
Remembrance of Ye Yonglie - The first letter from Han Jingqing, the wife of Liang Shiqiu, to Ye Yonglie

author:Southern Weekly
Remembrance of Ye Yonglie - The first letter from Han Jingqing, the wife of Liang Shiqiu, to Ye Yonglie

Mr. Ye Yonglie and his wife came to the Shanghai Library

Shanghai osmanthus flowers seem to bloom overnight.

At this time last year, the Shanghai Library's annual exhibition, an exhibition of manuscripts by famous artists in the collection, was entering the final stage of preparation, and Mr. Ye Yonglie was in a serious illness, but insisted on keeping in touch with me, and was the fastest responding author in WeChat, providing the most specific suggestions and opinions.

On the eve of the National Day, he underwent surgery, and then the course of the illness progressed so quickly that he and his family did not expect it. After the operation, he insisted on recording two audio notes for the Shanghai Library, introducing the manuscripts of his two works to the readers, and then making a QR code from the above picture for readers to listen to in the exhibition and catalogue.

When the "Brilliant Pen - Manuscript Exhibition of Famous Artists in Shanghai Library" opened in early November 2019, I deliberately photographed Mr. Ye Yonglie's display case in the exhibition hall and shared it with him in WeChat, but all the videos and texts sent were sent to the sea, and there was no response.

Remembrance of Ye Yonglie - The first letter from Han Jingqing, the wife of Liang Shiqiu, to Ye Yonglie

Ye Yonglie's manuscript

<h3>Hearing the word "manuscript," he opened his eyes</h3>

On January 22, 2020, the leaders of Shanghai Library visited Mr. Ye in the intensive care unit of Changhai Hospital and presented him with exhibition catalogues. Mr. Ye has been intubated with an endotrachea, and his face is puffy and swollen, and he is almost unrecognizable. Old Lady Ye gently called him several times, and her eyelids and fingers did not respond. She apologetically said to us "probably asleep". Both of Mr. Ye's sons are overseas, and they are accompanied by Mrs. Yang Huifen, the old lady of Ye, every day. In order to take care of her in old age and infirmity, Changhai Hospital has set up a room on the ground floor of the intensive care unit for her and the nanny to stay temporarily. She has poor ear skills, phone calls and daily communication have become more difficult, and she needs the babysitter to relay the greetings of friends in her ear.

On September 30, 2017, Mr. and Mrs. Ye Yonglie came to the museum together to visit the digital work of the "Ye Yonglie Collection", and I took a group photo for them. Immediately after Returning Home, Mr. Ye wrote an article entitled "After donation", which was later published in the Xinmin Evening News. At the end of the article, he wrote: "After returning from the Shanghai Library, I took advantage of the National Day holiday to sort out 10 boxes of creative archives and donated them to the Shanghai Library. ”

Director Chen Chao approached Mr. Ye's bedside and said to him, "You can rest assured that we will keep the manuscripts and archival materials you donated well and live up to your trust." As soon as the words fell, Mr. Ye actually raised his eyelids, his eyes were slightly open, and he looked at Director Chen Chao and Deputy Director Zhou Deming standing next to the bed, as if expecting them to say something more, as if they were clinging to each other. Old Lady Ye said in surprise, "He heard it, he heard it!" He recognizes you. That focused gaze remained deep in my mind.

On the day of Mr. Ye's death, the old lady could not accept this matter for a long time, and said to me in WeChat: "Thank you." Lao Ye is still in the hospital, and the doctors are doing their best to rescue him. Somehow the outside world spread that he had passed away, which was a misunderstanding. Your sincerity I and Lao Ye have received, thank you. I froze, not knowing for a moment how to answer as well. Four days later, she wrote again: "Old Ye is gone. People hid it for a few days to comfort me. Paper can't contain fire, I finally understood. I love Lao Ye, deeply! ”

Today, the aroma of osmanthus flowers has arrived as promised, and Mr. Ye has passed away for a long time. Before the catalogue of the last batch of documents that he had personally handed over to the above figure for preservation had not yet passed, he hurried away. When he was admitted to the hospital for the last time last August, I knew that he was thinking about this and suggested that the documents be sent to the ward so that he could recuperate after watching, but he politely refused, firmly believing that he could be discharged from the hospital quickly. Later, the bibliography was presented to Mrs. Ye, but Mr. Ye was not able to see it in person, and I deeply felt remorse.

