
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance

author:China Yinshan Writers Network
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance


For eight years, from 1937 to 1945, Bikozi was in a dark state of darkness. Under the ravages of the enemy, the people miss the rejuvenation of the nation; production, apart from the expansion of opium poppy cultivation, production of grain, cash crops, vegetables, etc. has not developed at all; education is naturally a stage of stagnation. This pause lasted eight years, and the losses were so great that you can imagine them.

During the Japanese period, the era of Genghis Khan was changed. The year 1938 (the 27th year of the Republic of China) is the year 733. In this year, Bikzi's original two schools were gradually reopened. The first is Tumut Banner No. 2 Primary School (inside the Zhenwu Temple), and the compound teaching for grades 1 to 4 is compound. The first is the Xin'an Township Primary School (inside the Guandi Temple) in Houhe City (now Hohhot), with four classrooms, six grades, three or four grade duplexes, and five or six grade duplexes. There are about 30 students in Zhenwu Temple, about 150 students in Guandi Temple, and less than 200 students in the town.

Because many parents did not want their children to attend Japanese-run schools and did not want their children to be enslaved (especially unwilling to learn Japanese and worship in the East), there were many private schools in the town, allowing children to receive feudal enlightenment education, with the purpose of "opening their eyes and recognizing their own names." No less than ten private schools have been set up spontaneously by the masses, and each private school has more than 30 or 40 students, and the fewer are more than 10.

This "dual-track" system of education continued until the first half of 1945.


On the eve of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Bikzi had four private schools. The largest one is located in the courtyard of the three-in-one shop opposite the Erdao Bridge, and the master Zhang Zhixiang is a master. His father, Mr. Zhang Duo, taught all his life and was known as "Mr. Xiao Zhang". Mainly the students of the Xie family, the students of the backstreet, the silversmith's house, the flowing water alley, and the xiangfang alley are all studying in Mr. Zhang's school. Secondly, there is a private school in the courtyard of Xidacheng Store, Mr. Guo Jianduo, a native of Shanxi County, with about 30 students. Mr. Guo's right foot is lame, walking upside down, and people secretly call him "Guo Kidnapper". Most of the students in the lanes of Xitou, such as Qufang Lane, Yamen Lane, Kunxian Lane and Nanyuanzi, study in Mr. Guo's school. Directly opposite the west gate of Grandma Temple Street, there is a private school of Mr. Ma (Ma Ji), and there are also 20 students, and most of the students in Mawang Temple Street, Grandma Temple Street, Qingchunyuan Lane and Toudao Bridge East study in Mr. Ma's School. Mr. Zhang Wenzheng runs a private school in his own courtyard at the east entrance of Guandi Temple Street, and many students from Erdao Street, Sandao Street, Sidao Street, North Garden, and Niandao Alley study in Mr. Zhang's school, and the students are around 20 people.

These private schools are of a "scattered" nature, for a period of one year, depending on the books read by the students, they pay Mr. a certain amount of "shackles" (that is, the remuneration given to Mr. Li), which can be given food or cash (banknotes of the Bank of Mongolia). For example, Mr. Guo Jianduo's "bundle" is: students who read the "Four Books" ("University", "Zhongyong", "Analects", "Mencius") harvest six buckets of wheat a year (they can pay with the market discount), and students who read the "Classics" are charged one stone. For the first time, The Montessori children only receive three or four buckets. Other schools are slightly the same. In some poor families, children only attend "spring and winter" schools, farmers are busy going home to work, and there are many uncertainties in "shackles", and parents and gentlemen are negotiable.

Judging from the content of the lectures, it belongs to the "Mengguan", and the enlightenment students account for the majority, and few read the "Four Books" and very few read the "Classics". After entering the school, the books that students read in turn are "Hundred Family Names" and "Thousand Character Text". Then read the Four Books. Students who read the "Four Books" also read books such as "Qionglin for Kindergarten Learning" and "Zhu Zizhijia Maxims", and those who read the "Classics" also read the "Outline of the Compilation" and "Three Hundred Poems of Tang Dynasty".

