
The moment you put on the detonation suit, you're either alive or dead! He is the explosives disposal expert Wang Baimin

author:Zhengzhou Evening News
The moment you put on the detonation suit, you're either alive or dead! He is the explosives disposal expert Wang Baimin

"I thought it would be easier to retire, but I didn't expect to be busier than when I went to work." Sitting in front of the transparent floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the traffic downstairs, the 68-year-old Wang People smiled heartily.

From black hair to whiteheads; from ordinary to heroic, the comrades around him died and were wounded, and he knew that he was lucky to retire peacefully.

Wang Baimin, former deputy inspector of the Public Security Department of Henan Province, a first-class heroic model of the public security system, a national labor model, and one of the top ten people who moved China in 2006...

A native of Zhengzhou, he has been working in blasting, explosion protection and detonation for 50 years from joining the army in 1969, changing careers in 1985, and then retiring in 2012.

The moment you put on the detonation suit, you're either alive or dead! He is the explosives disposal expert Wang Baimin

Wang People are at work

He was born in November 1951 in Huanglonggang Village, Houzhai Township, Erqi District, Zhengzhou City, to parents who were authentic farmers.

In his childhood, Wang People tasted a lot of bitterness, and his brother and sister died of illness one after another. During the full moon, his mother took him to eat a hundred meals and named him "Bai Surname". In the first year of junior high school, the class teacher thought that "Bai" was inferior to "Hundred", so he changed him to "The People". With this change, his three younger brothers also changed their names, "the second brother is called Wang Bainian, the third brother is called Wang Baixi, and the fourth brother is called Wang Baishun, which is very characteristic of that era."

"When I was eight or nine years old, I was so guilty that I ate elm bark, sweet potato leaves, willow leaves, and thatch roots." Wang said that in order to make a living, he went up the mountain with his father to quarry and install explosives at the age of 12. "Now this kind of activity is illegal, but at that time, it was the only way for the villagers to make a living."

Because the villagers did not understand the theory of blasting, they only relied on the experience learned from their ancestors to dig mountains and stones and shoot cannons to hit the eyes. Therefore, accidents often occur, and people are often blown up into a blur of flesh and blood. When the explosives exploded, the earth-shattering coldness, and the heart-rending pain of the relatives when they parted tragically, all made the young Wang people unforgettable.

At that time, he secretly resolved that when he grew up, he must surrender and blast this "beast"!

"The village is one or twenty kilometers away from the city, and there were no clocks and watches at that time, so when picking agricultural goods into the city, the chickens barked three times and set off." Wang Recalled that in 1965, he and his father each picked a few chickens to sell in the city, and as a result, they got up early, "At that time, Fuhua Street was full of wheat fields, and my father and I slept on the spot for a while. ”

After the chickens were sold, Wang and his father went to the nearby wheat field to look for it, and they really found it. "When I was a child, my father and I had to walk into the city for more than 3 hours, sold out chickens, peaches, apricots, etc., and when we came home, we would eat something in XiaozhaoZhai, Erqi, 4 cents for rice, 8 cents for meat and vegetables, and eat with relish."

The moment you put on the detonation suit, you're either alive or dead! He is the explosives disposal expert Wang Baimin

"20,000 to fill an entire train"

Since joining the police, Wang People has always fought in the front line of public arrangements. He left safety to others and danger to himself. So far, he has eliminated more than 20,000 guns and bombs of various types, including those left over from the war.

"These bombs, stacked up, can fill an entire train." He was also known as "the man who dealt with death".

These bombs, either found in downtown areas or found in residential areas, have serious rust and are not easy to separate, and the fuze bottom is exposed to fire, making it difficult to eliminate. The people of Wang knew deeply that he was always facing the call of the god of death, and had rubbed shoulders with the god of death many times, but he did not hesitate to pick up one bomb after another.

The moment you put on the detonation suit, you're either alive or dead! He is the explosives disposal expert Wang Baimin

The scene of the case

In 1998, a car bomb was found at the Sanlang Temple in Wuxian County, the first time in the province. It was a homemade remote-controlled bomb, the receiving antenna was clearly visible, and the criminal had not yet been arrested, "If he had pressed the switch during the detonation period, I would have been finished."

