
Which is better, "red meat" or "white meat"? Doctor: The difference is not small, don't buy it indiscriminately

author:Director Sun talked about popular science

In the colorful world of fruits, pomelo stands out for its unique flavor and rich nutritional value, becoming a frequent guest on the table of many families. As you stroll through the fruit section of the market, you'll see a maze of colourful pomelo piles, the most hesitant choice of which is the "red-fleshed" pomelo and the "white-fleshed" pomelo. On the one hand, red-fleshed grapefruit will entice your taste buds with its attractive color and sweet taste, while on the other hand, white-fleshed yuzu quietly occupies a place with its freshness and elegance, revealing a hint of fresh sweetness and sourness. Not only do these two types of grapefruit differ in appearance and taste, but they also differ in their nutritional value and health benefits.

So, when faced with these two types of grapefruit, how should we choose? should we be attracted by the bright color of the red-fleshed yuzu or the classic taste of the white-fleshed yuzu?

Which is better, "red meat" or "white meat"? Doctor: The difference is not small, don't buy it indiscriminately

Yuzu Quest: More than just a juice story

Grapefruit, a widely loved fruit, is not only popular for its delicious juice, but also for its rich nutritional value. From the outside to the inside, grapefruit contains a wealth of health secrets that make it unique in the fruit world.

Learn about the basic properties of grapefruit. Belonging to the citrus family, pomelo is a large fruit known for its thick skin and unique flavor with sweet and bitter notes. Its flesh can be divided into two types: "red meat", which is generally considered to be sweeter and juicier, and "white meat", which has a slightly lighter flavor and a firm texture.

In terms of nutritional value, grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system, promotes wound healing and prevents cell damage. In addition, grapefruit is rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium, and a variety of antioxidants, all of which have positive effects on maintaining heart health, regulating blood sugar levels, and improving the digestive system.

It is worth mentioning that the peel and white part of the grapefruit (known as the "valve") also contains a lot of bioflavonoids and fiber. These ingredients not only enhance the nutritional value of grapefruit, but also provide additional health benefits, such as helping to lower cholesterol levels.

Which is better, "red meat" or "white meat"? Doctor: The difference is not small, don't buy it indiscriminately

The mystery of "red meat" grapefruit: more than just the charm of color

"Red meat" grapefruit is not only eye-catching for its bright red color, but also rich in nutritional value and health benefits. When exploring the characteristics of this breed, we found that its uniqueness is not limited to its appearance.

Nutrients: Rich and multi-beneficial

The best feature of "red meat" yuzu is its high nutritional value. This grapefruit is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, both of which are important nutrients for maintaining a healthy immune system and healthy skin. In addition to this, it also contains a variety of antioxidants, such as lycopene and flavonoids. These antioxidants help defend against free radical damage and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Heart-healthy friend

Studies have shown that the antioxidants in "red meat" grapefruit are particularly beneficial for heart health. They help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, for example by lowering blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels. This is an advantage that should not be overlooked for by middle-aged and elderly people who are often concerned about their heart health.

Which is better, "red meat" or "white meat"? Doctor: The difference is not small, don't buy it indiscriminately

Supports blood sugar control

In addition, "red meat" grapefruit also has a positive effect on blood sugar control. Its low glycemic index means it does not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, which is especially important for people with abnormal glucose metabolism.

Promoter of digestive health

Due to its high-fiber properties, "red meat" grapefruit helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system. Fiber not only promotes intestinal motility, but also helps maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora, which is significantly effective in preventing constipation and other digestive diseases.

Beauty & Anti-Aging

The high antioxidant content in "red meat" grapefruit is also beneficial for skin health. Antioxidants help defend against environmental stressors and slow down the aging process, keeping the skin youthful and vibrant.

Which is better, "red meat" or "white meat"? Doctor: The difference is not small, don't buy it indiscriminately

The secret of "white meat" yuzu: more than just a taste pleasure

The basic characteristics of white-fleshed grapefruit

White-fleshed grapefruit, as the name suggests, has a pale yellow or white flesh that contrasts with red-fleshed grapefruit. It usually has a milder taste, a moderate sweetness, and a softer mouthfeel.

Nutritional value analysis

White-fleshed grapefruit is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber, which play an important role in maintaining good health. Vitamin C helps boost immunity, promotes wound healing, and is very beneficial for skin health. Potassium helps regulate water balance and normal heartbeat, which has a positive impact on cardiovascular health.

Potential benefits for specific health problems

For people with abnormal glucose metabolism (diabetes), the natural sugars and dietary fiber in white-fleshed grapefruit can help to better control blood sugar levels. The dietary fiber in white-fleshed grapefruit also helps promote gut health, which is good for the digestive system. Studies have shown that regular consumption of grapefruit can have a positive effect on people with increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries (hypertension), helping to regulate blood pressure.

How to choose and eat

When choosing, you should choose white-fleshed grapefruit with smooth skin and a certain sense of weight, which usually means that the fruit is juicy. White-fleshed grapefruit can be eaten as is, or it can be used as a combination of salad and yogurt to add flavor and nutrition.


Grapefruit may interact with certain medications, such as blood pressure medications and certain cholesterol-lowering medications, so a doctor should be consulted before consuming them. Excessive consumption of grapefruit may cause stomach upset and should be consumed in moderation.

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