
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

author:Le Le Mommy gourmet kitchen
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > after winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple and homely</h1>

After entering the winter, the weather becomes cold and dry, coupled with a snowfall in the previous few days, dryness did not alleviate much, morning and evening out is even colder, as the home began to burn on the floor heating, get up in the morning, it is obvious that the throat is dry and uncomfortable, at this time people do not pay attention to it is easy to dry and hot on fire, so usually must drink more water, in the diet, also pay attention not to eat too spicy and stimulating food, eat more relatively light, nutritious food.

The honey grapefruit tea that I share with you today, you can make some refrigeration at home and drink a cup every day, which is also very good for the body. After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple and homely, let's take a look at how I made it.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [Homemade Honey Grapefruit Tea ------ Method Detailed].</h1>

【Main ingredients】: grapefruit, rock sugar, honey

------ start making------

(1): Take a fresh grapefruit, put it in a basin, soak it in warm water for a few minutes, then put the right amount of salt, and carefully scrub the skin of the grapefruit with your hands.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

(2): Use a spatula to scrape off the skin of the grapefruit, do not throw away the grapefruit skin after all the scraping, the nutrition of the grapefruit skin is also very rich, and it is still useful for a while.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

(3): Use a knife to scrape off the white film on the grapefruit skin in turn, and try to scrape it clean, otherwise it will be very bitter after making it.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

(4): After all the white film on the grapefruit skin is processed, the grapefruit skin can be neatly stacked together, and then cut into thin wires with a knife, try to cut as fine as possible, the finer the better.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

(5): Put the cut grapefruit peel into a basin, pour in the appropriate amount of water, and then add the appropriate amount of salt, grasp and mix evenly, let it soak for a few minutes (this step is also to effectively remove some of the bitterness).

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

(6): Cut off the head and tail of the shaved grapefruit with a knife, then cut it in half from the middle, break off the white thick skin part, and throw it away.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

The remaining red flesh part is also carefully peeled by hand, only the red flesh is taken out, and the white fascia is treated cleanly, which will also aggravate the bitter taste if it is not cleanly handled.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

(7): Soak the grapefruit peel until the water changes color, pour the water out, rinse it twice, and dry the water by hand.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

Pour the right amount of water into the pot, boil the water and add the grapefruit peel (add this step, you can also remove some of the bitterness), blanch until the water in the pot changes color, turn off the heat and fish it out into the cool water basin, and then fish out the water, and the ingredients are ready.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

(8): First put the grapefruit peel into the pot, stir it slightly, and then put in the peeled grapefruit pulp (if there is a non-stick pan at home, it is best to use a non-stick pan, because when it is boiled to the end, it is easy to stick to the pan).

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

Pour in the right amount of water (I have 1 grapefruit, pour 200 ml of water), add the right amount of rock sugar (I put 2 handfuls of rock sugar), and let continue to boil.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

Simmer slowly until the moisture dries and begins to thicken, then turn off the heat and let the natural air cool to warm.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

After drying, add an appropriate amount of honey (honey is crystallized), stir well, let the honey and grapefruit fully integrated, homemade honey grapefruit tea is ready.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]
After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

Scoop it with a spoon into a glass jar that has been cleaned in advance and dried thoroughly, do not cover the lid first, wait for it to cool thoroughly, then close the lid and tighten it, and put it in the refrigerator refrigerator for refrigeration.

After entering the winter, it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home-style after winter it is recommended to drink more honey grapefruit tea, only 3 kinds of ingredients, delicious without additives, simple home cooking [home-cooked honey grapefruit tea ------ method detailed explanation]

When you want to drink, take as you go, take a clean spoon, scoop a spoon, brew it with warm water, you can drink, in the dry winter, often drink a cup of such honey grapefruit tea, it is also very beneficial to the body, it is recommended that female friends can drink more Oh.

If you have other ways to make honey grapefruit tea, please leave a message in the comment area to share, thank you for your support.

I am Le Le Mommy Gourmet Kitchen le mom, a love to love to share after the 80s bao mom, focus on sharing simple and delicious home-cooked food and related cooking skills, etc., this picture and text by the "Le Le Mommy food kitchen" original production, picture production is not easy, unauthorized strictly prohibited to carry plagiarism, if you like this article, you can like, collect, forward it, Le Mama will have different food-related content to share every day, thank you for watching.

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