The pedagogy is the traditional "recitation" method, which is recited all day, memorizing the book in the morning (Protestant) and the evening (previously learned). Some gentlemen give lectures, and the gentlemen explain the texts they have read, and the students return the next day. Older students learn abacus and simple pen arithmetic (limited to addition and subtraction only).

In addition to "recitation", the main one is to learn characters, the first is to draw red, the second is to write the introduction (the imitation of the inscription written by Mr. Lining on the bottom of the white paper, you can also write the imitation of the purchase). Older students write according to the posters of Famous Scholars such as Yan, Liu, Ou, and Zhao. After writing well, Mr. gives "judgment imitation", writes a good word, uses a red pen to point a red dot in the upper right (some draw a red circle), and if the word is not well written, draw a vertical red bar.

Students are "closed" on Sundays, hot days, just like the current summer vacation; cold days are "closed winter", just like the current winter vacation. In some traditional festivals, parents send some gifts to Mr. Li, such as Dumplings for Duanyang Festival, MoonCakes for Mid-Autumn Festival, pork and fried cakes for Spring Festival, etc. In addition, as in the old custom, every year in February and early August, ding days, each day off, called "sacrifice Ding", that is, the meaning of confucius sacrifice. On this day, the students each send cash to the husband (the amount varies, it seems to be at least one yuan, and there are also three yuan and five yuan), and the husband gives each student a prepared food (such as twist flowers, knife cutting, steamed buns, etc.). "Sacrifice" is what mr. and students are looking forward to, mr. can collect some money, can make up for the lack of poverty, students can eat snacks, rest for a day.

Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance


The school adopts a new class teaching system, which is undoubtedly conducive to the physical and mental development of students.

During the Japanese and puppet periods, the division of Mongolia and Han was also implemented, and the Mongolian school of Bikeqi belonged to the banner of Bayantara League Tumut, and the Han school belonged to Houhe City, but it was not returned to Sui County. The unified curriculum is Japanese, arithmetic, self-cultivation, physical education (games for the first and second grades), drawing, singing, Chinese, and Mongolian students learn Mongolian.

There is a system of promotion and repetition, and the score is based on a 100-point system, and the score is 60%-passing. Classes are held six days a week and closed on Sundays.

Both Mongolian and Chinese schools accept female students, and there are mixed male and female classes.

At that time, great emphasis was placed on the education of the sense of decisive battle, which was one of the most important contents of the education on enslavement during the Japanese invasion of China; in fact, it was to instill in its militaristic spirit of the "Great East Asian War," and it was only covered with the cloak of "building Mongolia's territory," "supporting the children of the people of the state," and building a "paradise of the royal road." In addition to dissolving in the teaching materials, this spirit is also carried out through the way of "preaching". However, with the exception of a very small number of traitors sent by the "Supervisory Office" who were determined to work hard for the Japanese Kou, the vast majority of the teachers resisted it, and they did not usually conduct this kind of education to students.

Another course that has been boycotted by everyone is Japanese, the school suspends Japanese lessons on the pretext of lack of teachers, students are influenced by their parents, and more importantly, they are not interested in Japanese psychologically, and the opening of Japanese classes is actually only a form.

In addition to teaching textbooks, individual teachers also teach children's songs and ancient poems in Chinese language classes. The lower grades teach students to learn the "Spider's Self-Description", which has the words "laughing spring silkworm, spitting silk and tying itself, how to stretch my longitude and latitude". The upper grades teach students to read "Mulan Poems". Students are interested in these additional classes.

In 1943 (738) in the Ba Meng Teachers Incident, in the Han School of the Bikqi Guandi Temple, Wang Yunqing and Teacher Li (this old villager, can't remember the name) were arrested, Wang died in prison, Li was later released on bail, but was tortured to the point of insanity, and died of depression after being released from prison. Another teacher, Wang Run, was given a wind and fled back to the countryside overnight. He lived in seclusion until the victory of the War of Resistance in 1945.

Where the students go. After the fourth grade of the students of the Zhenwu Temple Mongolian School, a small number of students went to the Tumut Banner Primary School in Houhe City and continued to study in the fifth and sixth grades. After graduating from the Guandi Temple Han School, a small number of students went to the Houhe Ba Meng Normal School and the Ba Meng Industrial Middle School (actually a school, in Liangshan Street), and most of the students went back to their homes.

