
Red Agent: Guo Rujie, who was called the biggest communist spy by the Kuomintang, scolded Chiang Kai-shek angrily

author:Mr. Big said history

He was the CCP's most famous undercover agent, lurking beside Chiang Kai-shek for more than two decades and never being exposed. He secretly transmitted the top-secret battle plans of the Kuomintang Army to Yan'an on many occasions, providing our army with a lot of important military intelligence.

He fought all his life and was loyal, but unfortunately died in a car accident in his later years, and he was Guo Rujie, who was called the biggest CCP spy by Chiang Kai-shek.

In 1907, Guo Rugui was born in Tongliang County, Sichuan Province, to a family of scholars. His father, Guo Langxi, was a well-known local talent, but his ambition to enter the temple was not realized because of the abolition of the imperial examination system. The ambitious Guo Langxi likes to discuss current politics, often attacking the corruption and social darkness of the Beiyang warlords, influenced by his father, the young Guo Rujie also has a strong interest in current affairs and politics, and this childhood experience has also planted the seeds of growth for his legendary life.

Red Agent: Guo Rujie, who was called the biggest communist spy by the Kuomintang, scolded Chiang Kai-shek angrily

In 1919, Guo Rugui followed her father to Chengdu and entered the Chengdu Higher Normal School and the Chengdu Union Middle School. At this time, when the May Fourth Movement broke out, the anti-imperialist and patriotic sentiment of the whole society reached a climax, and Marxism began to spread widely in China, and Guo Rujie, who had loved politics since childhood, soon became fond of this advanced idea. Under the influence of the times and the learning environment, Guo Rujie was deeply baptized by the idea of scientific national salvation.

In 1925, Guo Rugui graduated from The father hoped that Guo Rugui would apply for the Medical Examination of Tongji University in Shanghai, but Guo Rugui was bent on studying and working, and wanted to contribute to the development of the country with scientific knowledge. At this time, Guo Rudong, a cousin who had been promoted to the commander of the Sichuan Army, decided to send some young officers to study at the Whampoa Military Academy in order to defect to the Guangdong revolutionary government, and suggested that Guo Rujie, who had just turned eighteen, go with him. Studying as a worker, studying medicine, or joining the military? Guo Ruzhen came to a fork in the road in his life, and he hesitated so that he had to ask Chen Tingdong, an old classmate who was admitted to Tongji University, for advice. Chen Tingdong pondered for a long time and then said to him

"Brother Ru, politics is not on track now, and science and industry are empty. I see, you might as well go to Guangdong to do the revolution! ”

Red Agent: Guo Rujie, who was called the biggest communist spy by the Kuomintang, scolded Chiang Kai-shek angrily

Chen's words made Guo Ruzhi clear the direction of his struggle, and soon after, he went to Guangdong with Yuan Jingming, Fu Bingxun and six other young officers of the Sichuan Army to study at the fifth phase of the Whampoa Military Academy. Guo Rulin's revolutionary career of swinging intestines had already begun at that moment.

During these days at the Whampoa Military Academy, Guo Rugui, while constantly improving his military ability, also read the works of Chen Duxiu, Li Da and other early founders of the CCP, at that time, the National Revolution was vigorously carried out in Guangzhou, Zhou Enlai, Wu Yuzhang, Xiao Chunu and other CCP members all served at the Whampoa Military Academy, under their propaganda and education, Guo Rugui was deeply inspired, although his cousin was a warlord, but the young Guo Rugui gradually strengthened his belief in communism, from studying in the school to embarking on the battlefield of the Northern Expedition, around large and small events, Guo Rujie clearly realized that only the Communist Party is the backbone of China.

In April 1927, just as Guo Rugui was about to graduate from the Whampoa Military Academy, Chiang Kai-shek brazenly launched the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup d'état and massacred communists, and the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation broke down. On April 14, 1927, before the news of Chiang Kai-shek's betrayal of the revolution had spread in Wuhan, Wu Yuzhang, who was actually in charge of the Whampoa Military Academy, quietly summoned Guo Rugui and Fu Bingxun to the office, informing them that they had graduated early and returned to Sichuan immediately. At that time, Guo Rudong, Guo Rujie's cousin and Fu Bingxun's wife's brother- and brother-in-law, was already the deputy commander of the Sichuan-Hubei Border Defense Command, with two divisions and one brigade, and his strength was very strong. Wu Yuzhang said with a serious look

"Now the situation is very critical, Chiang Kai-shek has openly mutinied, it is likely to attack Wuhan, and the Sichuan warlord Yang Sen will cooperate with Chiang Kai-shek's attack." Return to Sichuan as soon as possible and find a way to get Guo Rudong to prevent Yang Sen from going out of Sichuan to attack Wuhan. If the blocking is ineffective, he can be persuaded to wait for Yang Sen to leave the river and hit him in the rear and cause him to collapse. If this cannot be done, he will not be able to help Yang Sen with a single soldier. ”

Red Agent: Guo Rujie, who was called the biggest communist spy by the Kuomintang, scolded Chiang Kai-shek angrily

At the time of the survival of the revolution, Guo Rugui and Fu Bingxun shouldered the mission of Wu Yuzhang, and returned to Sichuan from Wuhan with Ren Yiyi, a member of the Communist Party of China who graduated at the same time.

