
"Country Love" no longer has "Xie Bigfoot"! The crew lost the "soul figure" Liu Liu, and the screenwriter Zhang Ji recalled his friend Yu Yuexian

author:Al Jazeera

Peninsula all-media reporter Huang Jingfei

On August 9, Yu Yuexian, a well-known actor who played "Xie Bigfoot" in the TV series "Country Love", died in a car accident at the age of 50. It is worth mentioning that "Country Love 14" is about to be broadcast, "Country Love 15" has just been completed in July, which is also the last TV series of Yu Yuexian, "Xie Bigfoot" has become a masterpiece, and now the relevant stills of Yu Yuexian have become black and white photos, and the audience sighs for it. Her former friend, "Country Love" actor Liu Liu, was interviewed by reporters by telephone, commenting that she was "dedicated, kind, and popular", and screenwriter Zhang Ji believed that "Yu Yuexian is the soul of "Country Love", and she still has room to rise." ”

"Country Love" no longer has "Xie Bigfoot"! The crew lost the "soul figure" Liu Liu, and the screenwriter Zhang Ji recalled his friend Yu Yuexian

Acting dedication: from not speaking Northeast dialect to acting "Xie Bigfoot"

"'Bigfoot' was already growing in her body and melting into her blood. Her 'Bigfoot' is eternal, she is gone, people will never see 'Bigfoot' again, just like her name, maybe heaven needs 'Bigfoot'. ”

Liu Liu, who played the role of "Liu Big Head" in the series of TV series "Country Love", was filming in Chengdu when interviewed by reporters, and his tone was full of sadness and exhaustion. Liu Liu revealed that he and Yu Yuexian were friends who had known each other for 15 years, "Yu Yuexian is a native of Inner Mongolia, attended university in Beijing, and was later assigned to Tianjin Renyi." In terms of acting, Yu Yuexian is very serious and persistent, she is from the class, has a very professional knowledge, and is a real stage actor."

When she began filming "Country Love", Yu Yuexian did not speak Northeast Chinese, but she often chatted and ate with everyone, and quickly integrated into the circle of "Northeast Flavor", and when the TV series began, she could not hear any difference between her accent and everyone. "Even now, the audience thinks that she was a native of the Northeast, which shows how much effort she has put into this role."

"In her interpretation of the character of 'Xie Bigfoot', it can be said that she has her own creation and play on the basis of respecting the script, she is the soul of the "Country Love" series, and she still has room to rise." The famous writer Zhang Ji is the screenwriter of the first ten parts of "Country Love", in a telephone interview with reporters, talking about his friend Yu Yuexian, sad and regretful, "She suddenly left, so that the future "Country Love" is full of variables. ”

Zhang Ji and Yu Yuexian met because of "Country Love", the friendship continued for more than ten years, although she Yu Yuexian is the sister of Zhao Benshan's wife, but she did not show a little special in the crew, "When Yu Yuexian joined the crew, we were not too optimistic about her, because almost all the actors in this play are Benshan's apprentices, and whether she can complete this role is still a question mark." In the end, she relied on her own efforts to interpret "Xie Dazu" deeply into the hearts of the people, and also made Zhang Ji look at her with admiration.

"Country Love" no longer has "Xie Bigfoot"! The crew lost the "soul figure" Liu Liu, and the screenwriter Zhang Ji recalled his friend Yu Yuexian

In Zhang Ji's view, Yu Yuexian also played the growth of "Xie Dazu" very wonderfully, "The earliest 'Xie Dazu' was relatively innocent, but later with the change of character personality and the extension of the plot, her feelings became relatively complicated. It is a rare image of a chinese rural woman. ”

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Yu Yuexian in life is particularly sincere, loves to make friends, is popular, and can quickly integrate with everyone, in the words of the northeast people, that is, to treat friends very "exquisitely".