To this end, Wang People asked his colleagues who took pictures of the video to take pictures for him from a distance, "In case I am finished, one is to leave a final explanation for my family, and the other is to leave a file for future generations." ”

This scene brought tears to many of those present.

After the mood stabilized, he resolutely drilled under the car, which was only 30 centimeters high, first cut the bomb receiving antenna, then cut off the power cord and detonator foot line one by one, and finally unpackaged the bomb little by little. "If you are not careful, you will destroy the car in an instant."

In fact, he experienced so many dangers that he had left footprints all over the country.

The moment you put on the detonation suit, you're either alive or dead! He is the explosives disposal expert Wang Baimin

Many people say that the people of Wang are lucky.

"It's not false to say that I'm lucky, many of my counterparts across the country have died or maimed in the detonation, but I'm still lucky to be alive." He said that this kind of luck often made him deeply grateful for his colleagues, his comrades-in-arms, and his leaders' concern and support, and he also missed his comrades-in-arms who had died even more.

There was a companion who made the people of Wang sad for a long time. On November 16, 2002, Ren Junqing, a police officer of the Sanmenxia Public Security Bureau, exploded during the detonation, and one leg exploded several hundred meters away, and he died on the spot, at the age of 45.

Wang went to Sanmenxia to attend the farewell ceremony of Ren Junqing's body.

"His family cried to death and kept shouting at me, looking at his wife who had lost his husband, his son who had lost his father, and saying nothing to any avail." Wang Bairen choked up and said, "Younger sister, I'm late, you take care of yourself." His son knelt down and prostrated his head to me, saying Uncle Wang, you can count it as coming, Dad said that the Spring Festival led me to see you, you came, and you also counted dad's wish. ”

"It's dangerous here, stay away." This was the last sentence left by Ren Junqing.

The moment you put on the detonation suit, you're either alive or dead! He is the explosives disposal expert Wang Baimin

Wang people at the scene of the detonation.

Wang People said that it can be said that the life of the detonator is hanging in the balance from time to time, and the people can be safe every day. "But to tell you the truth, every time I complete the task of detonation, my heart is also afraid for several days, and I am also a person with a family, a mouth, and flesh and blood."

Every time he accepted the task of detonation, his wife always silently prepared packs for him, put two apples, and always said that he would make a phone call when he left the house.

In the investigation of a huge explosion case in Shijiazhuang, because of the overnight meeting to study the case, he forgot to call his wife, and as a result, early the next morning, his daughter cried and called him: "Daddy, why don't you call my mother, let me and my mother not sleep all night!" ”

Hearing their daughter's crying, the people of wang also cried. But he said, "In danger, if we don't do it, who will do it?" ”

"For many years, the annual business trip was generally about 200 days, and I always felt ashamed of my family." Wang Said his daughter Wang Qi, who was influenced by him, became a teacher in the Foreign Language Department of the Henan Police College after graduating from college.

The moment you put on the detonation suit, you're either alive or dead! He is the explosives disposal expert Wang Baimin

Happy family of three

Wang said that sometimes, for fear of his family's worries, he did not dare to tell his family where it was. What he cherishes most, always pressed under the glass plate and carried with him, is the family portrait. Only he understood the unusual significance of that ordinary photo to him.

Donated 190,000 donations to seriously ill girls

Over the past few decades, in addition to detonating explosions, Wang People has also sponsored more than thirty students and people in difficulty, and when they encounter difficulties with the masses, they will do their best to help, do as much as they can, and leave no regrets for themselves and the people.

In 2001, he heard that several college students were very difficult and felt very uncomfortable, so he discussed with his lover to donate the 5,000 yuan bonus obtained by the "national labor model" to these students. After that, he also donated 50,000 yuan of the "first-class heroic model" of the public security system and the 30,000 yuan of the "Top Ten People's Police of the Country's Favorite People's Police" to the students in need.

The moment you put on the detonation suit, you're either alive or dead! He is the explosives disposal expert Wang Baimin

Poor children sponsored by Wang People.

In the spring of 2016, when Wang Baimin was lecturing in Nanyang, he learned from a student, "A local leukemia girl, who was successfully matched, but had no money for treatment, waited at home for death, asked if I could help her, I said yes."

The girl's name is Wang Jiuyu, born in 1992, and her family lives in Xianfang Village, Banshanping Town, Nanzhao County.

