
Shaanxi famous snack - Longxian horseshoe puff pastry, to understand

Shaanxi famous snack - Longxian horseshoe puff pastry, to understand
Shaanxi famous snack - Longxian horseshoe puff pastry, to understand
Shaanxi famous snack - Longxian horseshoe puff pastry, to understand

Horseshoe puff pastry, also known as honey stuffing, is named after the shape of a horseshoe, and is a famous Han snack in Shaanxi. He is a valuable pastry when folk visit relatives and friends. According to legend, the horseshoe puff pastry was a relative of the eldest grandson empress who returned to her hometown and was used to thank her mother's family for the court meal. After tasting it, the mother's family was amazed, and with the consent of the empress, the mother's family sent a skillful person to learn the craft of making this pastry from the accompanying imperial chef, which was gradually introduced to the people.

Qing Dynasty poets also wrote: "At first glance, there are still traces left on the face, and if you don't step on the flower hooves, you will also incense yourself" to praise the horseshoe crisp. This, in turn, illustrates its long history and rare delicacies.

Usually, it is prepared with fine powder, pork board oil, honey, sugar and other raw materials, when making it, it is first made with fine powder and water and a small amount of pork plate oil to knead into a leather noodle, and then use fine powder and an appropriate amount of large oil to roll into pastry, and then wrap the pastry into a roll with skin noodles, and finally process it into a horseshoe shape, put into a large oil pot to cook and fry, just out of the pan of horseshoe crisp, color and flavor are good, bite a bite of oil without greasy, sweet and thick.

In the hometown, horseshoe puff pastry is not only a high-grade refreshment, a good tonic, but also a valuable gift for relatives and friends, and it is also a food for many people to eat breakfast and travel on weekdays. At the same time, because of its heat, the use of hemp fryers is often a tonic for women to "confinement", in addition, horseshoe puff pastry uses maltose as a raw material, or a special stomach delicacy.

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