
If a room is not swept, why sweep the world? - "The Magic of Life Sorting Out"

author:The Desert of the Three Masters
If a room is not swept, why sweep the world? - "The Magic of Life Sorting Out"

In 2019, the media reported that after a tenant quit the rent, he left a lot of garbage in the rental house, and even a dead cat. The landlord who saw the mess of the room had no choice but to call 16 cleaners and clean up 24 cars of garbage before cleaning the room. This year, there was a similar news. The landlord rented the house to a well-known Internet celebrity anchor, but after returning the rent, he found that the inside of the house was as chaotic as a garbage dump.

More and more of this kind of news reveals a growing problem – modern young people are not good at tidying up at home. Many young men and women, although they look bright on the surface, if they enter their homes, they will find that the home is in chaos. Some people's homes can even only be described as "miserable".

Some people may say that work is so busy, where is the time to tidy up the room. In fact, the root cause of the chaos of home life is the lack of sorting ability and awareness of sorting, busy work, just an excuse.

As the old saying goes: If a room is not swept, why sweep the world? This shows that people who can't tidy up their rooms can't manage their lives and work. And, a room that's always messy, after you come home from work exhausted, will make you feel worse.

Therefore, do not underestimate the role of tidying up the room, and do not ignore the connection between the tidying up room and the working state and quality of life.

So, how do you tidy up a messy room? Recommend a book on decoring, called "Thrilling Life Magic Finishing Class".

The author of this book is Marie Kondo of Japan, who has been in love with tidying since she was 5 years old, read almost all the books about tidying up at the age of 15, started working as a finishing consultant at the age of 18, and then engaged in finishing training. This "Thrilling Life Tidying Magic" is a big summary of Kondo's home tidying up methods over the years. Many young people in Japan, under the guidance of this book, have changed their living conditions and changed their spiritual outlook.

How does the book teach us to tidy up our rooms? The first step in learning to tidy up is to leave behind the things that make us feel excited and "throw away" the excess.

There are four concrete steps to this step.

The first step is to learn to think about the "ideal life". In fact, it is to clarify our goals: what do we want our home to be like, and what kind of home life do we want to live? This is very important.

Only when the goal of sorting is clarified can the direction of collation be clear.

The second step is to touch the things in the room to see if there is a feeling of "heartbeat".

In the face of the things we want to lose at home and are reluctant to lose, the best way is to find a time, touch them one by one, and carefully weigh whether these things make us "excited".

For example, a large number of plastic bags are not valuable, and they can easily occupy space and cause confusion. This kind of thing must not make us feel "excited", then consider throwing them away. Other things, such as greeting cards or award certificates received as students, small gifts on birthdays, and so on. These things, with a lot of unforgettable memories, let us have a "thrilling" feeling when we touch them. Then we can consider keeping these things.

The third step is to gather the things you want to throw away and pick them up again.

First, the selected objects that make it difficult for us to "thrill" are classified, such as clothes, books, newspapers, furniture, etc. Then sort again.

In this, the useless but important things are reserved first; the second is useful but not important, and finally the useless and unimportant. For example, there is a dilapidated computer in the house that has been abandoned, but the computer also stores a large number of files, and it has not been copied. This kind of item belongs to the kind of thing that will not make you excited, but it is more important, this kind of thing, we can not lose it for the time being.

The last step, we must completely throw away those excess things in a short period of time.

Remember, you must sort it out all at once, in a short period of time, and you must not give up half of the tidying up, or lose half of the things, and leave the rest of the work until tomorrow or next week.

The room was cleaned, and the next step was to store it, so that we could make the house more organized.

Asuna Kondo's method is to let every object on her body find a corresponding storage location.

Her approach is simple and consists mainly of four main points.

First, set the location of all the items in your home.

For example, coats have cabinets for enlarged coats; luxury goods such as watches and jewelry can be arranged in a specific storage box and then placed in a specific drawer. Mobile phone chargers, data cables and other items can be placed in the same location and so on.

What we need to pay attention to here is that any thing in the home, we must set the fixed position to which it belongs, there must be no omission, once there is an omission, it may cause local chaos.

Second, do not disperse the storage places.

The meaning of this sentence is that things of the same kind can be stored in the same place, and they should not be scattered. In general, we can divide everything into two broad categories:

The first category is classified by owner. For example, the children's things are placed in one category, the husband's things are placed in one category, and so on.

