
Mrs. Hook Yi, what kind of woman is she? Why did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty have to go to his mother and son?

author:Lissen laughed

The reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che, was an extremely important period in Chinese history, and his policies and personal life had a profound impact on the Han Dynasty and the entire history of China. During the reign of Emperor Wu, the national power of the Han Dynasty reached its peak, and its territory expanded to an unprecedented level. It was in such a golden age that power struggles and family entanglements within the court were also extremely complicated. In particular, the "witch curse" in Emperor Wu's later years not only changed the heir to the throne, but also exposed the fragility within the imperial power.

Mrs. Hook Yi, what kind of woman is she? Why did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty have to go to his mother and son?

On a cold night in 91 B.C., Emperor Liu Che of the Han Dynasty tossed and turned in the spacious Ganquan Palace, unable to sleep. This year, he was already seriously ill, and he frequently dreamed of mysterious villains and ghosts, suggesting unrest within the empire. Against this backdrop, Emperor Wu's mind was complicated, worried about the future of the empire and his heirs.

Mrs. Hook Yi, what kind of woman is she? Why did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty have to go to his mother and son?

"Your Majesty, are you still not resting?" A loyal chamberlain asked softly.

Emperor Wu of Han shook his head and sighed, "I have something in my heart, and it is difficult to sleep peacefully. Tonight I dreamed of those villains again, and I feared that it was a bad omen. ”

Mrs. Hook Yi, what kind of woman is she? Why did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty have to go to his mother and son?

At that time, the palace was already filled with the shadow of the witch curse, the crown prince Liu Ju was forced to commit suicide on suspicion of rebellion, and Emperor Wu's heart was torn apart by pain and guilt. In such chaos, the existence of Gouyi's wife Zhao brought a lot of comfort to Emperor Wu. The Zhao family is not only beautiful, but also gave birth to the smart and clever Liu Fuling, who was deeply favored by Emperor Wu.

One day, Emperor Wu was walking with Zhao in the imperial garden, and he said affectionately: "Gou Yi, I have watched you for a long time, and your intelligence and beauty are the most outstanding among the countless palace maids I have ever seen. ”

Mrs. Hook Yi, what kind of woman is she? Why did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty have to go to his mother and son?

Zhao lowered his head and smiled, and replied softly: "Your Majesty, if the concubine can share your sorrows, it is the honor of the concubine. ”

It was during Zhao's pregnancy that something strange happened. She was fourteen months pregnant, which filled the entire court with an atmosphere of mystery. Emperor Wu regarded this as providence, and he excitedly shared with the Zhao family: "Gou Yi, you are the same as the mother of the first emperor, you are fourteen months pregnant, this must be a heaven-sent son." ”

Mrs. Hook Yi, what kind of woman is she? Why did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty have to go to his mother and son?

The good times did not last long, the scourge of witches broke out, and Emperor Wu's favor began to become Zhao's crime. The Zhao family was suspected of being related to the witch Gu case, and Emperor Wu finally made a painful decision in his inner contradictions and struggles. On a stormy night, he summoned the Zhao family.

"Hook Yi, I can't keep you safe and stabilize the country at the same time. Between you and me, there must be a sacrifice. Emperor Wu of Han's voice was low and full of pain.

Mrs. Hook Yi, what kind of woman is she? Why did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty have to go to his mother and son?

Zhao burst into tears, she knew that her fate was sealed. "Your Majesty, the concubine was born in troubled times and died on the palace wall, I only hope that Your Majesty can keep my son safe."

Emperor Wu had tears in his eyes and nodded in agreement. In this way, Zhao was secretly executed, and her son Liu Fuling eventually succeeded to the throne of the Han Dynasty and became Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty.

Mrs. Hook Yi, what kind of woman is she? Why did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty have to go to his mother and son?

After Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne, although he was young, he gradually grew into a Ming monarch under the guidance of the auxiliary ministers. His reign put an end to the harsh laws of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and ushered in a more relaxed political atmosphere. Although the sacrifice of Mrs. Gou Yi was tragic, her son's successful succession to the throne also proved from the side that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's decision was for the long-term peace and stability of the Han Dynasty.

Mrs. Hook Yi, what kind of woman is she? Why did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty have to go to his mother and son?

The court stories of the Han Dynasty are like complex court paintings, showing the interweaving of power, love and hate, and sacrifice. Mrs. Gouyi's life is a combination of beauty and tragedy, and her fate reflects the helplessness and sorrow of women in that era. Her story makes us think deeply that behind every decision in history is a choice between human nature and destiny. In the game of power, individuals often seem small, but it is these seemingly small sacrifices that shape the course of history. The story of Mrs. Hook Yi is not only a tragedy, but also a profound exploration of power, responsibility and humanity.

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