
The Western Han Dynasty Qiren Dongfang Shuo: often made Emperor Wu of Han laugh

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The Western Han Dynasty Man Dongfang Shuo is known in history for his witty and funny, because he knew everything in his lifetime, shooting hundreds of shots, making people think that he was quite immortal. After his death, his deeds became more and more divine, and many miracles were attached to him by the people, and many myths and stories took him as the protagonist, the most widely circulated of which was "Oriental Shuo stealing peaches".

The Western Han Dynasty Qiren Dongfang Shuo: often made Emperor Wu of Han laugh

Oriental Shuo

Dongfang Shuo often made Emperor Wu happy

Many of the folk gods in our country actually had their own people in ancient times, and Dongfang Shuo was one of them. He was originally a courtier during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, and served as a waiter and a taizhong doctor. He had a witty personality, was funny and intelligent, and often made the unsmiling Emperor Wudi of Han laugh. And good at shooting (guessing the covered things), guessing riddles, every guess must be, before he was born, he was already a legendary figure, after his death, his deeds became more and more godly, many folk myths and stories have taken him as the protagonist, and even called him a celestial star, and Taoism also conformed to public opinion and named him a god.

The real Oriental Shuo in history is the Oriental Shuo recorded in the "Records of History" and the "Book of Han". The "Records of History" included him in the "Funny Column Biography", and the "Book of Han" specifically established a biography for him. Sima Qian and Ban Gu's Dongfang Shuo, with a large body, handsome appearance, erudite and talented, writes a thousand words, exports into chapters, is quick witty, funny and witty, and informal. At the same time, his personality also has two sides, although he is good at observing the face and making people happy, he is not humble, he is not flattering to the top, and he is not conspiring to harm people. He often spoke bluntly in front of Emperor Wu, corrected some of the emperor's mistakes, and advised Emperor Wu to abstain from luxury, and before his death, he also advised Emperor Wu to "be far away from qiao and retreat from rumors", which surprised Emperor Wu and said to the left and right, I did not expect that Dongfang Shuo could actually say such a serious word.

Dongfang Shuo used the excuse to intimidate the dwarfs into seeing Emperor Wu

How tall is the burly Dongfang Shuo? When he first wrote to Emperor Wu of Han, he introduced himself: "Chenshuo is twenty-two years old, nine feet and three inches long, his eyes are like hanging beads, and his teeth are like shells." "What is the concept of nine feet three inches?" In the Western Han Dynasty, one foot was equivalent to the current 0.231 meters, and as Dongfang Shuo said, his height was 2.148 meters. This height not only stood out among the ancient crowds, but even now, few people are taller than him. "Eyes hanging like beads" is to describe the eyes shining with spirit, like bright beads. "Tooth-like shell" is a description of teeth white, like neatly arranged shells. Such a tall and handsome Oriental Shuo was a giant in the eyes of men at that time, and a male god in the eyes of women.

Dongfang Shuo not only has outstanding appearance, but also his talent and learning are quite amazing. The "Records of History" says that he was known for his good reading of ancient books, proficiency in scriptures, and "many expositions of foreign languages" and liked to read the books of the Hundred Sons. In his self-introduction, he said: "Thirteen years of study, three winters (three years) of literature and history are sufficient. Fifteen learn fencing, sixteen learn "poetry" and "book", and recite 220,000 words. Nineteen learned Sun Wu's art of war, the tools of the battle front, the teaching of the drum (the method of commanding the army to advance and retreat), and also recited 220,000 words. Dongfang Shuo claimed that he could recite 440,000 words of classics and military books at the age of 19, which showed that his memory was extraordinary. When he first wrote the book, he wrote more than 3,000 pieces of bamboo, and the bus order asked two people to carry it to Emperor Wu, and he had just been able to move it. Emperor Wu read his book in the palace and it took him two months to finish.

