
Diabetes Nutrition Recipes – Braised Lentils with Meat!

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Meat stewed lentils

Diabetes Nutrition Recipes – Braised Lentils with Meat!


150 grams of lentils, 100 grams of lean pork, green onion, ginger, soy sauce, salt, MSG to taste.


1: Wash the lentils, cut them with a knife, slice the meat, cut the green onion and ginger into strips

2: Heat the pan, pour the oil, heat the oil, pour in the slices of meat

3: Pour slices of meat into the green onion and ginger strips, sauté to bring out the aroma

4: Then pour in the lentils, sauté until they change color, add soy sauce, stir-fry evenly, add some salt

5: Stir-fry until almost done, pour a little boiling water into it

6, cover and simmer for 5 minutes The basic added water is put in, and the lentils are also cooked thoroughly, (Note: the lentils must be cooked thoroughly and then out of the pot) Add some MSG before coming out of the pot

Dietitian reviews

Lentils are 37 kcal per 100 grams of calories, and it is advisable to eat 40 grams per day. Lentils are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote bowel movements and delay the rise of blood sugar after meals. There is also rich in vitamin C, which has the effect of enhancing immunity, clearing cholesterol, and preventing arteriosclerosis.

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