
Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

author:Qing Shi Haoran

In early 2005, a whistleblower letter caught the attention of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Subsequently, a succession of whistle-blowing letters made the leaders of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection attach great importance to this matter, because all the blame-blowing letters were directed at the same person, that is, Li Hongta, then director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Civil Affairs. When they saw Li Hongta's name, the leaders showed expressions of disbelief, because Li Hongta had another special identity in addition to the director of the department, he was Li Dazhao's grandson.

Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

Li Hongta

Even if Li Hongta's identity is special, this matter cannot be investigated. Because almost all the contents of the whistle-blowing letter are about Li Hongta's corruption and bribery, and the abuse of power for personal gain, the words and lines even describe Li Hongta as a big greedy and greedy person.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection quickly set up an investigation team to go to Anhui to thoroughly investigate whether Li Hongta was corrupt, and after more than a month of in-depth investigation, the investigation team found a Li Hongta who was not the same as he imagined, and his behavior was surprising, and even the leaders had to confirm it repeatedly before they dared to believe the truth of the matter. So what kind of person is Li Hongta? What did the task force find? The result?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere</h1>

Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

In 1949, Li Hongta was born in a revolutionary family with a strict family style, because his father and mother were in important positions and often could not go home, Li Hongta, who was born and had no one to take care of him, was sent to a nursery, so Li Hongta spent six years in the nursery.

Li Hongta, who returned home, will inevitably show timidity in the face of unfamiliar environments, but his parents have not shown a partial attitude because of this. It is worth mentioning that Li Hongta has older brothers and sisters, younger brothers, and his parents have always been equal, such a family environment has made Li Hongta have a sense of being born equal since childhood.

Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

Li Baohua

After his father Li Baohua was transferred to Anhui Province, he vigorously reformed and later became the first secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Anhui Province, but Li Baohua's life was still very hard, and there was almost no meat on the dinner table. Li Hongta heard his father's most teaching: "Now the people's lives are very difficult, and as cadres, we must not engage in specialization." ”

Li Baohua often went to the factory and went to the countryside, and he was dressed simply and had no official shelf, so he was affectionately called "Li Qingtian" by the masses. Li Baohua is indeed a good cadre who thinks about the people, and no one can deny this. Li Hongta still remembers the picture of his father being criticized and taught by his father for eating raisins sent by others when he was young, which made Li Hongta deeply realize that serving the people is the duty of cadres, and accepting gifts is an absolutely impermissible wrong behavior.

Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

Li Hongta second from the left

His father's fine character of honesty and honesty and seeking truth from facts deeply influenced Li Hongta when he was young, which also set a good benchmark for Li Hongta's future path as an official. After retiring from the army, Li Hongta came to the chemical plant as an ordinary employee, during which he was active and hard-working, and was deeply appreciated by the leaders and loved by his colleagues.

Li Hongta, who performed well, was then recommended by the factory to go to Hefei University of Technology. Li Hongta, who graduated from Hefei University of Technology, returned to the original factory and became the backbone of the factory step by step with his knowledge and skills, realizing the leap from ordinary employees to leading cadres.

Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

Later, Li Hongta went to work in the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Li Hongta's choice was very simple, he wanted to go deep among the people and help solve the problems encountered by the masses in reality, obviously the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs is an excellent choice.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" > Li Hongta's indissoluble relationship with the bicycle</h1>

Li Hongta, who came to the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs as he wished, has been working here for nearly twenty years. During his tenure, Li Hongta was strict with himself, he remembered his father's teachings, did not forget his own coming heart, and vividly interpreted the four words of honesty and honesty. In Anhui, Li Hongta can be said to be a celebrity, whenever li Hongta's name is mentioned, the first reaction of the citizens is the director who always rides a bicycle to and from work, regardless of rain or wind.

Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

Portrait of Li Hongta

There seems to be an indissoluble relationship between Li Hongta and the bicycle, as early as middle school, he rode his bicycle to and from school and home. After retiring from the army, he went to work in a fertilizer factory, then went to college, and then joined the work again, he commuted to work on a bicycle. In fact, the hall was supposed to arrange a car transfer for him, but Li Hongta refused with a smile: "I still think it is more convenient to commute by bicycle." Li Hongta insisted repeatedly, and the hall could only respect his choice, so for decades, Li Hongta rode his bicycle through the streets of the city every day.

Some people think that he is a good official who is honest and honest, and some people think that he is just putting on a show, just to leave a good impression on the masses. Isn't it silly to have a car and not sit but have to ride a bicycle? Regarding those negative comments, Li Hongta did not pay attention to them, and he still insisted on his principles. Over time, there were fewer and fewer voices of doubt, and people began to believe that Li Hongta was not riding to and from work for a show. Li Hongta has ridden a total of four bicycles in the past twenty years of his tenure, and on the road, traffic police and citizens can often be seen greeting him, Li Hongta will also respond cordially one by one, and everyone also admires and respects this old cadre from the bottom of his heart.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" > provincial minister who lives in a 55-square-meter house</h1>

Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

Walking into Li Hongta's home, the small space seemed a little crowded, old home appliances, painted furniture, it was difficult to imagine that this was the home of a provincial minister. Many things in the house are still the items that Li Hongta bought when he got married, and in the face of broken home appliances and cabinets, Li Hongta can repair them, and the seams are repaired year after year. For his small home of 55 square meters, Li Hongta expressed great satisfaction, in fact, according to Li Hongta's level, he can be allocated to a better house.

