
The ancient city of Trier, "German Travelogue No. 8"

author:Qilu one point

Text | Han Qingxiang

Trier, the Germans say it is an ancient city, the ground still retains the ancient Roman royal palace of the early AD, who can compare? Chinese said it was a famous city, and out of its street came a man who could push the earth forward, and this man was called Karl. Marx.

We, the black-eyed, yellow-skinned Chinese, grew up wearing red scarves and singing "We are the successors of communism." Visiting the hometown of Marx, the founder of communism, is as exciting as learning from the West.

The city of Trier is in the neighboring Rhineland, the state, which is equivalent to our prefecture-level city. It was Monday that there was a noticeable increase in vehicles, with several brief traffic jams that took more than three hours on the road.

The ancient city of Trier, "German Travelogue No. 8"

The ancient city of Trier is like an open-air museum of architectural art, and each building is like a pearlescent lady, revealing the noble and extraordinary spirit of the past. Although it is only three or four stories high, each façade is made into a work of art. Look at the sculptures, let people move, bare-ass cherubs, mythical naked beautiful men, beautiful women around the hero to offer flowers abound, and the open breast, draped in a scarf, or lying or standing goddess statues, almost from the balcony or pillars, beckoning you enthusiastically, as if walking into a fairy tale castle; look at the style, Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque architecture, spire, slope top, only no matchbox style. Looking at the part, the windows are not large, but they form a beautiful picture with the window sill and the outer frame. The walls are not tiled and are painted in a variety of colors, such as beige on the exterior and ochre red for the raised window frames. I try to pick the most typical buildings, whichever direction you turn, have their own charm. The translator pointed to an inscribed stone and read, "Trier stood 1,300 years before Rome." yes! No wonder my collection of Chinese editions of german maps says that this is the oldest city in All of Germany. Trier, did Heaven give birth to the greatest thinker of our time here because of your beauty, or because of your antiquity?

The ancient city of Trier, "German Travelogue No. 8"

It was lunchtime, and the hungry group followed behind the host, Yangkov! He walked danglingly, that height, and had to bow his head to enter the restaurant. Through the noisy lobby, turn a corner, is a narrow basement steps, followed by down, turn a corner, a few dozen steps, followed by wooden ladders, rough wooden handrails, walls with irregular huge stones, is mottled, uneven ground, as if entering an ancient cave. Stepping into an arched stone door, you suddenly open up, as if you had broken into The treasure house of Alibaba. With the swaying chandelier, it was clear that there was room for a hundred and ten people to eat. At the end of the court was a jeweled prince's throne, and on the shelf were ancient silverware and cups. On the narrow dining table, there are also high candlesticks. According to the translator, this underground castle has a history of more than 2,000 years, which is equivalent to the building of our Han Dynasty. Mr. Liang Sicheng has investigated the buildings above the ground in China, and he concludes that there are no pre-Tang Dynasty buildings, but he does not know whether there are any earlier underground architectural remains, except for the tombs of ancient emperors.

Looking at this cellar, rapunzel brought a plate to each person, people were hungry, and they didn't see whether it was purple cabbage or lettuce balls, what salad was poured, and they acted on the disc. Not long, a bearded waiter brought each person a large plate of rice, meat, slices of ham, potato pieces, and the best of all, two salmon with a long rope, most of which was left.

The ancient city of Trier, "German Travelogue No. 8"

Walking out of the hotel, the host invited a tour guide, a tall, clean and neat old man, with white hair and white beard, but the spirit head is still a handsome man. He often opened the picture book in his hand, like a history teacher, explaining the ruins of the city. He spoke quickly, spoke a lot, handed the microphone to the translator, and before he could say a few words, he began to speak again: Trier was occupied by two ancient Roman emperors in the first 200 years of the common era. He led everyone into a tall palace, which was the palace of Julius Caesar of ancient Rome, which was admired by the weather of a king after thousands of years of wind and rain.

The minibus driver drove slowly under the guidance of the guide. He pointed to a remnant of the broken wall and said that the ancient Romans attached great importance to bathing, and the design of the baths built in those years, the underground cold and hot water pipes was very exquisite, which shocked the archaeologists. On the side of the road were the ruins of ancient Roman palaces or barracks, and he lamented the disappearance of these ancient buildings.

The ancient city of Trier, "German Travelogue No. 8"

Sometimes, he asked the driver to stop and let everyone get out of the car to take pictures of the scenery. The wide Moser River, which flows through the city, has an eight-hole arched bridge with a span of about 500 meters. He said the bridge was built in 600 AD (almost the same year as the Zhaozhou Bridge in China's Sui Dynasty) and is still open to traffic. Look at several ancient castles on both sides of the river, guarding this golden waterway, and everyone leans on the stone fence of the river dam to look at the distance. I saw that the stone railings were made of masonry, and the walls were separated by steel wire mesh, probably the bricks were antiques, right? If the dirt could talk and dig two hammers into the ground, maybe you would hear a lot of stories of sword fighting? Trier, you really deserve to be called an ancient city with mottled ruins.

About author:Han Qingxiang, male, formerly worked for Jinan Machinery Industry Bureau. He is a member of the Shandong Prose Literature Association, a member of the Jinan Lixia District Writers Association, and a member of the Jinan Wednesday Reading Club; although he has been engaged in the machinery manufacturing industry for many years, he has always loved literature, and since 1965, he has written poems, essays, and commentaries in People's Daily and provincial, municipal, and county-level newspapers and periodicals, and his works include "Twenty Years of Me and Bandsaws" and "Collection of Family Members' Works".

The ancient city of Trier, "German Travelogue No. 8"

【One Point Shandong Creation Center】Produced

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