
Discover the Red Trail of Germany – Trier

author:International Online

International Online Report (Reporter Nguyen Ka Mun): Germany is Marx's hometown and the birthplace of communism. In the early 1920s, The older generation of Chinese revolutionaries, including Zhou Enlai and Zhu De, lived, studied, and carried out revolutionary work in Germany for a long time. Now, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, let us follow the reporters and explore the red footprint of Germany , Trier.

Discover the Red Trail of Germany – Trier

Marx House Museum

On May 5, 1818, the famous German thinker and philosopher Marx was born in Trier, a small town in southwestErn Germany with a history of more than 2,000 years. Before going out to study at the age of 17, he lived in this ancient city next to the Moselle River. His former home is a Baroque house built in 1727 and is now open to the public as a museum.

Discover the Red Trail of Germany – Trier

Huster was interviewed by reporters

According to Jenny Hust, deputy director of the Marx House Museum, "We have some original documents in our museum, such as the chair that Marx sat in when he read, and he should have died on this chair; he sent a handwritten letter to the bankruptcy administrator of the French publishing house, on which Marx's handwriting is still clearly recognizable." In addition, we have the originals of his two major works, the Communist Manifesto and Capital. ”

Discover the Red Trail of Germany – Trier

The Marx House Museum also offers Chinese guided tours

Hust told reporters that in view of the fact that there are many Chinese tourists visiting Marx's former residence, the museum also provides reservations for Chinese guided tours, and specially set up Chinese version of the electronic interactive page. In her opinion, Marxism studies social issues, so it has always kept pace with the times and applied to the present: "Marxism still has strong practical significance in many fields to this day, and I think Chinese is aware of this." Marx's works are still being read all over the world, and people are constantly studying his theories. ”

Discover the Red Trail of Germany – Trier

Erent-Schell was interviewed by reporters

Marx's thought is a precious spiritual wealth of the world and has had a particularly far-reaching impact on China. Before the outbreak of COVID-19, more than 150,000 Chinese tourists visited Trier every year to follow in the footsteps of Marx, the revolutionary mentor of the proletariat and working people around the world and the main founder of Marxism.

Patricia Erent-Chehr, Director of Marketing at The Trier Tourism Board, said: "Marx's ideas, understandings and writings are very important to this day and continue to stimulate our discussions. Many tourists from China come to Trier to visit Marx-related exhibitions and learn about the various stages of his life here. ”

Li Dian, president of the Chinese Students and Scholars Association of Trier, said in an interview with reporters that in Trier, Marx's hometown, he has a deeper understanding of the origin of communism and the historical background of the emergence of the Communist Party of China. The experience of the revolutionary ancestors in Germany has strengthened her heart to serve the motherland with what she has learned and known: "As a young Communist Party member studying in Trier, Marx's hometown, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, I am particularly touched. 200 years ago, there was Karl Marx fighting for the proletariat in the West, and 100 years ago in China, there were countless benevolent people and revolutionary ancestors who fought for communism. In today's world, materialism is rampant. As young people, we should build up our original intentions, strengthen our faith, and study Marxism, a compulsory course in history. ”

Discover the Red Trail of Germany – Trier

Li Dian was interviewed by reporters in front of the statue of Marx presented to Trier in China

In the square of Simon's Church in the center of Trier stands a 5.5-meter-high bronze statue of Marx weighing about 2.3 tons. The statue was given to Trier by China on the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth in 2018. It symbolizes Sino-German friendship, presenting a Marx holding a book and walking, with a confident and profound gaze, a calm and firm step, from Trier to the world, from history to the future.

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