Remembrance of Ye Yonglie - The first letter from Han Jingqing, the wife of Liang Shiqiu, to Ye Yonglie

Mr. Ye Yonglie listened to the results of the digital work of "Ye Yonglie's Collection"

<h3>The last moment, the last recording</h3>

The first time Mr. Yip was asked for the intention of selecting exhibits was on February 15, 2019. A week later, on February 21, he sent many letters and photographs of manuscripts, including letters from Hua Luogeng, Liushahe, Qin Shouou, Xia Nai, Su Buqing and other famous artists, which he said were "for the exhibition of manuscripts." Obviously, this is the result of spending a lot of time and effort carefully selecting from the computer. He also wrote a personal profile specifically. After that, I asked him for advice on whether I could exhibit manuscripts of three popular science works, such as "PHS Roaming the Future", and he responded: "Can I choose a representative manuscript?" Use the "Red Trilogy" or "The Rise and Fall of the 'Gang of Four'", "The Biography of Chen Boda", "Deng Xiaoping Changed China", "The Biography of Chen Yun" and so on. I am slightly surprised, because in the minds of many readers, mr. Ye's works that he first came into contact with and were familiar with may be popular science works such as "100,000 Whys" and "PHS Roaming the Future", which in his own mind can be called "masterpieces" have another genus. He considered the red starting point manuscript "extremely precious" and mentioned that a film was being made as a tribute film for the centenary of the founding of the party. He personally wrote a note for the manuscript of the work:

The Red Beginning began in 1988. It was published by the Shanghai People's Publishing House in 1991 as a gift book for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Cpc. At that time, the Shanghai Writers Association held a seminar, which was affirmed by party history experts and literary circles.

Since then, "Red Beginnings" has been published in Hong Kong, Taiwan, English and French.

"Red starting point" has become a big synonym for the CCP, and it has been continuously published in the press.

"The Red Beginning" is constantly being reprinted and reprinted. In the last three years alone, it has been reprinted 18 times.

The author has been a film writer and director for many years. He has won the Hundred Flowers Film Award ("Under the Traffic Lights", as a director) and the Huabiao Film Award (as the chief screenwriter of the co-production of "5,000 Years of China" between the two sides of the Strait). In 1976, he became the head and director of the Shanghai "Anthology Inner Film" group, shooting nearly ten stage documentaries for the seriously ill Mao Zedong. Since then, he has written the script "The Haunting of the Heavenly Palace" (directed by Zhang Jianya) and "Zunyi Conference" for Shangying. At the Shanghai Film Festival, China Film Company held a press conference on the film "Red Starting Point". The author Ye Yonglie and the famous director Tian Qinxin were invited to attend. The film will be brought to the screen by a Chinese film company.

These are all typed out by Mr. Ye on his hospital bed with his mobile phone word by word. When he was finished, he added: "In the midst of illness, a simple reply." ”

Mr. Ye has made many suggestions for the selection of letter exhibits. He pointed out that one of Mr. Gao Shiqi's letters "may not be handwritten, but ghostwritten by secretary Gao Yangzhi", suggesting that "it is best to use personal letters"; he also pointed out that the letter I chose Mr. Qin SlenderOu "would be more wonderful if you attached the map of your own family drawn by Teacher Qin himself", and praised "Xia Nai's brush letter is particularly precious". When the selection of letters was over, he suddenly said to me: "I still have letters such as Chen Wangdao, and after I was discharged from the hospital after surgery, I donated them to your library." ”

On September 8, 2019, he told me that he was going to have surgery. "This time the illness is not light, and the operation is imminent. Mainly because he was busy writing all the time, he delayed his illness until he was seriously ill and was hospitalized six times." He specifically requested that the letter be "obscured by the address on the envelope" when it was exhibited. On October 8, I conveyed the greetings of the leaders of the museum above, and he quickly replied: "Thank you for your many concerns." On the eve of National Day, I underwent major surgery. The procedure is difficult and complex, lasting up to three and a half hours. This time it was almost life-threatening. At that time, the manuscript exhibition and catalogue were being designed to include QR code content, inviting the manuscript author to record or videotape to introduce readers to more manuscripts and the stories behind them. Because Mr. Ye has always been concerned about this exhibition, I still left him a message to report the progress of the work. Who knew that just one day later, he actually used his mobile phone to record two audio introductions for "The Red Starting Point" and "The Rise and Fall of the Gang of Four". Each paragraph begins with "I am Ye Yonglie, the author of a certain work". In the last two recordings, he still adheres to a rigorous and serious attitude, even if he is obviously powerless to speak, and even some of his breath is not connected, but he still insists on telling the reader about the background of the creation of the work, which is awe-inspiring. On October 31st, I sent him all the finalized text pictures, and he replied "thank you." This was the last word he left for us, and all the messages have not been echoed since.

