
Putian: Contemporary inspiration of national hero Chen Wenlong

author:Putian release

Chen Wenlong, a native of Xinghua (present-day Putian), Fujian, whose original name was Zilong (子龙), was a member of the Southern Song Dynasty at the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, and because of his "good writing in the world", Emperor Duzong personally gave him the name Wenlong and the title Junben. He was appointed as the Governor of The Government (Vice Minister) and the Inspector of Fujian and Guangdong. When the Yuan soldiers marched south in a big way and the surrounding counties and counties fell, he held high the banner of "born as a Song subject, died as a Song ghost", and did not hesitate to "cover the door with several corpses" to defend the dignity of the nation.

His national integrity touched the world. The Ming court once named him the Fuzhou Capital City God, and the Ming and Qing dynasties also named him "Shuibu Shangshu" and "Zhenhai King". Lin Zexu, a national hero of the Qing Dynasty, called him and Wen Tianxiang "standing side by side".

Chen Wenlong's sober and tenacious patriotic and pro-people feelings, his superb literary and martial strategy, his wise and able management qualities, his tragic and fierce life experience, his spirit of righteousness in seeing death as a homecoming, his style and bones that make his opponents fearful, and his personality charm that has won the support of the people should also become a model and a model.

Chen Wenlong's feelings of home and country, tenacious will and spirit of sacrifice have the charm of transcending time and space and transcending ethnic groups. Even the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, and so on respected him. After Chen Wenlong was martyred and committed suicide at Yue Temple, the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty buried Chen Wenlong at the foothills of the scenic Geling Mountains on the shores of The West Lake, and released all his relatives who had been detained because of Chen Wenlong. After the stabilization of the Yuan Dynasty regime, it issued the "Edict on the Recruitment of Loyal Ministers' Descendants", saying: "The Emperor's Holy Will, there are Song loyal ministers Chen Wenlong and Chen Zhannai who died in the festival, which can be described as their punishment." The recent compilation of the history of the country, the obvious relics exist, and its sons and grandsons should be used. The Lord executes. "Special envoys were sent to Xinghua Province to find Chen Wenlong and Chen Zhan's descendants to become officials in the dynasty.

In the context of the new era, we should excavate the touching deeds of these national heroes and tell their stories well.

When Chen Wenlongsheng was endangered in the Southern Song Dynasty, his career was repeatedly frustrated, and he soberly knew that state affairs could not be done, but his patriotic ambitions were unswerving, and in the book of fu marriage and waiter Xu Zi's persuasion, he said: "Wenlong is a student of Emperor Lizong, and Emperor Duzong is a champion... After only eight years of enjoying the imperial court, he was still able to self-determination. Others have been rich and noble for several years in the Great Song Dynasty, and each must protect the family and raise children and grandchildren... Who is this man? Mencius said, 'Don't die. Jia Yiyi said: "The subject dies and seals the territory." 'At this point in the affairs of the state, it is better to have no life, but to be determined to die!' ”

Chen Wenlong led the Xinghua army and people to stubbornly resist the Yuan, the city was destroyed and captured, and his uncle Chen Zhan raised troops to take over the revival of the city, and the city was destroyed again, and the corpses were divided by five horses, and they always received the support of the people. The putian military and civilians followed in droves, and even if they were slaughtered, "the blood flowed with sound", and there was no complaint or regret. Under the harsh rule of the Yuan Dynasty, the people of Putian falsely trusted the name of Yang Gongtaishi and built more than 100 Taishi temples in the territory to commemorate Chen Wenlong.

After the Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, although the traditional Chinese culture suffered severe damage, history has proved time and again that the greatest power of the Patriotic Tradition of the Chinese Nation has always been deeply rooted in the broadest masses of the people. Whenever the nation is in crisis, this spiritual potential will always be activated, thus producing great strength, which is the spiritual strength of the Chinese nation that has endured hardships for five thousand years without dying.

So far, what is particularly touching is that Chen Wenlong admirers, believers and descendants of Chen Wenlong at home and abroad have spontaneously held more than 1,000 people to worship Chen Wenlong's tomb and Chen Wenlong Cultural Festival in Hangzhou West Lake, Zhejiang Province for 4 consecutive years, from which we can see that the Chinese nation's festival culture has never been interrupted by the change of dynasties, and we can see the tenacious extension and inheritance of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

(Source: Meizhou Daily Author: Chen Tianyu Editor: Chen Zhiqiang)

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