3 g sugar, 1 g monosodium glutamate or chicken powder (optional), 2 g soy sauce, 30 g water starch (optional)

Note: Please choose all the materials marked "(optional)" according to your personal preferences.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > the production process</h1>

Old Beijing sauce stewed lentils authentic method, sauce fragrant, 5 minutes out of the pot, than put meat also fragrant lentils in season sauce, a city's taste sauce stewed lentils production process precautions

1, the selection of fresh and tender lentils 370 grams, this time is the long lentils brought back from the rural hometown, after cleaning, choose to remove the edge silk, from the middle of everything for two. The edges of the lentils are tough and hard, and you must choose to go, or this dish will fail no matter how you do it. Because it uses a cooking technique that has been simmered for a long time, this dish of lentils does not need to be blanched, and it is absolutely safe to eat with confidence.

Old Beijing sauce stewed lentils authentic method, sauce fragrant, 5 minutes out of the pot, than put meat also fragrant lentils in season sauce, a city's taste sauce stewed lentils production process precautions

2, this dish uses 2-3 times more garlic than usual, full of rich garlic flavor. Net 20 grams of garlic, cut into fine garlic minced, cut into 5 grams of fine spring onion, prepare 30 grams of fresh soybean paste.

Old Beijing sauce stewed lentils authentic method, sauce fragrant, 5 minutes out of the pot, than put meat also fragrant lentils in season sauce, a city's taste sauce stewed lentils production process precautions

3: Pour 30 grams of vegetable oil into the pot, when the oil temperature is 40% or 50% hot, add the minced garlic, stir-fry the rich garlic on low heat, and the aroma is overflowing. Add the shallots and sauté again. Add 30 grams of fresh soybean sauce, stir-fry over low heat, cook 15 grams of cooking wine, and remove the beany smell of fresh soybean sauce. Add the lentils and stir-fry quickly. Pour in 150 grams of water, add 3 grams of sugar, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate or chicken powder (optional), 2 grams of soy sauce, bring to a boil over high heat, and continue to burn for 3 minutes until the soup is thickened.

Old Beijing sauce stewed lentils authentic method, sauce fragrant, 5 minutes out of the pot, than put meat also fragrant lentils in season sauce, a city's taste sauce stewed lentils production process precautions

4: Pour in 30g of water starch (optional), wait for the water starch to be slightly gelatinized and viscous, quickly stir-fry evenly. Sauté the lentils in the sauce into a shallow bowl and serve hot. The classic method of braising lentils in old Beijing sauce, rich sauce fragrant, 5 minutes to serve, better than putting meat.

< h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > considerations</h1>

Old Beijing sauce stewed lentils authentic method, sauce fragrant, 5 minutes out of the pot, than put meat also fragrant lentils in season sauce, a city's taste sauce stewed lentils production process precautions

1, because the use of sauce stew cooking techniques, so, this dish of lentils do not need to be blanched to mature, are absolutely safe, blanched water will affect the taste of the dish.

2, the bright yellow sauce itself contains a certain amount of salt, there is a heavier salty taste, this dish must remember not to add salt for seasoning. After the dish is made, the sauce is fragrant and salty and pleasant, which is the biggest feature of this dish.

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