Guo Ruzhi and Fu Bingxun arrived at Fuling, where Guo Rudong was stationed, and conveyed Wu Yuzhang's opinion, but what Guo Rugui did not expect was that his brother would put himself together on such an important issue, on the surface, Guo Rudong promised not to support Yang Sen, but behind the scenes, he quietly sent a special envoy to Nanjing and decided to defect to Chiang Kai-shek. Unbeknownst to him, Guo Ruzhi thought that his persuasion had succeeded, so he happily wrote to Wu Yuzhang to report on the results, and he himself was arranged by Guo Rudong to serve as a clerk in the Political Department.

Soon after, the Ning and Han dynasties merged, and the two parties turned from cooperation to confrontation, while Guo Rujie lost contact with Wu Yuzhang at this time and had to stay in Guo Rudong's army. Guo Rujie, who was in Cao Ying's heart in Han, was very depressed, but during this time, he completed a major event in his life. In May 1928, Guo Rugui was introduced by Yuan Jingming, deputy of the Major Regiment and head of the Communist Party branch, to join the Communist Party of China, and his long-pursued wish was finally realized.

Red Agent: Guo Rujie, who was called the biggest communist spy by the Kuomintang, scolded Chiang Kai-shek angrily

After three years of dormancy in Sichuan, Guo Rujie, who had lost contact with the party organization, decided to go to Japan for further study. In Japan, Guo Rujie personally felt the harm caused to him by the weakness of the nation, and even Japanese children contemptuously called Chinese "Indochina". The japanese discrimination against Chinese was like a sharp sword, which deeply stabbed Guo Rujie.

He still gritted his teeth and studied hard, hoping to learn more skills for the revitalization of the motherland. After the outbreak of the September 18 Incident, the patriotic Guo Rujie was no longer willing to watch the motherland and people being bullied by Japanese imperialism, and he and many students shouted in unison

"The slaves of the subjugated country will come back again."

The slogan, resolutely gave up the degree, returned to the haunting motherland.

Due to his outstanding talents and his cousin Guo Rudong, Guo Rujie was sent to the famous Army Officers' School after returning to China. As we mentioned earlier, Guo Rugui was already a Communist Party member at this time, and although he was likely to be in the Kuomintang camp for a long time afterwards, Guo Rugui's loyalty to the party had not diminished in the slightest, that is to say, at this time, Guo Rugui was likely to become a spy of a white-faced and red-hearted communist army. He must use such a special way to make more contributions to the party and the people.

Red Agent: Guo Rujie, who was called the biggest communist spy by the Kuomintang, scolded Chiang Kai-shek angrily

After entering the Army Officer School, Guo Ruzhen still maintained excellent quality. After 3 years of study, Guo Rugui graduated with the best overall score, because he became an accomplice of anti-communism, Guo Rugui refused to join the Kuomintang army, after which he was recommended by Yang Jie to enter the Army University as an instructor in war history and continue his studies. Later, Guo Rugui became the chief of staff of Chen Cheng's 14th Division.

After the outbreak of the July 7 Incident, the national War of Resistance kicked off. Guo Rujie, who hated the Japanese so much, ushered in the opportunity to wash away the shame of that period of spiritual humiliation. Guo Rugui of the Kuomintang 14th Division was ordered to participate in the Anti-Japanese Resistance in North China. Because the Japanese army launched an attack in Shanghai, he was ordered to return to participate in the Battle of Songhu. On the Battlefield of Songhu, Guo Rugui was promoted to brigade commander of the 42nd Brigade. He led the soldiers of the 42nd Brigade to heroically resist the Japanese, and in the bombardment of dozens of enemy aircraft by the Japanese army, he held his position, and whenever some of his subordinates shouted that they could not stand it, he ran out of the operations department to personally supervise the war. He even left a suicide note and personally went to the battlefield to direct the battle. Guo Rugui's great righteousness deeply shocked the generals of the Nationalist Army, the army had a high morale, stubbornly resisted Japan for seven days and seven nights, and more than 8,000 soldiers were finally left with more than 2,000, and the position was still not lost.

