
Lion head, formerly known as sunflower offering meat, tender teeth are not greasy, Chinese New Year's Eve rice to eat auspicious and auspicious omens of good "lion head" The origin of "lion head" Different ways of eating Qing Dynasty celebrities described "lion head" is similar to modern times - braised water chestnut lion head

author:Shinobu cuisine

Chinese New Year's EveChinese New Year's Eve rice, each family will carefully make a table of hearty and meaningful dishes, in our hometown lion head table must have, lean meat plus water chestnut, delicious and not greasy, young and old like to eat, not only delicious but also a good omen of reunion, each plate 12, each represents a month, indicating that in the new year, a family and beauty, auspicious, there is also a plate of 4 big lion heads, meaning the four seasons of fortune.

Lion head, formerly known as sunflower offering meat, tender teeth are not greasy, Chinese New Year's Eve rice to eat auspicious and auspicious omens of good "lion head" The origin of "lion head" Different ways of eating Qing Dynasty celebrities described "lion head" is similar to modern times - braised water chestnut lion head

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the origin of the "lion's head"</h1>

The original name of the lion's head is sunflower meat, and its source is a historical story. The Sui Dynasty Emperor Yang Guang, because he excavated the world's longest Sui Dynasty Grand Canal, was revered by the world as "the first emperor of the ages". During the reign of the Sui Dynasty Emperor, he visited Yangzhou three times and was deeply impressed by Yangzhou, especially the four famous scenery of Yangzhou, Sunflower Hill, Wansong Mountain, Qiandun and Ivory Forest.

Lion head, formerly known as sunflower offering meat, tender teeth are not greasy, Chinese New Year's Eve rice to eat auspicious and auspicious omens of good "lion head" The origin of "lion head" Different ways of eating Qing Dynasty celebrities described "lion head" is similar to modern times - braised water chestnut lion head

After returning to the imperial palace, the Sui Dynasty Emperor Yang Guang still remembered these four major attractions, and ordered the imperial chefs to make four dishes related to the names of these four scenes. The imperial chefs also racked their brains and constantly consulted the famous chefs of Yangzhou, and finally made four dishes with sunflower offerings, squirrel cinnamon fish, money shrimp cakes, and elephant bud chicken strips. After Yang Guang tasted it, he was overjoyed and gave a feast to the courtiers, and the courtiers were full of praise after tasting, and for a time, Huaiyang cuisine began to be popular throughout the court, and sunflower offerings frequently appeared on the tables of the dignitaries.

Lion head, formerly known as sunflower offering meat, tender teeth are not greasy, Chinese New Year's Eve rice to eat auspicious and auspicious omens of good "lion head" The origin of "lion head" Different ways of eating Qing Dynasty celebrities described "lion head" is similar to modern times - braised water chestnut lion head

Later, in the Tang Dynasty, the Duke of Gao invited guests to a banquet, and put forward higher requirements for Wei Juyuan, a famous chef in fuzhong, not only to make four dishes such as sunflower offering meat, but also to accompany them with water and land treasures, bringing guests a stunning visual impact. When the sunflower meat is served, it really shocks the guests, the appearance looks like a sunflower heart up close, but from a distance it looks like a lion's head. Therefore, Guo Gong proposed to rename the sunflower offering to "Lion's Head", and since then "Lion's Head" has spread in Huaiyang.

"Lion's head", Yangzhou dialect is "big chopped meat", and northern dialect is called "big meatballs" or "sixi balls". The "jumping pill burning" recorded in the Northern Dynasty Food Classic is actually very close to the modern "lion's head".

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > different ways to eat "lion's head"</h1>

"Lion's Head" is mainly divided into three kinds of braised, steamed and stewed from the perspective of materials, in addition to the main ingredient pork, its ingredients are not static, but different with the change of seasons, fully embodying the highest realm of the diet of "eating in season".

Lion head, formerly known as sunflower offering meat, tender teeth are not greasy, Chinese New Year's Eve rice to eat auspicious and auspicious omens of good "lion head" The origin of "lion head" Different ways of eating Qing Dynasty celebrities described "lion head" is similar to modern times - braised water chestnut lion head

Spring, summer, autumn and winter rotation taste, spring add fresh spring shoots, made into spring shoot lion head, summer added river mussels, became river mussel lion head, autumn hairy crab market, with crab powder made of powder lion head, this is Huaiyang's most famous local characteristics "lion head", Huaiyang crab powder lion head, placed in a stew cup, with green vegetables on the bottom, poured on the soup of the hook, the taste is slightly sweet, the entrance is soft and melted. Winter is joined by the wind chicken and become the wind chicken lion head.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the "lion's head" described by Qing dynasty celebrities is similar to modern times</h1>

Yuan Ming, a famous poet and gourmet in the Qing Dynasty, introduced a dish called "Yang Gongyuan" in his "Suiyuan Food List", which is actually a modern version of "crab powder lion's head", in which "Yang Mingfu makes meat rounds, as big as teacups, delicate and exquisite." The soup is especially fresh and crispy in the mouth. Probably to remove the tendons and knots, cut it very finely, fat and thin in half, and use fiber to combine evenly. The lion's head described by Yuan Mei is the size of a teacup.