There are no exact statistics on the enrolment rate of school-age children, but we can make a rough estimate of the population at that time. In 1945, the population of the town was 10,343, and the number of school-age children should be 827 on the basis of eight percent. There were about 190 students (including private school students) in school that year, accounting for 22.9% of school-age children, and 77.1% of school-age children did not attend school.


After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in 1945, the two schools were reopened at the same time in October. There is only one teacher (Xi Zhenhua) in the Zhenwu Temple Mongolian School, and there are few students. There are three or four teachers in the Guandi Temple Han School, one of whom is a Shanxi person named Zhou Yaoting, the rest do not know, the students do not sign up much, roughly compiled a shift, and did not actually take classes.

In the thirty-fifth year of the Republic of China (1946), the two schools officially opened at the same time. There are two teachers in the Mongolian school, Xi Zhenhua is in charge, there is another teacher Zhang Cunfu, a co-worker, and about thirty students. Later, more than a dozen people near Bizhen asked to enroll, and the flag government sent another teacher, and the four grades were divided into two classrooms. Courses taught are Civics, Chinese, Mongolian, Arithmetic, Handicrafts, Singing, Physical Education and other subjects.

Due to the closure of private schools, a large number of students were required to enroll, and the township office designated Wang Run to be responsible for the school's work. Mr. Wang graduated from Guisui No.1 Middle School (high school, graduated in 1934) and taught at Guisui Provincial No. 5 Primary School before the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Because of his classmate relationship, he invited a group of high-quality teachers.

Zhang Wanpeng, a bikqi person. This person is kind and kind, has many talents, is good at mathematics, can write and draw, and is called "Zhang Wanneng" by his classmates when he goes to school. Zu Shang used to open a pharmacy, and he himself could diagnose the pulse prescription. After the beginning of the school year, he served as a senior teacher, and taught in the main hall in the fifth and sixth grades. In the main hall, a partition fan is added in front of the clay statue, and the front of the partition fan is added. A blackboard is smeared on the wall. After class, the students also enter the hall to play table tennis at the table.

Xu Delong, a native of Bikqi, graduated from Peking University Law And Business School. Before the "July 7" incident, the school was transferred to Kunming to jointly run the Southwest United University with Tsinghua and Nankai, and he went to Qingdao to be stopped by the Japanese and returned to his hometown, where he spent eight years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression at home. Mr. Xu is a small man, with sideburns, fat, when he was in school, he watched "Journey to the West" (a silent movie), and the maid who served food to the Bull Devil King in the film resembled Mr. Xu, and his classmates affectionately called him "Xu Cook" later. He is a teacher for advanced subjects, teaching natural and historical courses.

Fu Shouren, a native of this town, zi Yuqing, graduated from Guisui No. 1 Middle School (four-year junior high school), about ten years older than Mr. Zhang and Xu Er, and was twenty-four or five years old at the time. Mr. Fu is intelligent and has a good memory, writes a good willow character, and gives lectures with a slight stutter, but the effect is good. Mr. Li has a small problem with preferring students. Grade 3 and 4 (duplex) grades.

Guo Piming, a second-grade teacher, a small ancient city man, graduated from the Ba League Normal School, loves sports, has a good musical foundation, loves Jin opera oratorio, and he also took the stage when he sang club drama in the town.

Wang Jin, a first-grade Ren, is a good and honest person with excellent relations with students. Physical education teachers do not have high education, and basketball is played well.

Curriculum, the primary school and the Mongolian school are similar, and the Mongolian language is open, and the high and small are more natural and historical. Due to the high level of Chinese proficiency of many students transferred to private schools, coupled with the special age structure of students, teaching is difficult to carry out. In addition to the unified compilation of teaching materials, some extracurricular knowledge is also taught, such as the fourth grade plus history, the teaching materials are compiled by Teacher Fu himself, and the students learn very energetically. In the fifth and sixth grades, they also chose to study some ancient texts and poems, such as "Hanging Ancient Battlefield Text" and "Long Hate Song", which the students memorized well.

