
Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

author:Watch movie magazines
Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Two sexual assault cases have dominated the front page of recent news.

A second case is filed together, and a verdict is formally pronounced together.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

On April 14, the Taipei Prefectural People's Court sentenced Niu Chengze to four years in prison on charges of "compulsory surrender." Niu Chengze did not appear in court to hear the verdict, but his lawyers said they would continue to appeal.

After a year and a half, the "Niu Chengze Sexual Assault Female Assistant Incident" finally waited for a result.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Many people may forget what really happened in the first place.

It's okay, let's review the whole thing, and then take it back to the first half of Niu Chengze's life to see how a well-known descendant of a well-known family has sent himself to prison step by step.

"Niu Chengze is dead"

2018, the year of Rashomon in sexual assault.

Gao Yunxiang and Liu Qiangdong were suspected of sexual assault abroad, and in December, Taiwanese director Niu Chengze, who had filmed films such as "Mengjia" [Love] [Military Paradise], was also accused of sexual assault.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

News source:

At that time, Niu Chengze was preparing a new film [Running Horse].

On November 23, Niu Chengze temporarily cancelled the work meeting and invited the [Running Horse] crew to his home for a small gathering.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

The original male protagonist of [Running Horse] is Ren Xianqi, who added 200 pounds to the role in the film, and the film was stopped after Niu Chengze's accident, and it is reported that Ren Xianqi bought the copyright of [Running Horse] and wanted to continue to complete it

That night, Niu Chengze asked a female assistant of the crew to stay alone on the grounds of "I respect women".

As a result, he was forcibly sexually assaulted by Niu Chengze. Because Niu Chengze could not get up, he violated it with his fingers.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

After the incident, the female assistant immediately resigned, had an emotional breakdown, and could not even live a normal life.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Niu Chengze sent the female assistant "sorry" many times afterwards, which also became evidence

She originally did not dare to report the crime, because she was afraid that the other party would not commit a crime by just using her fingers. But with the support and encouragement of friends, I still made up my mind to go to the hospital for injury examination first.

Because the test was timely enough, it was able to retain the ironclad evidence of Niu Chengze's sexual assault: the saliva remaining on the chest detected DNA, there were bruises left by the resistance on the arms, and there were new lacerations on the lower body.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

She then called the 113 Maternal and Child Protection Hotline for help, and on December 5, accompanied by a friend, went to the police station to report the case and submit complete evidence.

If this matter can bring some enlightenment, it is that after being infringed, you must report the case in time, never have the idea of "guilty", and do not let yourself be "harmed twice".

The real hammer is in front of him, but Niu Chengze just does not admit guilt and is still singing a one-man show.

In the face of the public, he first made a bitter trick: "Outside the judiciary, there is already a public trial going on. I'm dead and sentenced to death. ”

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Play the affection card again, arguing that he has a real relationship with the female assistant: "I still like her, or will continue to protect her." 」 ”

These remarks ultimately cost him. The judge felt that Niu Chengze, as a public figure, deliberately manipulated the media to spread rumors of mutual satisfaction, misleading the public's judgment, and making things up out of nothing, adding one to the crime.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

According to the analysis of the woman's lawyer, Niu Chengze's behavior violated the "compulsory surrender" in the Criminal Law, even if it is "finger sex", it also constitutes sexual assault and can be sentenced to 3-10 years of imprisonment.

The prosecutor said: "The female assistant and Niu Chengze have a superior-subordinate relationship, and in order to keep their jobs, there is no fierce resistance, which does not mean that they agree to have a relationship." ”

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Niu Chengze is not a decent gentleman, often in public speech, flirtatious behavior, this is not new. In fact, his flowery intestines and misconduct have been around since childhood.

Since childhood, Niu Chengze is a typical kind of child who lacks love, who longs for love, attention, and even does whatever it takes to completely disregard the feelings of others.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

In short, after the sexual assault incident was exposed, many people's reaction was not "he actually did this kind of thing", but "he really did this kind of thing", which is not surprising.

If fate has a foreshadowing, then Niu Chengze's step to today is not a foreshadowing. Rather, he blatantly smeared his desires behind him, and failed everywhere.

"Manchu Remnants, Descendants of Warlords"

In 1948, at the age of 19, Niu Hua left the Beijing hutong where he had been living and followed the Kuomintang army to Taiwan, never to return.

