
The ancestor of the national horseshoe puff pastry - Shaanxi Longxian horseshoe puff pastry, to understand?

author:Xi'an shopping guide

Worldwide, it seems that Chinese have a special preference for snacks. No matter which city or town you go to in China, you can see so-and-so pastries, so-and-so cakes, so-and-so cakes and so-and-so cakes from everywhere.

The snack of horseshoe puff pastry can be seen in many cities across the country, shanxi Fanzhi, Fujian Quanzhou, Jiangsu Jiangyin, Shaanxi Jia County, Shaanxi Longxian and so on, all of which are publicized as their own specialties.

The ancestor of the national horseshoe puff pastry - Shaanxi Longxian horseshoe puff pastry, to understand?

However, if you look at it a little, you will find that the "specialty" horseshoe puff pastry in many parts of the country actually comes from Longxian County, Shaanxi. The reason for such a judgment stems from a historical fact:

Emperor Taizong of Tang had a wife of the original concubine, who was later known as Empress Changsun, and the hometown of this Empress Changsun was Longxian County(then known as Longzhou) in Shaanxi. At that time, the horseshoe puff pastry was only a good meal in the palace, and it happened that once, when the empress eldest grandson returned to the province, she brought some horseshoe puff pastry to enjoy on the road, and as a result, when she arrived at the destination, the horseshoe puff pastry was not eaten, and the eldest grandson empress was born to be thrifty and not wasteful, so she distributed the remaining horseshoe puff pastry to the local villagers. But I don't want the local natives to eat such delicious things, and everyone is amazed after eating them.

Later, with the consent of the empress dowager, the mother's family assigned a skillful servant to learn the craft of making horseshoe puff pastry from the accompanying imperial cook. Later, the horseshoe puff pastry and the production process gradually spread to the people, and after some years, it became a major specialty of Longxian County.

The ancestor of the national horseshoe puff pastry - Shaanxi Longxian horseshoe puff pastry, to understand?

During the Tang Dynasty, Fujian was opened up, and the pastry of horseshoe puff pastry was also introduced to the southern Fujian region with the people who went south. It is said that the specialty horseshoe puff pastry in Xiamen, Quanzhou and other places in Fujian Province was passed down at that time.

The ancestor of the national horseshoe puff pastry - Shaanxi Longxian horseshoe puff pastry, to understand?

However, there are other rumors about the origin of horseshoe puff pastry, and some claims say that Longxian horseshoe puff pastry actually originated in the last years of Guangxu. It is said that at that time, the Qing court sent the Minister of Chincha to pay tribute to Wushan near Long County, and also toured Long County, and in order to show his merits, the Holy Lord gave the Minister of Chincha "half a table full of Han and the whole table", so he sent a group of imperial cooks in the palace to accompany him. At that time, there was a chef in Longxian County, Jia Yicai, who had a good opportunity to get acquainted with one of the imperial cooks, and learned from him the method of horseshoe puff pastry in the palace. In the early years of the Republic of China, Jia Yicai passed on this Fa to his disciples, and gradually spread it.

The ancestor of the national horseshoe puff pastry - Shaanxi Longxian horseshoe puff pastry, to understand?

Although the source is two, no matter what kind of origin, there is a common point, that is, this horseshoe crisp, the earliest is actually the imperial meal in the palace, which shows its preciousness.

The ancestor of the national horseshoe puff pastry - Shaanxi Longxian horseshoe puff pastry, to understand?

The main ingredients for making horseshoe puff pastry are fine flour, cooked oil, white honey, white sugar and so on. When making, use fine flour with water and a small amount of large oil, roll into a leather noodle, and then use refined flour and an appropriate amount of large oil to knead into puff pastry, wrap the pastry with the skin noodles to make a roll, process it into a horseshoe shape, and put it into a large oil pan to fry.

Freshly baked horseshoe puff pastry layer as thin as paper, color, aroma, taste, shape are excellent, with its beautiful appearance, excellent ingredients, fine production, layer of soft, oily but not greasy, sweet and thick, crisp in the mouth, rich in nutrition, cut easy to store and famous.

So far, horseshoe puff pastry, as a high-end refreshment and at the same time a tonic, has become a famous point for gifts to relatives and friends, and for entertaining guests and friends.

The ancestor of the national horseshoe puff pastry - Shaanxi Longxian horseshoe puff pastry, to understand?

The horseshoe puff pastry, which spread from ancient times to all parts of the country and even abroad, has evolved different shapes and practices in different places, which can be described as blossoming everywhere and having different flowers.

(Figures 3 and 6 are horseshoe puff pastry styles in Shanxi and Fujian, respectively)

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