Emperor Wu of Han was thirsty for talent, and although Dongfang Shuo's self-recommendation letter was "not inferior in words and high in self-esteem", Emperor Wu still thought that he was a useful talent, so he ordered him to wait for the imperial court to be hired by the bus office. Because the bus office gave him a meager salary, and the same treatment as those dwarfs who gave Emperor Wu of Han to drive a carriage, and the delay in getting a summons from Emperor Wu of Han, Dongfang Shuo held his breath. In order to meet the emperor as soon as possible, Dongfang Shuo had a plan. He deliberately frightened those dwarfs: "Shang (the emperor) thinks that Ruo Cao (you) is not beneficial to the county officials (the state), the cultivation of the land is not as good as the people, the officials in the crowd cannot govern the people, the military is not used for military purposes, it is useless for the country, it is useless to ask for food and clothing, and now he wants to kill Ruo Cao." The dwarves were stunned and terrified, and knelt down to beg Dongfang Shuo to think of a way for them. Dongfang Shuo said, "Go up and down, prostrate your head and ask for sin." So when the dwarfs saw Emperor Wu of Han, they cried and begged for forgiveness. Emperor Wu of Han asked Ming Yuan, knowing that dongfang Shuo was behind the ghost, he immediately summoned Dongfang Shuo to rebuke him.

Emperor Wu asked, "Why fear the dwarfs?" Dongfang Shuo had already made preparations, and replied without hurrying: "Chen Shuo also speaks in life and death." The dwarf is more than three feet long, and he has a sack of millet and two hundred and forty dollars. Chen Shuo was more than nine feet long, and he also had a bag of millet and two hundred and forty dollars. The dwarfs are hungry to death, and the subjects are hungry to death. The words of the courtiers are available, fortunately they are not polite; they are not available, they are dismissed, and there is no order but Sou Chang'anmi. Emperor Wu laughed when he heard this, so he ordered him to wait for the edict at the Golden Horse Gate, and later appointed him as a Lang official to accompany the emperor around. At that time, Emperor Wu of Han was still young, loved to play and hunt, wanted to build the Shanglin Garden, and Dongfang Shuo wrote a letter to advise, although Emperor Wu did not accept his opinion, but felt that he was dedicated to the country, so he named him Taizhong Doctor, added the title of Shizhong, and rewarded him with a hundred pounds of gold.

The response is quite agile but debauched

Dongfang Shuo, who was witty by nature, responded quickly in front of Emperor Wu of Han, talking and laughing freely, "the lord of man did not say (Yue)", which had a bright future. Unfortunately, he was informal, and occasionally made some small mistakes, so he never became a high official. Once he got drunk, urinated in the palace, was impeached and dismissed, demoted to a commoner, and waited for a post in the eunuch's office. After resuming his official position, he was debauched and used all the money given to him by Emperor Wu to women. He looked for young and beautiful women in Chang'an City, married them, and changed them almost once a year. Colleagues around him were not accustomed to his style and called him a "madman". When Emperor Wu heard this, he told them that if Dongfang Shuo was not an official, none of you would be able to compare with him.

In addition to being funny and wise, and able to please the emperor, Dongfang Shuo also has a special skill, that is, shooting a hundred shots and a hundred shots. Once, Emperor Wu of han hid the palace (gecko) in a bowl, causing everyone to guess what it was, but no one guessed. At that time, Dongfang Shuo was also present, and he said to Emperor Wu: "The subject tasted the Yi, Xie Jiezhi. Emperor Wu then asked him to participate. Only to see Dongfang Shuo use the yarrow to raise the gua, look at its gua elephant, and say: "The subject thinks that the dragon has no horns, it is said that it is a snake and a foot, and the limbs and limbs line the pulse without seeing, and the pulse is good at the wall, and the non-shougong is a lizard." Emperor Wu of Han clapped his hands and praised him for his kindness, and gave him ten horses on the spot. It also made Dongfang Shuo guess other things covered, and as a result, Dongfang Shuo guessed every time. Guessing riddles is even more a good play for Dongfang Shuo, when Emperor Wu of Han's favored advocate Guo Sheren was very unconvinced by Dongfang Shuo, and asked Emperor Wu of Han to duel with Dongfang Shuo, but the result was a defeat, punished with a hundred lashes, and was beaten and screamed.