Niu Hua married Zhang Qingqin, the daughter of the general, in Taipei, and their first child was born in 1966 and named Niu Chengze.

In "Where the Guest Comes From", Niu Chengze jokingly calls himself "a remnant of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, a descendant of warlords".

That's true.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Niu Chengze's full name was "Niu Hulu Chengze", after the Manchu Niu Hulu clan, the Empress Dowager Ci'an, who listened to the government with Empress Dowager Cixi, was Niu Chengze's aunt; Niu Chengze's grandfather was kong Fanjin, the beiyang warlord "King of Longnan", and Feng Yuxiang was a brother in law.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Niu Chengze loved to show off when he was a child, and he squatted in the toilet of Chiang Kai-shek's official residence.

"The things of the previous generation sounded like a legend, and my father said that grandpa would sell a house when he had no money."

When Niu Chengze was 12 years old, his father suffered from "motor neuron atrophy" (that is, "frostbite"), and only his eyes were left to move, and he lived for more than ten years by intubation feeding.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

In Taiwan's patriarchal society, Niu Chengze's family faces the idling of the center of power. And good family conditions, that is, advantages, have also become the capital of debauchery.

Niu Chengze's wrong path began when he was a student.

Due to his grandfather's connections, when Niu Chengze was nine years old, a film company took the initiative to come to him to act.

There is no need for him to act to subsidize the family, but Niu Chengze likes to act.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Wang Tong [Bitter Love], Niu Chengze as Teenager Early Morning Light

The reason why Niu Chengze likes acting is also very simple, as long as he acts, he does not have to go to class. In addition, he has always felt that his seriously ill brother has taken away all of his mother's love, and only when he is acting, his mother will care about himself.

Later, Niu Chengze entered the film and drama department of Taiwan National Light Arts School to study, which can be regarded as a science class.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Chen Kunhou [Xiao Bi's Story], Niu Chengze as Xiao Bi

It was during his studies at the Guoguang Art School that Niu Chengze began to expose his dirty side and unabashedly used it as a pastime.

In 2004, Niu Chengze also talked about the obscene deeds during his time in school in "Kangxi Is Coming", not ashamed, but proud.

He and his good friend Sun Peng played a "kissing game", standing at the door of the men's toilet, as long as there was a girl passing by, he took her into the toilet and persuaded the other party to kiss him. Then another guy peeked outside.

Whoever can kiss the girl smoothly wins.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Cai Kangyong also asked why there were no girls to report you or refuse, niu Chengze also said proudly: "It should be intimidating our obscenity." ”

Niu Chengze also invited Xiao S to demonstrate at the scene, and Xiao S directly said: "You are basically rapists." ”

Now it seems that a word has become a slur.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

"I want to have works, I want to create"

In 1982, [The Story of Time] kicked off the new film movement in Taiwan.

At that time, 17-year-old Niu Chengze was in the midst of this wave, personally participating in and witnessing the rise and fall of Taiwan's new film movement.

As an actor, he participated in a number of representative works of Taiwan's new films during that time, including "Bitter Love" [Banana Paradise] directed by Wang Tong, "Xiao Bi's Story" directed by Chen Kunhou, and "The Man from the Wind Cabinet" directed by Hou Xiaoxian.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

[The man from the wind cabinet]

After entering the new century, Niu Chengze was not satisfied with acting, but also tried to be a director.

At first, in order to expand his popularity, Niu Chengze helped stars shoot MVs, just like Ning Hao in the early years, there were Ren Xianqi's "Sad Pacific", "No You No Me", Liang Jingru's "Third Party", Lin Junjie's "Discover Love" and so on.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Niu Chengze made a cameo appearance in the MV of "Sad Pacific"

Until the youth idol drama "Meteor Garden" was a fire in Taiwan, it also made Niu Chengze begin to transform to make a youth idol drama, and later went to make a movie.

Many directors are happy to show their desires in movies, or use movies to fill emotional gaps and repair past misfortunes, such as the clown in Fellini's films.

In several of Niu Chengze's films, there has always been an obvious projection.

His debut novel,[The Way to Survive], tells the story of a pseudo-documentary in the form of a pseudo-documentary.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

[The Way to Survive]

In the film, Niu Chengze takes his girlfriend home and borrows money from his mother to make a movie: "I am a forty-year-old person, I want to have works, I want to create." "That's what Niu Chengze really was like when he was shooting this movie.