At that time, the conditions for running the school were extremely poor. The layout of the Guandi Temple is as follows: there are three main halls, three plaques under the eaves, the middle of which reads "Haoqi Lingyun", the left side is "Weizhen Huaxia", and the right is "Loyal and Courageous". The courtyard is narrow and long, with an archway in the middle, three east wing rooms, three third and fourth grade classrooms, and three west wing rooms, and first grade classrooms. One of the lower rooms in the east wing is the kitchen, and the opposite west room is the office, the teacher's office is crowded, and the homework is to go to the respective classrooms; this is also good, while grading, while explaining to the students, the income is higher. There is a horizontal plaque hanging in the middle of the archway, which reads "Duanpin Lixue", persimmon yellow bottom, green characters, about the temple after the school hung, can not remember the year. There are two lower east wing rooms, two second-grade classrooms, and two lower west wing rooms are dangerous rooms and are empty. On both sides of the temple gate are bell and drum towers, and a plaque of "Guandi Temple" is hung in the middle of the temple gate, with a slightly smaller glyph. The temple has an east courtyard, which is empty, you can do exercises, take physical education classes, and further east is the house. To the west of the temple is a garden plot that is much lower than the temple floor. There is an east-west street in front of the temple gate, that is, Guandi Temple Street. There is a stage and a theater opposite the temple gate, and the western end of the theater is a basketball court. The school had only two basketballs, a few ropes for jumping rope, and an accordion was added in the second half of 1946.

Although the school equipment is rudimentary, it does not affect the implementation of activities. I remember that under the guidance of Mr. Fu and Mr. Guo, the student union was also organized to carry out student autonomy activities, maintain order, and lead the team to shout exercises, which was indeed a little interesting.

President Wang Run proposed that Mr. Fu Shouren compose the lyrics of the school song and Mr. Guo Piming compose the music, and soon taught the teachers and students of the school. Its lyrics read:

Yin Shan Cang,

The fields are vast,

Elm willows, .

Green water swims in the middle.

Presenting a great river and mountain,

Scenery outside the Seychelles.

"End-of-the-road reed learning",

The List of My Companions,

Exercise day and night,

Strong fitness.

Industrious and brave,

Mutual help and sincerity,

Let that spirit flourish.

The treatment of teachers is meager, and the main feature is that there is no guarantee. The Mongolian school funds and teachers' salaries are issued by the flag, although they cannot be timed, they can still be quantified, and the funds and teachers' salaries of the Han School are neither timely nor quantitative, because they are allocated by the township. Every month, the township office allocates millet to the school, distributes it to each insurance, each insurance is assigned to each A, and finally each A is sent to the household. The school sent workers to each household to collect rice and collect it for distribution to teachers. Some poor households, with all kinds of excuses, push and push again and again, always do not give, some poor households, their own family often cut off cooking, originally can not take out, this can be difficult to spoil the principal, run the township office, run the insurance office, run the big household. The teachers said, "Zepu (Wang Runzi), be careful to break the old leg and wear the old mouth." We are poor teachers, and you run a hungry school. Everyone laughed. Gentlemen intend to run the school, and do not care about the immediate gains and losses.

Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance


In the second half of 1946, Mr. Zhang Wanpeng was recruited to teach at Guisui Middle School, Mr. Xu Delong was recruited to go to a youth training class (the same courtyard as Zhengfeng Middle School), and Mr. Fu Shouren was also invited away by Guisui Hengchangdian Lane Girls' Primary School. Mr. Wang Run also invited two teachers, a Mr. Qiao Jielin, a native of Bizhen, a native of Beijing Normal University, a gaozhihan, and a hairen from Bingzhou, and people called him "counting the broken sky" and "gao sanhan". Both of them were well educated, but both had mild mental illness and often lost their temper with the students, and Principal Wang was afraid that they would physically punish the students in anger, so he was dismissed soon after. Later, he invited Liu Juchao (a small ancient city man of Bi Keqi, who returned from the back set), Ren Zhisheng (a native of this town, graduated from Ba Meng Industrial Middle School), and Xu Shou (the eldest son of Mr. Xu Delong, who graduated from Ba Meng Industrial Middle School).