Lion head, formerly known as sunflower offering meat, tender teeth are not greasy, Chinese New Year's Eve rice to eat auspicious and auspicious omens of good "lion head" The origin of "lion head" Different ways of eating Qing Dynasty celebrities described "lion head" is similar to modern times - braised water chestnut lion head

Xu Ke, a literary scholar in the early Qing Dynasty, also made a detailed record of the lion's head in the "Qing Barnyard Bills": "The lion's head is named after the shape, and the pork round is also." Pork fat and lean in half, finely chopped coarsely, and with protein, so that it is easy to coagulate, or add shrimp and crab powder. Take a yellow sand jar, put the vegetable leaves at the bottom, cover it with the jar, put it into an iron pot, and sprinkle a little salt to prevent the pot from cracking. Then, it is boiled dry over low heat, and the firewood is stopped for each burning number, and it is burned for about five minutes, and it is ready to be taken out. ”

Whether it is Yuan Ming or Xu Ke, the "lion head" method they describe is close to Yangzhou's "crab powder lion head", the main material is taken from fat and lean pork in half, the fascia must be removed first, and the knife skill "chopping" is extremely important, emphasizing fine cutting and rough chopping.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > – braised water chestnut lion's head</h1>

Water chestnut, known as "ground chestnut" in Shanghai dialect, is a small fruit in season, combined with pork to make a lion's head, sweet and soft but not greasy, especially suitable for Chinese New Year's EveChinese New Year's Eve rice.

Lion head, formerly known as sunflower offering meat, tender teeth are not greasy, Chinese New Year's Eve rice to eat auspicious and auspicious omens of good "lion head" The origin of "lion head" Different ways of eating Qing Dynasty celebrities described "lion head" is similar to modern times - braised water chestnut lion head

【Ingredients and ingredients】: Fat and lean pork, water chestnut, egg mixture, salt, soy sauce, pepper, ginger, chives, sesame oil, rice wine, balsamic vinegar

1, the choice of six points thin four fat pig front leg meat, this part of the meat is tender, but the fascia is more, must be removed from the fascia clean, otherwise it will affect the taste, clean it, change the knife to cut thin slices and then cut fine, fine cut into mung bean size, it is recommended not to use the blender to beat into meat puree, that will greatly damage the meat fiber tissue, eat up the taste of Mu Na powder;

Lion head, formerly known as sunflower offering meat, tender teeth are not greasy, Chinese New Year's Eve rice to eat auspicious and auspicious omens of good "lion head" The origin of "lion head" Different ways of eating Qing Dynasty celebrities described "lion head" is similar to modern times - braised water chestnut lion head

2, ginger washed, peeled and cut into minced, chives finely chopped, minced ginger and white onion soaked in a small amount of water for 1 hour, can also be beaten into ginger and shallot juice;

Lion head, formerly known as sunflower offering meat, tender teeth are not greasy, Chinese New Year's Eve rice to eat auspicious and auspicious omens of good "lion head" The origin of "lion head" Different ways of eating Qing Dynasty celebrities described "lion head" is similar to modern times - braised water chestnut lion head

3: Peel and chop the watercress, put it into the minced meat, add egg liquid, salt, soy sauce, pepper, ginger and shallot juice, rice wine and sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, stir evenly in a clockwise direction;

Lion head, formerly known as sunflower offering meat, tender teeth are not greasy, Chinese New Year's Eve rice to eat auspicious and auspicious omens of good "lion head" The origin of "lion head" Different ways of eating Qing Dynasty celebrities described "lion head" is similar to modern times - braised water chestnut lion head

4, then rub into a ping-pong ball by hand, neatly stacked in the plate, put into the steamer, steam for about 15 minutes, and then pour in the mustard juice with sugar, generally in accordance with the proportion of 10 grams of starch added to 50 grams of water, steamed lion head to complete.

Lion head, formerly known as sunflower offering meat, tender teeth are not greasy, Chinese New Year's Eve rice to eat auspicious and auspicious omens of good "lion head" The origin of "lion head" Different ways of eating Qing Dynasty celebrities described "lion head" is similar to modern times - braised water chestnut lion head

5: If it is braised, first fry it in oil until the surface of the "lion's head" is slightly yellow, then add an appropriate amount of water, turn the heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes, then add sugar, salt, soy sauce and mix well, and finally sprinkle with green onions.

Lion head, formerly known as sunflower offering meat, tender teeth are not greasy, Chinese New Year's Eve rice to eat auspicious and auspicious omens of good "lion head" The origin of "lion head" Different ways of eating Qing Dynasty celebrities described "lion head" is similar to modern times - braised water chestnut lion head

Notice: When stirring pork, be sure to stir in one direction, and the mixing time should be relatively long, so as to maintain a tender and Q-bomb taste. Fresh lotus root is used instead of water chestnut, and the taste is also very good.

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