
Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

Today's ice skin mooncake replaced the milk with thick coconut milk, the sugar was reduced by half, and the five milk yellow flavors matched with the fragrance of coconut milk, delicious and not greasy, Amway to the sisters. Milk filling making look at my last note. Ice skin formula Water mill glutinous rice flour 60g sticky rice flour 40g Cheng powder 30g Thick coconut milk 210g fine sugar 10g corn oil 30g Condensed milk 10g Cheng powder supermarket is sold, not recommended to replace. The finished product is about 360g, and I can make about 16 (25g skin) This skin I sealed at room temperature overnight, it is also very soft oh

By King of Kings is a snack item


Glutinous rice flour 60 g

Sticky rice flour 40 g

Powder 30 g

Thick coconut milk 210g

Caster sugar 10 g

Corn oil 30 g

Condensed milk 10 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

1. Prepare all ingredients

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

2. Add the powder through a sieve

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

3: Pour in the coconut milk

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

4: Stir well with eggs

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

5: Add condensed milk, corn oil, sugar and stir well

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

6: Stir well with eggs after adding

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

7: Stir and sift again

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

8: Cover with plastic wrap and steam for 25 minutes

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

9, with a scraper stick to scrape open the inside of the no white liquid is good

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

10: Remove and knead well

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

11. Pull a few times

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

12. Standby

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

13, skin 20, filling 30, or 1:1, see if you like, this recipe to make about 360g

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

14: Wrap in the filling, smear some cooked powder, and press out with a mold

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

15, you can add some cocoa powder, matcha powder and the like in the peel. The colors look better

Steam-free baked zero-failure cream ice skin mooncakes learn five flavors at a time

16, super simple, zero failure of the ice skin mooncake will be ready

<h2>Nutritional benefits of glutinous rice flour</h2>

Glutinous rice taste sweet, warm, into the spleen, stomach, lung meridians; has the effect of tonifying qi, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, anti-sweating effect, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, poor appetite, bloating and diarrhea have a certain alleviating effect; glutinous rice has an astringent effect, frequent urination, night sweats have a better therapeutic effect.

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