
Marie Kondo's "The Magic of Tidying Up a Life", a book of spiritual healing

author:Si Xi Qinghe fell in love with reading

A life tidying up that helps people find happiness again, by sorting out the environment, to sort out your past, find where your heart goes, change your state, and make your life lighter and more confident. Remember, only leave the items that will blow your mind!

A compilation book that has brought life changes to thousands of readers, it is worth recommending to all those who want to make life lighter and more confident.

Marie Kondo's "The Magic of Tidying Up a Life", a book of spiritual healing

What is finishing? Tidying up is to screen for the items that are intriguing or necessary, discard the items that are no longer in the mood or do not need to be needed, and set up a storage place for the items that are left behind. The basic order of organizing items: clothes, books, documents, small objects, souvenirs. There are four principles of storage: folding, upright, concentrated, and square.

The so-called tidying up is the collation of the past. Through tidying up, know what is necessary in life, what is unnecessary, what should be done, and what should not be done.

Leave only the heartthrob, not the one that feels useful.

By sorting it out, you will find that the things you like will not change even if the times change.

On the surface, tidying up is a simple, pure housework. In fact, the collation contains a philosophy of life. As the author says, tidying up is a process of discovering oneself. Through sorting, re-examining objects, recognizing the current self, and creating a better life.

The real finishing, to leave the heartwarming items well, and generously put out, and then, every day to live a heartbeat, this is the real purpose of the finishing.

Practicing the art of tidying up will also make my belongings happy for a master like me. Duncha, isn't the study of this sorting technique the ability to learn to give love? Not just to people, but to everything around you, give love.

Leaving behind something happy, a raise of the hand, a throw of the foot, is elegant. Surrounded by happiness, all that I like, all carrying good memories.

What you don't use now, you won't use again. Only by recognizing the present and abandoning the past can you live better. This is not only the way of tidying up, but also the way of life.

Better live in the present and the future than immerse yourself in the past all the time. Experience more beautiful things and emotions, and fill up the memories you can have.

Tidying up starts from discarding, from items to life, constantly discarding useless dislikes, the rest of life will become more and more open, and everywhere you see is like.

Marie Kondo's "The Magic of Tidying Up a Life", a book of spiritual healing

The whole book is smooth and full of content, the words are full of "love" for the object, and many of the suggestions in the book are also very practical and worth learning.

In many Japanese books that introduce life skills, the author often peeks into and awakens from the trivial matters of the ordinary, and then rises to the level of "Tao".

In the field of finishing, the most impressive are two books, one is «Breaking Away», the other is "Thrilling Life Tidying Magic», and the rest are mostly introductions to the level of art. The difference between the two books is that renunciation focuses on separating from unnecessary desires and reducing dependence on things. The heartbeat emphasizes that people should be surrounded by their favorite objects and leave behind something that makes people happy. The former is like practicing, the latter is more pyrotechnic, and both of them will help us live a light life.

This book is a book of decorum and at the same time a book of spiritual healing. This book introduces the sorting method of "once sorted out, it will not become chaotic", teaches you to use the "heartbeat selection method" to select items, in the order of "first throw things away, and then store", according to the category of items, one-time, short-term, perfect sorting, etc., so that people can find their determination in life through sorting, find the initial dream, and find a happy life that is exciting.

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Reading is a book, but reading is the world; brewing tea, tasting is life; pouring wine, tasting is hardship; life is like a single ticket with no return, no rehearsal. Each one is broadcast live. Grasping each performance is the best treasure.

Read a book, taste a cup of tea, lean on the railing quietly overlooking, in the bright moon like water frost day, salvage the hurried passing of the Chinese year. Prosperity, tranquility are life.

Read more books to seek more understanding, let the road of life go wider and wider, and let the development of the self get better and better. Life is impermanent and full of expectations.

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Marie Kondo's "The Magic of Tidying Up a Life", a book of spiritual healing

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