
The famous book Golden Sentence Fishing, talk about the 16 golden sentences in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 1) Love is blind. 2) Love inspires the best in people. 3) Life without love is not worth living. 4) Love stories don't always end happily. 5) But in the end, love is still stronger than hate. There are 16 golden sentences in the book

author:Rong Zhenhuan micro book review

Today's famous book Golden Sentence, we talk about Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet".

Reading Romeo and Juliet, I came to 5 conclusions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >1) Love is blind. </h1>

The city of Verona is torn apart by a feud between two influential families, and dramatically, a teenage couple of the two families find each other and fall in love at first sight.

At first, they ignored the fact that they were supposed to be enemies, and after knowing each other's names, they were shocked and disappointed, but still chose to try together, despite the hatred that threatened them, and everything around them tried to separate them.

Romeo and Juliet's decision to put aside their differences and opt for romance is testimony to the famous saying: "Love is blind", which has become a common theme in many adaptations. Love does not distinguish between rich and poor, identity, race, national borders, love breaks through everything.

Many things can create obstacles, whether in terms of social status, race, or otherwise, but love has greater power and can challenge everything.

The famous book Golden Sentence Fishing, talk about the 16 golden sentences in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 1) Love is blind. 2) Love inspires the best in people. 3) Life without love is not worth living. 4) Love stories don't always end happily. 5) But in the end, love is still stronger than hate. There are 16 golden sentences in the book

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >2) Love inspires the best in people. </h1>

Before Romeo meets Juliet, he has a crush on a young girl named Rosalan. Meanwhile, Juliet, who did not meet Romeo before, was an innocent and protected child, under pressure from her parents, about to enter a marriage that she did not want to be happy with, and actually did not have the freedom to pursue happiness herself.

But after this pair of teenagers meet, they quickly grow into more mature people: Romeo becomes a passionate and loyal lover, Juliet becomes a strong and confident woman, and both are willing to sacrifice everything for love, making them the best model of love.

The famous book Golden Sentence Fishing, talk about the 16 golden sentences in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 1) Love is blind. 2) Love inspires the best in people. 3) Life without love is not worth living. 4) Love stories don't always end happily. 5) But in the end, love is still stronger than hate. There are 16 golden sentences in the book

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 3) Life without love is not worth living. </h1>

When Romeo mistakenly thinks his beloved Juliet is dead (of course it's just a suspended death after taking the medicine, but Romeo doesn't know it), his whole world is shattered. Heartbroken, it took him about a second to decide what to do next: drink the poison and die by his wife's side.

You know, Juliet was his last glimmer of hope, and now suddenly, she was gone too. A sad young lover, with nothing to live, can do but follow his lover into the afterlife?

Juliet apparently loves Romeo as well, as she spends a second choosing to die with Romeo rather than spend her miserable life alone. They made the world aware of the fact that a life without love is not worth living.

The famous book Golden Sentence Fishing, talk about the 16 golden sentences in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 1) Love is blind. 2) Love inspires the best in people. 3) Life without love is not worth living. 4) Love stories don't always end happily. 5) But in the end, love is still stronger than hate. There are 16 golden sentences in the book

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >4) Love stories don't always end happily. </h1>

Shakespeare's literary works are known for tragedies. Romeo and Juliet are typical young lovers who are hindered by fate and are romantic symbols destined to end in tragedy.

Upon learning of his wife's death, Romeo ventured into Capulette's tomb to say one last goodbye to his wife, to see her for the last time, and to make one last hug. Then died by Juliet's side. Juliet woke up moments later to find her husband's body, and Juliet kissed him one last time, then without hesitation stabbed his dagger into her heart.

This story tells us that love stories don't always end with "forever happy."

However, even tragic love stories can convey the strongest love and true feelings.

The famous book Golden Sentence Fishing, talk about the 16 golden sentences in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 1) Love is blind. 2) Love inspires the best in people. 3) Life without love is not worth living. 4) Love stories don't always end happily. 5) But in the end, love is still stronger than hate. There are 16 golden sentences in the book

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >5) but in the end, love is stronger than hate. </h1>

Romeo and Juliet may not have gotten a happy ending, but the love that forced them to willingly die for each other still worked wonders: it ended the generational feud between the Cablits and the Montagen. This may seem like a consolation prize, but it's still heavyweight; after all, even the Prince of Verona can't achieve peace between these families!

But in the end, it is love that triumphs over hate.

Romeo and Juliet are one of the greatest love stories of all time and still retain a profound philosophy of love. Whether it's proof that hatred can kill people, or proof that love is the most powerful force in the world, Shakespeare's classic plays are proof of human enduring passion, delivering an eternal theme: life is short, but love is eternal.

The famous book Golden Sentence Fishing, talk about the 16 golden sentences in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 1) Love is blind. 2) Love inspires the best in people. 3) Life without love is not worth living. 4) Love stories don't always end happily. 5) But in the end, love is still stronger than hate. There are 16 golden sentences in the book

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 16 golden sentences in the book</h1>

Talking about the golden sentences in the book, it is also full of real-life application scenarios.

1. Appropriate sadness can indicate the depth of feelings, while excessive sadness can prove the lack of wisdom.

When you exhort others to mourn and change, you can say so.

2, people who have not been injured will laugh at the scars on others!

For those who base their joy on the suffering of others, you can say so.

3) My only love comes from my only hatred.

When you can't get what you love, you can say so.

4, the feast is easy to disperse, good will be rare.

The implication is that a sumptuous banquet is easier to see and easier to disperse, and it is rare to encounter a meeting or party that is helpful for your own growth.

Is it possible to show off a sentence on the wine table.

5. In the Book of Destiny, we are all on the same line.

I want to say that the same breath shares the same fate, is this sentence more poetic.

6, too fast and too slow, the results will not be satisfactory.

When advising people to grasp the rhythm, you can say so.

7, without you A thousand times of good night is only a thousand times of heartbreak.

And separated lover expression, is not a good love sentence.

8, roses are not called roses, nor do they affect their fragrance.

See the beauty, the name is not good, you can say this sentence:

What does the name have to do with it?

Roses are not called roses, they are still fragrant.

9) The time spent in sorrow seems to be extraordinarily long.

When you are sad, you can express it like this.

10, it is better to be killed because of hatred than to live without love.

When expressing a vow of love, you can pull it.

11, you can indulge your eyes, let them see more of the beauty of the world.

When a girl tests her husband, she can say this. If he looks at you all the time, that's the sweetest act. If he is really obedient and feasts his eyes on other beautiful women, it means that he is obviously not up to the test.

12 The fullness of thought does not lie in the richness of words.

You use this phrase to disguise your lack of culture.

12 May sleep close your eyes, may peace rest in my heart.

The implication is that you don't sleep, how calm I am.

13, but enthusiasm will always overcome hardships, and there will be infinite sweetness in the middle of bitterness.

Enthusiasm comes first, and not being afraid of suffering comes second.

14, love is the most intelligent madness.

You can say this when you lament the magic of love.

15, my former love seems to be false, but now I have only seen the best woman in the world.

Confessions of love at first sight.

16, as long as she is good, there will be no more bad news in the world.

If you are well, it is a sunny day.

Further reading:

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