On June 24, 2016, Wang Received a call from Wang Jiuyu, saying that she was at the Henan Provincial People's Hospital and had no money to be discharged from the hospital. He immediately rushed to the hospital, saw her helpless eyes, and the body donation agreement on the bedside, felt very deeply, took out 10,000 yuan on the same day, and coordinated with the company to help her complete treatment in Zhengzhou.

On July 14, Wang Jiuyu was transferred to the Beijing Air Force Hospital and then dialed his phone: "Grandpa, I am not cured." ”


"The money is not enough, the family did its best, only to make up 120,000 yuan, the difference is too much."

Wang Baimin immediately contacted the hospital and was told that the minimum fee was also 300,000 yuan.

After being turned away for help from several bosses, he returned home, told his wife what had happened, and decided to use his savings to help the girl again. His wife Chen Jin'e hesitated when she heard: "Our family is not rich, just that little family reserve, no emergency can not be used." ”

"That's an emergency, isn't it?" But after all, 180,000 ah, the leather shoes I wear on my feet are only 50 yuan, which is also our old two families to save money for many years, am I really stupid? Wang said that he had a struggle in his heart, but he was unwilling to choose.

The wife looked at him anxiously and said, "Well, let's have another daughter." Card for you, go, go, go! Breathlessly, Wang ran from home to ICBC and remitted 180,000 yuan to the Air Force Hospital.

This incident caused a sensation in the Air Force Hospital, and medical staff said that henan people are really righteous.

"Some people say, what do you want, I say no, only peace of mind." He said, "Although the ability is limited, it can help one is one." ”

The moment you put on the detonation suit, you're either alive or dead! He is the explosives disposal expert Wang Baimin

Wang Baimin donated 190,000 yuan to the sick girl Wang Jiuyu.

Today, Wang Jiuyu's treatment is very successful, she has long been discharged from the hospital, and she has gone out to work, and she has also changed her mouth to call Wang People "Daddy". "Without the help of Father Wang, there would be no me today, and the kindness of this life cannot be forgotten."

Set up a "studio" to do a good job of passing on the help

"When I retire, I can also take my wife, live a leisurely, quiet life, and enjoy my old age, but I always feel that people can't be decadent, and they have to be happy in their old age." Wang Baimin said, "Detonation is something I have done all my life. "When encountering bombs that cannot be discharged and dangers that cannot be removed, when the brother public security organs across the country encounter difficulties and ask him for help, he will still take up this responsibility, rush up first, and personally investigate the scene and detonation operations."

The moment you put on the detonation suit, you're either alive or dead! He is the explosives disposal expert Wang Baimin

Wang People are making a report

In addition, he gave full play to his residual heat, often going to government organs, schools, troops, enterprises and institutions to give classes, make reports, and combine his decades of work and life experience to solve the puzzles of young people and become their "confidant friends".

The moment you put on the detonation suit, you're either alive or dead! He is the explosives disposal expert Wang Baimin

Participated in the Zhengzhou Marathon of the "Moving China" team.

Wang Baimin said that detonators are recognized as one of the most dangerous professions in the world, but there is no professional detonation college in China, so how to train more "detonation experts" has become a major problem in the public security system.

In February 2018, with the support of the Party Committee of the Provincial Public Security Department, the Henan Police College set up a studio named after him, the "Wang Bairen Studio", to do a good job in passing on the help and letting comrades-in-arms have less danger and more safety.

As a well-known explosives disposal expert in the country, he has been cordially received by Party and state leaders such as Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and Xi Jinping.

"On the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, the motherland has undergone earth-shaking changes, and Zhengzhou has become better and stronger." Wang Baimin said that he has come to realize more and more profoundly that as a 49-year-old party member, he should look down on the length of life and attach importance to the value of life.

"As a technician, an old party member, you should be like a soldier fighting a war, as long as the charge horn is sounded, you know that you have to sacrifice in front of you, and you have to go up." Wang Baimin said that in the face of the great trust of the party and the government, the understanding of his relatives, and the praise of the masses, he is still the old saying: Repay the people's nurturing feelings, and wave your hands through life and death!

This is the oath of the people of Wang, and it is also a portrayal of his life.

Zheng Bao all-media reporter Shi Chuang provided a picture of the interviewee

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