"Han Jingqing's first letter, both talent and affection"

In the selection of letter exhibits, Mr. Ye recommended many candidates, and only once did he evaluate the content of the letter: "Han Jingqing's first letter is equally important. "Because Mr. Ip mentioned that the preparation of the exhibition was in the final stage of production, and the catalogue manuscript had begun to revise the proof, it was not added in the end.

Recently, in the research work, I completely reviewed Ms. Han's letter to Mr. Ye, including a letter written on February 15, 1990, the earliest of the donated letters, Mr. Ye attached a note to the folder of this letter, and made a request to the manuscript staff: "Liang Shiqiu's wife Han Jingqing sent To Ye Yonglie to scan page by page." Mr. Ye has sorted out and published the contents of this letter in "The Great Pen of History: The Historical Silhouette Behind the Letters of Celebrities", and compared with the original letters, the words and paragraphs Chinese of "The Great Pen of History" have been slightly deleted and adjusted. Since Mr. Ye has made it clear that he wants the original letter to be exhibited, based on his judgment of the content and his understanding of Ms. Han for many years, the letter can be made public. The original text of the full letter is reproduced below.

Remembrance of Ye Yonglie - The first letter from Han Jingqing, the wife of Liang Shiqiu, to Ye Yonglie

Han's first letter to Ye

Yong lie: 1990.2.15

Thank you for sending the first draft, the writing is smooth and moving, worthy of the contemporary famous writer, in the future I would like to ask you for more advice and learning.

The professor was 73 years old when he met me, and he was 86 years old when xian died. The 13 years of love, although shorter, have left behind songs, tears, indelible memories, and a page of good stories and history. I have not lived in vain in this life. To this day I am still bathed in love because He will always be in my heart.

January 4 (Lap 8) is his birthday. I specially brought my relatives and friends to Beijing to celebrate his birthday, and wanted to burn some yuan treasures for him in the street of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but Wen Qian said that the traffic in that small alley was congested and could not be lit casually, so she brought three generations of her grandchildren to burn incense downstairs in Wen Qian's residence. In addition, half of the gold and silver paper money was left for Wen Qian, and she was instructed to go to the temple at the end of the year to be incinerated to the professor, and I don't know if she did it at the New Year. Although "superstition" is a bit commonplace, I just can't bear it if I don't do it. We were a couple in distress (at that time, all parties accused, it was like a great disaster, the mental stimulation of the two people in those months was not something that ordinary people could appreciate, and they had no money to live a hard life!). There are difficulties and difficulties, and blessed nature to share. He left me the copyright of "Yashe Sketch", and I can't enjoy it myself, so I go to the grave twice a month, flowers, small dishes, sweets, gold and silver, and incense candles, which must be brought to him. Man! "To know oneself, to die without regrets." In addition to the love of husband and wife, the love of the year, I think we are the most intimate. It is not easy to find an empathetic person in the world, and it is not easy to be like the "understanding" and "confidant" between me and him. The reality is cruel! But I can bear it. With him in my heart, I have a power that I can endure the pain that many women can't stand! I guess this is "pure love" and "the power of love", right? Once upon a time I wrote on the mirror "There is no true love in the world", now I have true love. The words on the mirror had long been erased by the professor, and the house had already changed hands.

Since I came back on the 14th of last month, I have been busy with the New Year, and I have been cold to this day. Two cats by one person all day, cold and lonely! When you met you in Shanghai, what you saw when your children and grandchildren were together was just in opposite proportions. In the future, I will run on both ends, live a quiet day, and live a lively day. Life is short, in my limited years "travel around the world", see more old friends, but also know a few new friends. The literati painters I revere that you mentioned last time, I will definitely visit them, of course, you are indispensable.

In the future, I will slowly sort out the diary of the new marriage for one year, let you look at it, and then hand it over to you for publication. After the manuscript fee is fought for as much as possible, it is then a beneficial expense. Philanthropist I am not qualified, I often like to do a little bit of heart, for the society, for mankind to do a little thing. Although I followed the song from the shadow, I was despised by the people of the old society, thinking that it was "entertainment" and "not a big instrument"! But I think it's bad to do it instinctively and give people healthy entertainment? It is very lovely to be a person who is bitter, to cry when born, to cry when he dies, and to live in the world to give human beings a little happiness. In addition to a few scum in this industry, the majority of people are still very noble. People from all walks of life are good and bad, I don't understand why the feudal era is so disrespectful to the film song line? Until I married the professor, people's objections were nothing more than because I was "in the wrong line." However, they mentioned that Professor Jiang's continuation ended tragically, but the lady was a middle-aged civil servant who had been in love for many years before getting married. Their marriage is "blind love" and "understanding of the breakup"!