Liu Liu still remembers Yu Yuexian making him a pie, "At that time, we were in a hurry to catch the plane, but she had to let us go to the house to eat, saying that her pie was good." When he got home, he began to chop the stuffing and boil the porridge with the noodles, and he was very sharp in doing things, and he quickly made the pie. I was so excited that I took a bite, and I, oops, the stuffing was so salty, I drank the water desperately. Later, when I arrived at the airport, Yu Yuexian called Liu Liu, "Laughing like red, she said: I tasted too salty!" Probably forgot, put the salt again. We were laughing at each other on the phone, and it was so unforgettable! ”

"Country Love" no longer has "Xie Bigfoot"! The crew lost the "soul figure" Liu Liu, and the screenwriter Zhang Ji recalled his friend Yu Yuexian
"Country Love" no longer has "Xie Bigfoot"! The crew lost the "soul figure" Liu Liu, and the screenwriter Zhang Ji recalled his friend Yu Yuexian

It is reported that "Country Love 14" is about to be broadcast, and "Country Love 15" has just been completed in July, which is also the last drama of Yu Yuexian. In addition to cooperating in "Country Love", Liu Liu and Yu Yuexian also filmed the "Green Water and Green Mountains with Smiles" series of comedy movies in Zibo, Shandong last year, "I play the male number one, she plays the female number one, the movie is ready to be released in the near future, before we also recorded a VCR, but she is not in this movie." Remembering his friend, Liu slipped up.

Zhang Ji introduced that Yu Yuexian mingled with everyone in the crew, "the younger one called her aunt, the older one called her Sister Xian'er, and she called me Teacher Zhang." Yu Yuexian usually loves to take the initiative to serve everyone, Zhang Ji remembers that every time he shoots a scene, Yu Yuexian will draw some cartoon small cards according to the characteristics of each cast, bind them into a book, and sometimes make these cartoon shapes into T-shirts for everyone. "She also learned to paint with Teacher Zhao Zhongxiang, and she loves to learn very much, and she has more room for improvement."

In Zhang Ji's hometown Zaozhuang, Yu Yuexian once cooperated with him to shoot "The Day of Fire", for which Yu Yuexian specially visited Zhang Ji's home, "At that time, my father was still there, and the old man had a better face, so he led her to the village to walk around, let everyone see, from the east end of the village to the west end of the village." ”

Yu Yuexian's life is also very inspiring. Zhang Ji revealed, "She came out of an ordinary family, she is very responsible for the family, and she often takes her mother with her when she goes out to do activities, because her brother is not in good health, she has been helping with treatment." Yu Yuexian has a lot of traditional virtues of Chinese women, and she is very inspirational and capable. She is also very popular in live broadcasting, we have always said, write a play for her, and let her fire, she has the ability and confidence of fire. But, what a shame. ”

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"Country Love" no longer has "Xie Bigfoot"! The crew lost the "soul figure" Liu Liu, and the screenwriter Zhang Ji recalled his friend Yu Yuexian

In addition to the "Country Love" series, Yu Yuexian once starred in "Chen Wuzhen" in "Journey to the West", and in the 1998 version of "Water Margin", she played Jin Cuilian. Because the acting skills are impressive. However, Yu Yuexian is not stuck in his own drama path, in recent years, Yu Yuexian has jumped out of the frame, and has successively filmed many other types of dramas, and his acting skills are also at their peak.

The news of Yu Yuexian's unexpected death came, shocking friends and colleagues. "Country Love" official Micro posted a tribute to Yue Xian: "Xian" people have passed away, such as "Yue" Chan Juan. Our beloved teacher Yu Yuexian, dear Bigfoot Aunt, the closest family member of rural love, thank you for your company for more than ten years, I wish you rest in peace and go all the way. And the stills before Yu Yuexian were changed to black and white.

Actors Xiao Shenyang and Wang Xiaoli, who have starred in the "Country Love" series of TV series, have sent articles of condolences, causing the audience to cry. Xiao Shenyang said, "I really can't believe it, My Aunt has gone all the way." Wang Xiaoli said: "Such a departure really can't be accepted, dear little aunt, dear bigfoot, all the way." ”

Zhang Ziyi, who met Yu Yuexian on the stage of "The Birth of an Actor" in 2017, also posted on Weibo: "What about the long future of Japan? Go all the way to the fairy sister".

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