Due to the increasing demand for schooling, two private primary schools were established in the second half of this year, one is the "Zhongru Primary School" run by the consistent Taoist office, and the other is the Catholic", which is the "Chongde Primary School". Both schools opened in March 1947 to meet the requirements for children to attend school. Among them, the establishment of "Chongde Primary School" took a lot of trouble.

In the second half of 1946, the Catholic Diocese sent priest Gao Ruoshan (Later Tao) to Chasuqi and Bikzi to build churches, and by the way, schools were run in order to build churches. I heard that Cha Suqi was relatively smooth and set up the "Chongren Primary School", which is now the site of the second primary school of Cha Suqi. Bikzi provoked opposition from the local gentry, led by Li Futian. Li Futian, ming Cunshan, Futian is a character, Mongolian, living in a mud alley, the head of the gentleman of Bizhen, illiterate, very good at talking, from the speech can not hear that he is illiterate, talk about the ancient way and the present, quote the scriptures, full of style. When he was a teenager, he practiced martial arts, with a thin body, triangular eyes, and walking with great spirits, and it is said that when the Boxers opposed the foreigners, he practiced the skills of "divine soldiers". Lee strongly opposed the establishment of a foreign church in Bikzi. After many tentative visits and negotiations, Gao Ruoshan was unable to work. Catholicism is not small, and they have contacts with provinces, banners, and counties. Bai Xiang, deputy bishop of the Diocese of Guisui ( a native of Guikou ) , was sociable , and had founded "Hengqing Middle School" in Guisui City with Bishop Mu Qinghai (Belgian) and Bishop Fan Heng'an (Chinese priest) of the Diocese of Jining , and was elected as the first principal of "Hengqing" and the executive director of the school board, often in and out of the Suiyuan Provincial Government, and was also quite familiar with Rong Xiang, the general manager of Tumut Banner. Gao Ruoshan ran into a wall at Bi keqi and returned to Sui to report to Bai Xiang, who successively called on Yang Kainan, the county magistrate of Guisui County, and Rong Xiang, the governor of Guisui County, and Rong Xiang, the governor of Tumut, and asked Mr. Rong Xiang (who was also the executive director of the board of directors of "Hengqing Middle School") to intercede. In fact, this is a practice of turning a blind eye, and running a school and building a church are the same thing. In 1947, the "Chongde Primary School" was still opened, and the school site is now the Bikzi First Primary School.

Although the establishment of the "Zhongru Elementary School" was also criticized by the local gentry, they believed that the "consistent way" was nothing more than a crooked and evil way, and did not pay attention to it at all, and the teachers were mostly young people in the town, and they were quickly agreed. The school site is in the compound south of Yamen Lane Road, Tou Dao Street.

Both schools are elementary schools and use the same textbooks as public schools, with few students.

At this point, BIKZI has four public and private primary schools, and the number of students has increased to more than 300, accounting for about 30% of school-age children.

In July 1947, the first batch of high and primary school students of Guandi Temple Han School graduated, graduating a total of 36 students, of which more than 20 were promoted to the middle school or teacher training in Sui City, and the rest returned home to participate in labor due to their old age and family difficulties.

The Mongolian school of Zhenwu Temple was gradually expanded, from duplex to single-style teaching, and the school site was moved to yaowang temple on Jing'er Street, which is now a national primary school.

The Han school of Guandi Temple later evolved into today's Fourth Primary School, which has the longest history, and was established in the thirteenth year of the Republic of China (1924), which has made indelible contributions to The education cause of Bi Keqi.

After the liberation of Chongde Primary School, it was taken over by the government and changed to Bikqi First Primary School. Zhongru Elementary School was later merged into the Second Elementary School of Grandma Temple.

The three years from the 34th to the 36th year of the Republic of China (1945-1947) were the three years in which Bicky education shifted from revival to development. This is because: first, the feudal way of education - private schools, to modern class teaching - schools; second, the school from the initial form of compound teaching, to the first to sixth grades of the complete primary school; third, the school layout is reasonable, the town northeast, southwest, northwest, southeast each school, is conducive to students to go to school.

Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance


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Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance

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Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance

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Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance
Tumut Literature and History: Bikzi Education Before and After the Victory of the War of Resistance

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