Everyone has everyone's destiny, "people are more popular than dead". I don't understand why such a literati and gentlemen like that back then would have tacky ideas! Far from it. It's time to put an end to paper. Forgot to ask you for peace first. You and your lover are healthy and happy, right? Hearing a sweet voice on the phone, is it her? Or a daughter? Say hello on my behalf and express your highest respect. Good luck with all the best.


Looking at the original letter and the finished text, the feeling is completely different. The whole letter was written in one fell swoop, with little change. Mr. Ye described it as "the Eight Classics of Zheng'er" and "like a beautiful prose" in "The Great Stroke of History", while in the WeChat message given to me, he described it as "equal emphasis on talent and affection". I prefer to endorse the latter. Mr. Ye donated a number of original letters from Ms. Han, and when he sent the letters, he used to lining a piece of copy paper to keep for himself. These copies were also donated by Mr. Ye. In addition, there are several copies of Ms. Han's letter to Professor Leung.

Ms. Han cherishes her correspondence with Professor Leung. When Mr. Ip asked her, "The correspondence between you is now preserved?" She replied, "There is no shortage of letters." This is a precious record of our love for each other, which I have always kept carefully. In the future, I would like to rent a safe deposit box at the insurance company to keep this batch of precious letters forever. These include love letters we wrote when we were in love and family letters we wrote after we got married. Taiwan's Lianhe Bao wanted to select some of Professor Liang's love letters, and sent a staff member to contact her, ms. Han picked out more than twenty letters and followed the staff to the Lianhe Pao building, "After she copied it, I retrieved the original on the spot." (On the evening of November 24, 1990, Ye Yonglie's interview with Han Jingqing was included in "Selected Love Letters of Liang Shiqiu Han Jingqing", published in October 1991, pages 7 and 4) At the end of 1990, Mr. Ye compiled the "Selected Love Letters of Liang Shiqiu", which was compiled into eighty Love Letters of Liang Shiqiu, and only one of Han Jingqing's Love Letters. In his letter to Ms. Han on February 16, 1991 (Shanghai Library Collection, copy), he wrote: "The professor's love letter has been copied by the Shanghai People's Publishing House and listed as a key book. Jiangsu Literature and Art Publishing House intends to hand out a photocopy of the manuscript (take a photo of the original manuscript to make a direct edition), and look forward to signing a publishing contract with you. Only in this way, we must use all the original manuscripts, the original manuscripts of the love letters published in lianhe Bao, and hope to bring them. They intend to use the title of the book "Selected Authentic Works of Liang Shiqiu Love Letters". In this way, with the printing of these books, it will set off a 'love letter fever' of professors in the mainland. At present, no information has been found in this "authentic selection", and it is not known whether it will be published in the end.

Remembrance of Ye Yonglie - The first letter from Han Jingqing, the wife of Liang Shiqiu, to Ye Yonglie

Later, under Mr. Ye's "repeated mobilization", at the end of March 1991, Ms. Han brought "almost all of Professor Liang's love letters" and many family letters, and finally handed over a large stack of her original love letters to Mr. Ye, saying that "these letters can be used for publication." There are others that I'll stay and talk about later."

Several copies of Ms. Han's letter to Professor Liang donated by Mr. Guan Ye to the Shanghai Library, except for one that was not dated, were written in 1978 and should have been provided by Ms. Han after Mr. Ye compiled the Selected Love Letters of Liang Shiqiu at the end of 1990. On April 23, 1991, Mr. Ye recalled: "(At the end of March 1991), the letters she brought were all written in traditional Chinese characters, and they were written on the letter paper, which must be copied and written in simplified Chinese characters on the checkered manuscript paper before they can be handed over to the factory for typography. (Selected Love Letters of Liang Shiqiu Han Jingqing, published in October 1991, p. 669) Preliminary speculation is that the original love letter brought by Ms. Han was copied, and she added a title to the copy and included it as an alternative.

In her letter on August 24, 1990, Ms. Han said to Mr. Ye: "I never imagined that today, when human feelings are as thin as paper, I can be lucky enough to make friends like you and your virtuous couple, which makes me feel that warmth still exists in the world, and at the same time, I have also gained your spiritual pillar in me." In the time I still have a third of my life, I will certainly walk around with you a lot and learn more from you to add blessings. "Today, the letter writer and the recipient are ancient. One of Mr. Ye's wishes during his lifetime has now been fulfilled. Mr. Ye and the spiritual wealth he left behind will always be in the hearts of readers.

Liu Minghui

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