Regarding the deeds of Dongfang Shuo, the Book of Han holds that "his deeds are superficial and shallow, and he walks in the crowd, and the children and children of Mu Shu are not dazzling (dazzling) and shining, and the good deeds of later generations are attached to Shuo because of strange words." In fact, this was also the case, and later folk legends about Dongfang Shuo became more and more, gradually deifying him.

Born in the East Shuodan was born

In folklore, Dongfang Shuo was born to Zhang Shaoping's wife Tian Shi. According to the Cave Meditations, Zhang Shaoping lived for two hundred years before he died, and that dongfang Shuo's mother Tian Shi also died three days after his birth, three years after emperor Jing of Han. A neighbor woman picked him up and adopted him, and when he was three years old, he would watch "The Secrets of the World" and recite them. During the Yuan Feng years of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he traveled far away to Mao hongzhize, and suddenly saw the Queen Mother of the West collecting mulberry on the shore of the White Sea, and after a while he saw an old man named Huang Weng, who said to Dongfang Shuo, You are the embodiment of Taibai Venus.

The "Customs and Customs" also says: "As the saying goes: The Eastern Shuo Taibai Xingjing, the Yellow Emperor is the Queen of the Wind, the Yao Shi is the Wu Chengzi, the Zhou Shi is the Old Man, the Yue is Fan Li, and the Qi is the Yi Zi Pi, saying that its sacredness can revitalize the cause of the king's hegemony, and it is changeable." "That is, the Wind Queen of the Yellow Emperor, the Wu Chengzi of the Yao Emperor, laozi and Fan Li of the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Oriental Shuo of the Han Dynasty were all transformed into human forms under the Taibai Venus, and the cause of kingship in the human world.

Another legend says that the Oriental Shuo is the incarnation of the star (i.e., Jupiter). The DuYi Zhi says that after Zhang Shaoping's death, the Tian clan was widowed for many years. One night, a dream came down from the sky and pressed on Tian's abdomen, so she became pregnant. Fearing that being married without a husband would be despised, she moved to the Land of the East. In May Shuodan (the first day of the first month), he gave birth to a son, who was named Dongfang Shuo because he was born in the Eastern Dynasty. And the person who presses his belly in the dream is said to be the essence of the stars. The "Complete Biography of the Immortals" says that before his death, Dongfang Shuo said to his colleagues: "The people of the world are incapable of knowing Shuo, and those who know Shuo are only the ears of Dawu Gong." After Dongfang Shuo's death, Emperor Wu of Han summoned Dawu Gong to ask Who Dongfang Shuo really was, and Dawu Gong said he didn't know. Emperor Wu then asked, "What can the Gong do?" Dawu said, "Pretty good at ephemeris." Emperor Wu then asked, "Are the stars in place?" Dawu Gong replied, "All the stars are there, but I have not seen the stars for forty years, and now I have seen them again." Emperor Wu looked up at the sky and sighed, "Dongfang Shuo has been at the side of the Decay for eighteen years, and he doesn't know that he is a star." ”

Folklore spread most widely is the story of Dongfang Shuo stealing the peach of the Queen Mother of the West. Emperor Wu of Han was superstitious about the Immortal Dao, pursuing immortality, and often sent alchemists overseas to search for immortal medicines, and folklore says that the Queen Mother of the West once gave xian peaches to Emperor Wu of Han. The "Naturalist Chronicle" said: "The Western Queen Mother Descended to the Nine Hua Hall on the Qixi Festival, with five peaches and Emperor Wu of Han. Dongfang Shuo peeked at it from the east chamber of the temple, Zhu Wumu (window). The Queen Mother said, "This peep is a child, and I will taste three times to steal this peach from me." Three thousand years old and one son, this son is not good, has been three times to steal. The Peach of the Queen Mother of the West only came to fruit once in three thousand years, and Dongfang Shuo stole it three times, which shows the length of its lifespan. Because of this legend, many later stories regard Dongfang Shuo as the attendant of the Queen Mother of the West. Although Dongfang Shuo had never cultivated, the Treatise on Heng called him a Taoist, and later Taoism took Dongfang Shuo as the descendant of Zhuangzi and called him "Nanhua Qiushui Zhaodu Zhenjun Dongfang Shuo".

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