
Horseshoe crisp in Baojilong County, Shaanxi

author:Ran Wo preferred
Horseshoe crisp in Baojilong County, Shaanxi

LongXian County, which belongs to Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, was called Longzhou in ancient times, and was named because it was located in the east of Longshan Mountain, located in the western part of the Guanzhong Plain and the northwest of Baoji City.

Longxian horseshoe puff pastry, also known as honey stuffing, is named because it resembles a horseshoe. It is a famous Han Chinese snack in Shaanxi. Originally a precious pastry of Longxian folk visiting relatives and friends, it is made of fine powder, lard oil, honey and sugar as raw materials, with brownish yellow color, clear texture, crisp and sweet, and resistant to storage. Now longxian food processing plant production.

Horseshoe crisp in Baojilong County, Shaanxi

  According to folklore, horseshoe puff pastry was empress eldest grandson of Li Shimin, the original wife of King Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, and when she returned to her hometown and province, she was introduced to the court meals of her hometown of Longzhou. After tasting it, the villagers were amazed, and with the consent of the empress, the mother's family sent a skillful person to learn the craftsmanship of making this good point from the accompanying imperial chef, which was later introduced to the folk. The Tang Dynasty opened up Fujian Province, and this kind of court point was introduced to southern Fujian with the people from the south.

Horseshoe crisp in Baojilong County, Shaanxi

  When making horseshoe puff pastry, the cake is baked on the wall of the vertical stove, and the cake is horseshoe-shaped, so it is called. Poets of the Qing Dynasty wrote poems praising horseshoe crisps that praised horseshoe crisps by saying that "at first glance, there are still traces of the face of the scriptures, and they do not step on the hooves of flowers", indicating that it has a long history and is appreciated by the poets and inkers.

  The main raw materials and production methods of horseshoe puff pastry: fine powder, cooked oil, white honey, white sugar, etc. Knead the noodles with fine flour and water and a small amount of large oil, and knead the pastry with fine powder and an appropriate amount of large oil, roll the pastry with the skin bread, and then process it into a horseshoe shape, and put it into a large oil pot to cook and fry.

  Horseshoe puff pastry layers such as paper, color, aroma, taste, type is good, with excellent ingredients, meticulous production, layers of soft, oily but not greasy, sweet and thick, crisp in the mouth, rich in nutrition, and can be stored and known for all directions.

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