The second category is classified by item. For example, the box with the watch and the box with the earrings and necklaces can be placed in the same drawer. Boxes with certificates and awards, and boxes with bills, certificates, agreements, and contracts can be put together.

Point three: The "course of action" and "frequency of use" need not be ignored.

Generally speaking, we think that the "principle of convenience" must be followed when storing things. For example, dirty clothes must be placed in the bathroom, because it is convenient to wash clothes; shoe racks must be placed next to the door, because it is convenient to take off shoes when you come back from work.

We set this up because it fits our course of action and frequency of use. However, this kind of storage tends to make our home more chaotic.

For example, dirty clothes in the bathroom will take up a lot of bathroom space, and the shoe rack next to the door will make the guest face a lot of shoes as soon as they enter the door...

On the surface, this practice seems to be storing, but in fact, it scatters the same kind of things in the home to various places.

Therefore, rather than the trouble when using it, we should consider how to reduce the trouble when storing. Take the mobile phone charger, placed in a certain position at the head of the bed, and placed in another position in the room, the difference is not big, take two or three steps, we can still get the charger, charge the phone.

Therefore, we do not have to think too much about the problem of action route and frequency of use, and we do not have to mess up the overall situation because we always covet the "convenience" of that few steps away. Sorting it out according to classification is the right way.

Point four, learning to store vertically is king.

Whether it's documents, books, or clothes, many people prefer to stack them. But Marie Kondo was less supportive. There are two main reasons: first, using the stacking method, we can use the space without restriction, the items will continue to stack upwards, the higher the pile, the owner is easy to ignore the things placed below; second, the items that are pressed underneath are easily crushed, or you will be very inconvenient when you take the items below.

Therefore, Asahi Kondo believes that what can be placed vertically should never be stacked. Placed vertically, it is convenient to take, but it will not crush the things below, and it will not let some items be "buried", and finally become the object to be discarded next time.

When we learn to tidy up and put it into action, we will find that it is not only our room that is tidying up, but also our lives that change.

First of all, after we have finished tidying up the room, we will discover the real desire in our hearts.

After you sort it out, you will find that the bookshelf is full of good books that you have carefully selected, and then your desire to read books is stimulated. After tidying up, you will find that the drawer is full of important objects, such as various certificates, awards, etc., when you open the drawer and see these important objects, you will suddenly find - Oh, it turns out that I have done so many things before, it turns out that I was so good before.

Therefore, tidying up our room allows us to discover the true desire in our hearts and make us a better version of ourselves.

Secondly, learning to organize can help our lives to breed more self-confidence.

As the saying goes, "people look at clothes", from a person's clothing, you can generally see the character and taste of this person. In the same way, from a person's room, we can also see a person's character and taste.

A neatly organized room will make our home life more comfortable and comfortable, and we will also feel happy and happy for ourselves. Every day when we come home, we will be very happy to see that our little world is so neat and orderly. At the same time, as a finishing "master", when we go out every day, we will carry a natural confidence.

Third, learning to organize can also cultivate our determination.

Many workers in the workplace feel that they lack decisiveness and are very procrastinating to do things, mother-in-law' mother-in-law. The cultivation of determination can actually start from tidying up the room.

The reason is simple – tidying up your room means throwing away a lot of things that have been with you for many years. These things don't have to be useful, and may even be a burden on you, but throwing them away does require a lot of courage.

So, if you want to have decisiveness in the workplace, you might as well start by tidying up your room. At home, after you learn to throw away the superfluous and useless things decisively, in the workplace, you will also learn to throw away the unnecessary, useless moods, mentalities and pressures when necessary.

Fourth, learn to tidy up, but also make your body refreshing.

Learning to tidy up and throw away unnecessary and useless things can not only make the air in the room fresher, but also reduce the breeding of mold and bacteria, and make our home life healthier.

Moreover, the process of tidying up the room itself is a "labor", in fact, it is doing a full-body exercise. Therefore, many people who are keen on sorting and storage are always radiant, in addition to the psychological role, there is also a certain scientific reason.

Finally, a truly happy life may begin after tidying up.

A person's time and energy must be limited, and we must learn to put our time and energy on important things.

Isn't it a kind of happiness to imagine that after tidying up your room, the objects you face every day are all heartwarming, and your life will be orderly?

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