
Horseshoe shortbread

author:The sound of maple leaves

#春日茶话会 #

Horseshoe shortbread

Drinking a bowl of steaming lamb soup, accompanied by a freshly baked horseshoe shortbread (Puxian is a town established in Suzhou City's Wanqiao District), this strong hometown flavor is something that every Suzhou person cannot forget.

Li Jiashun is a descendant of the authentic horseshoe shortbread in Puxian County. The Qi men skill of hand-making horseshoe cakes is passed on to only one person per generation of the Li family, not to men and women, and each generation strictly abides by the ancestral precepts. Therefore, it has been a unique skill of the Li family for a long time, and no one knows. Freshly baked baked cake, golden brown and crispy, a bite, countless slag, strange fragrance full of mouth, fragrance moisturizing the lungs.

Horseshoe shortbread

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, due to the large number of military generals and leading cadres from northern Anhui who went to Beijing, the horseshoe cake in Puxian County was also brought into the Great Hall of the People, and it was not tired of eating for a long time and became famous at home and abroad.

Speaking of horseshoe shortbread in Puxian County, we have to start from Chen Sheng's Wuguang uprising. In 209 AD, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang led a peasant rebel army to rise up in Daze Township, Pu County, and raised the banner of resistance to the Qin Dynasty. The rebel army first conquered the ancient city of Pu County, eradicated the bullies, opened warehouses and released grain, and the poor people who were tortured rejoiced. In order to thank the rebels, the people brought pork, mutton, eggs, white noodles and other meat from home to treat the rebels. Chen Sheng and his rebels, in line with the principle of not taking anything from the people, politely refused.

Horseshoe shortbread

An old man who was nearly seventy years old brought a basket of burnt cakes, and the old man knelt in front of King Chen Sheng's horse with tears in his eyes and said earnestly: "General Chen, my family is poor, and I often eat a meal without eating, if it were not for the arrival of General Chen, the family would only starve to death." Thanks to General Chen's opening of the warehouse to release grain, more than a dozen people of my family and children will not starve to death. I used the white noodles I had assigned to test a basket of burnt cakes, slightly expressing my heart, hoping that General Chen would definitely accept it! ”

In the face of the sincere old man, Chen Sheng clasped his fists in both hands on horseback and thanked the old man. After saying this, urging the horse to raise the whip, but unexpectedly the whip brought up the steamed basket, a basket of burnt cakes scattered in front of the horse's hooves, just by the newly raised horseshoe trampled to smash, Chen Sheng hurriedly jumped off the horse, helped the old man to apologize, and said humorously: "Oh, old man, your baked cake is really crisp, look, the same size as my horseshoe!" "Since then, the horseshoe shortbread in Puxian has spread (data from folklore and the Internet)!

Horseshoe shortbread

The author | Maple Leaf, a state civil servant, and in his spare time, write some words and feel life. His works have been scattered on online platforms such as Mass Newspaper, Today's Headlines, Tencent News, Modern Express, and Moyu Tianxiang. Not for what you want, just want to let your mind fly in the sky of freedom...

Horseshoe shortbread

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