Li Hongta has presided over the work of dividing houses many times, but he has nearly two hundred places in his hand, but he is stunned that he has not assigned himself a house. When he sees young people getting married but does not have a house of his own, when he sees a family of generations living in a small house, when he sees those who need a new house more than himself, Li Hongta will always silently cut himself out of the crowd of houses.

Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

In 1988, when the last room was divided, Li Hongta's name was still not found in the quota of the room, and at this time, even the people around him were anxious for him, reminding him that this was the last train, and there would be no chance of dividing the room in the future. Li Hongta said with some humor: "I am not afraid of squeezing. In this way, Li Hongta and his wife and children lived in this small home of 55 square meters for more than ten years. It was not until many colleagues complained for him that the province made up a small suite of 20 square meters for him, and Li Hongta's son had a room of his own.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="40" > a good cadre in the eyes of the grassroots and the masses</h1>

Li Hongta will choose to do it himself in many things, and the flood of the Huai River in 2003 can be said to be the largest flood disaster in the past fifty years. In the disaster area, Li Hongta woke up early every day to check the water potential and learn about the latest rescue situation, and then he would drag his tired body to sleep late at night. When he was thirsty, he drank a few mouthfuls of mineral water, and when he was hungry, he nibbled on a few mouthfuls of dry food, and did not dare to slacken off in the slightest, so he ran back and forth in the disaster area for more than twenty days.

Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

Going down to the grassroots level is also one of the most common things Li Hongta does, but he will not tell the other party in advance, but will first find a small restaurant with his entourage to eat and then go. The simple steamed noodles plus two vegetarian dishes are the dining standards set by Li Hongta for himself, which also makes many grass-roots units express their intention not to go, Li Hongta said indifferently: "We are here to inspect the work, not to eat, not to get in the way." ”

In addition, Li Hongta's colleagues also said to the investigation team: "It is absolutely impossible to say that Li Hongta accepted bribes!" "Every time a colleague asks him to accept a small gift, he will always find an opportunity to return the gift, and it will be more expensive than the gift received, and over time everyone will be embarrassed to give him a gift."

Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

It is reasonable to say that Li Hongta does not smoke or drink, nor does he spend money to buy a car and a house, and there should be a lot of savings in the position of director of the department for twenty years, but when the investigation team personnel investigated, they were surprised, Li Hongta's total savings added up to only 10,000 yuan, so where did his money go?

It turned out that Li Hongta's reputation was out, and more and more people came to him to solve the problem, and when he learned that the other party did not eat or was in urgent need of money and was worried that the subsidy would not come down for a while and a half, he would always take out the money in his pocket to give the visitors an emergency. Every time there is a donation or a love activity in the unit, Li Hongta always donates the most money.

Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

During the investigation, Li Hongta still worked as usual, because he always believed in the party and believed in the fact that he was not afraid of the shadow. After more than a month of investigation, the members of the investigation team reported to their superiors and said: "Li Hongta will never be corrupt and pervert the law, he is an absolute clean official." ”

After learning about the specific situation, the superior immediately gave instructions and said that they should learn from Comrade Li Hongta. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection even published an article entitled "Bathed in Li Dazhao's Revolutionary Style," which introduced Li Hongta's touching deeds over the past few decades and also made the most powerful response to Li Hongta's failure to accept bribes.

Li Dazhao's grandson was reported for corruption, and the investigation team went to investigate, what was the final result? Revolutionary home, carved in the bones of the clean atmosphere Li Hongta and the bicycle of the indissoluble relationship of the provincial director living in a 55 square meter house deep ploughing the grassroots, good cadres in the eyes of the masses

Even after retirement, Li Hongta is actively contributing to the masses of the people, he will still visit poor areas from time to time, and when he encounters difficulties, he will directly pay each other as before. In 2021, the 72-year-old Comrade Li Hongta was awarded the "July 1st Medal", which is the affirmation of the party and the people, and it is also the honor he deserves for his lifelong dedication.

As the grandson of Li Dazhao, Li Hongta is worthy of the expectations and teachings of his elders, and he is a really good cadre. Although we do not know what the intentions and purposes of those who maliciously reported Li Hongta have, we have always believed in the state, the party, and good people have good rewards.

In fact, there are many good cadres in society who are honest and honest like Li Hongta, and who are wholeheartedly for the people. Leave your comments in the comments section and let more people know about their glorious deeds!

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