Another example is the lack of paternal love, which is reflected in the mosquito played by Zhao Youting. Mosquitoes hit the innings laid out by their fathers and bled on the streets. Because before this, the father and son had never met. The absence of his father has made the mosquitoes who have been bullied since childhood embark on the road of no return of the gang.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

[Mengjia], Zhao Youting as Mosquito

In [The Paradise in the Army], there appeared a "special tea room" for the Kuomintang to comfort the soldiers. Because his father was a Kuomintang soldier, Niu Chengze had a special plot for this.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

[Military Paradise]

As a director, it is of course no problem to express yourself through film and film. But Niu Chengze also stepped on this road.

He turned the film into a tool to satisfy selfish desires, using the convenience of his position and identity deterrence to form the suppression and exploitation of actresses.

His desires spread from life to the movies. It's a blasphemy against the movie, and more than once.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Especially after the sexual assault incident was exposed, Niu Chengze's black history on the set was also exposed one by one.

During the filming of the film "The Way to Survive", Niu Chengze played Ke Wanru's boyfriend in the film. The script does not state that Ke Yanru was present and filmed a completely naked bed scene on the grounds of "artistic sacrifice".

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

During the filming of the TV series "I Am in Kenting With Sunny Weather", in front of a intimate scene between an actor and Zhang Junning, Niu Chengze suddenly personally demonstrated and took the opportunity to kiss Zhang Junning's neck.

When filming the movie "Love", Niu Chengze played a wealthy businessman who pursued Shu Qi in the film. On the grounds of the needs of the plot, he specially added a bed scene to himself.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure


Coincidentally, Niu Chengze's role in the movie needs to rely on medicine to harden, which is basically consistent with the details of his sexual assault case.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

When filming the movie [Military Paradise], Niu Chengze was often angry on the set and did not have a short temper. In order to soothe his emotions, the crew specially arranged a "little angel" around Niu Chengze, limiting only young and beautiful ladies to be responsible for on-site replay and pouring red wine for the director.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

This brings us back to the clichéd topic, should a director's private ethics and works be treated differently?

I think for director Niu Chengze, the two cannot be separated. Because he got into the movie, the movie became the tool for him to vent his desires.

If so, wouldn't praising his films indirectly affirm what he did?

"In which direction the wind blows, the grass will fall in which direction"

I have heard a lot of truths, but I still can't live this life well.

In fact, Niu Chengze belongs to the kind of people who "understand the truth, but they want to go out of line".

If Xiao S predicted Niu Chengze's sexual assault in the sentence "You are basically rapists" in "Kangxi Lai"; then the fate of Niu Chengze's imprisonment today, he also said it himself in a 2012 issue of "Threesomes".

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

That episode was about his upcoming movie [Love], the theme of which was "Love is Responsible", Niu Chengze said: "We are easily controlled by desire, thinking with the lower body." When people are young, they do not have their own understanding of how they act under impulse. Therefore, when you need to be responsible for yourself, you often want to withdraw. But in fact, you can't shirk this responsibility, you always have to bear it. ”

How to bear it? See you in prison.

In an interview with "Parent-Child World", Niu Chengze said that he was particularly eager to become a father, and when he saw pregnant women on the road, he would find her particularly beautiful. Then he said, after the accident, "Maybe I'm a stupid man, so I've been single so far." ”

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

The more one lacks something, the more anxious he is to prove something.

Just like he obviously "can't get up", he has to use his fingers to possess.

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

Niu Chengze, who is an actor, really loves to act.

He played a gang boss in [Ganggang]: "In whichever direction the wind blows, the grass will fall in which direction." When I was young, I used to think I was the wind, but in the end, I was covered in scales, and I realized that we were all just grass. ”

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

However, his mentor Hou Xiaoxian commented after watching it: "The worst actor in the whole film is Niu Chengze." ”

He was indeed a "rotten" actor who treated life as a movie and a movie as life, and eventually put himself in jail.

He thought he was the wind, and in the end he realized that it was just a poisonous weed.

Should private virtue and work be treated separately?

Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure
Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure
Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure
Niu Chengze sexual assault incident began and ended: fate has long foreshadowed, helpless is all failure

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