From then on, Guo Rugui became a famous general of the anti-Japanese army, and his heroic performance also won the favor of his superior Chen Cheng, who shortly thereafter appointed Guo Rugui as the chief of staff of the 54th Army. After that, Guo Rugui made correct analysis and judgment in the Battle of Wuhan and the Battle of Changsha, and tried to ensure that our army won many battles with very few casualties. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Guo Ruzhi was once promoted to chief of staff of the Twentieth Army and slowly entered the top echelons of the Kuomintang.

Red Agent: Guo Rujie, who was called the biggest communist spy by the Kuomintang, scolded Chiang Kai-shek angrily

After this, Guo Rugui had the opportunity to have direct contact with Kuomintang military and political leaders, and could attend meetings of Chiang Kai-shek and many high-ranking officials on many occasions. The Kuomintang's corruption and various improper behaviors made Guo Rugui very chilled, but because he had been unable to re-establish contact with the party, he could only continue to suffer in silence in the Nationalist army.

One day in April 1945, Guo Rujie happened to see a visitor dressed in the uniform of an officer and staff officer. He took a closer look, and this person was none other than his classmate at the Whampoa Military Academy, Ren Yiyi. This made Guo Rujie immediately excited, hoping to gain contact with the Party Central Committee through him. And Ren Didn't disappoint Guo Rujie, he recommended his younger brother Ren Lianru. One night a few days later, Ren Lianru quietly came to Guo Rugui's house, and Guo Ruru suddenly opened his heart to Ren Lianru, telling his tortuous experience, saying that he was not interested in the high-level positions of the Kuomintang, hoping to restore his status as a member of the Cpc and return to Yan'an to participate in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Ren Lianru also reported Guo Rugui's ideas to Dong Biwu. After dong Biwu's analysis, he asked Ren Lianru to relay it to Guo Rujie

You ask for the restoration of ccp membership, which is okay in principle, but it will pass a test for a period of time. Going to Yan'an will not help you much, I hope you continue to lurk in the Kuomintang and provide some valuable information for the party, I am your one-line contact.

Red Agent: Guo Rujie, who was called the biggest communist spy by the Kuomintang, scolded Chiang Kai-shek angrily

After this, Guo Ruzhi gradually developed his super spy career to the peak. Chiang Kai-shek's "Battle Sequence of the Nationalist Army" deployed for a full-scale civil war was transmitted to Yan'an by Guo Rujie at the first time. At the same time, Guo Rujie, who was quite talented in war, became more and more senior in the Nationalist army, and once became the director of the Operations Department of the Kuomintang Ministry of National Defense, and then followed Gu Zhutong to Xuzhou as chief of staff of the Army General Headquarters, thus entering the highest military organization of the Kuomintang and mastering the top secrets of the Kuomintang's military operations. Throughout the Liberation War, Guo Rugui traveled between Nanjing and Shanghai, risking his life to provide our Party with a lot of core military intelligence of the Kuomintang.

On May 12, 1947, Guo Rugui took advantage of the dinner party to obtain Chiang Kai-shek's plan to use the fine equipment of the United States to concentrate on attacking the communist army, which made great contributions to the subsequent victory of the People's Liberation Army in the Battle of Menglianggu. On the eve of the Huaihai Campaign, guo Rugui secretly reported the Kuomintang's battle plan to the Plaster's Huaihai Campaign Command Office in advance, helping our army to win this crucial battle.

At the same time as the victory of the Liberation War, Guo Rujie's identity was also doubted, but he was able to resolve the crisis every time without danger. After the end of the three major battles, the defeat of the Nationalist army was decided, Chiang Kai-shek on the one hand led the remnants of the forces to flee to Taiwan, on the other hand, some of the forces were still left on the mainland to survive, on December 11, 1949, the day when the People's Liberation Army marched into Sichuan, Guo Rugui decided to give the Kuomintang army a final fatal blow under the decision of the Party Central Committee.

Red Agent: Guo Rujie, who was called the biggest communist spy by the Kuomintang, scolded Chiang Kai-shek angrily

He led an uprising of more than 13,000 soldiers of the Seventy-second Army in Yibin, directly destroying Chiang Kai-shek's plan to hold on to the Great Southwest. At this point, Chiang Kai-shek finally saw through the true face of Guo Rujie, and his powerful general turned out to be an important undercover agent of the CCP, which made Chiang Kai-shek almost faint in anger, and he even scolded

This Guo Ruzhi turned out to be the biggest CCP spy installed next to me!

After the founding of New China, Guo Rugui repeatedly demanded that he be reinstated as a member of the Communist Party of China. It was not until April 1980, when he was 73 years old, that he was approved by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee to rejoin the Communist Party, fulfilling his decades-long wish. On October 23, 1997, the legendary undercover officer died in a car accident at the age of 90.


Guo Rugui: The Legendary Life of an Undercover General, Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China

"Guo Rugui: Lurking in the Kuomintang for more than 20 years, never exposed! 90 years old was in a car accident and unfortunately died"

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