
Yantai University Trier School of Sustainable Development Technology was inaugurated

author:Lightning News

Qilu Network Lightning News June 25, the reporter learned from Yantai University that this morning, the inauguration ceremony of Yantai University's Trier School of Sustainable Development Technology was held in Sanyuan Lake, and Zhang Wei, secretary of the party committee of the school, and Duan Peiyong, deputy secretary of the party committee and president, jointly inaugurated the college. Nearly 100 people, including school leaders, the main responsible persons of various functional departments and second-level units of the school, teachers and students representatives, and media representatives, witnessed this historical moment. The inauguration ceremony was presided over by Vice President Song Zhongmin.

Yantai University Trier School of Sustainable Development Technology was inaugurated

The inauguration ceremony began at 10 a.m. and the guests watched the trier Institute of Sustainability Technology promotional video. On behalf of the school, Duan Peiyong expressed warm congratulations on the establishment of the college, expressed his heartfelt respect to the colleagues and experts of China and Germany who have made unremitting efforts for the establishment of the college, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the leading friends who have always cared about and supported the construction and development of Yantai University. It is hoped that Zhongdetrier College will seize the development opportunities, accelerate the pace of high-quality development, continue to explore the carbon dioxide "zero emission" campus construction model suitable for China's national conditions, build a carbon footprint detection and emission reduction campus with the characteristics of Yantai University, and be a model of integrity and innovation.

President Doreit Schumann of the Trier University of Applied Sciences in Germany was unable to attend the inauguration ceremony of the college due to the impact of the epidemic and delivered a speech by video. She congratulated the college on its establishment and thanked all the supporters of the college's preparation process. He also said that he would work with Yantai University to strengthen cooperation in key areas such as renewable energy, sustainable development of transportation, digitalization, and industry 4.0, build the Trier Institute of Sustainable Development Technology into a cooperation platform for important topics between China and Germany, and cultivate outstanding management talents and innovative talents in globalization.

Zhang Wei and Duan Peiyong jointly inaugurated the Trier School of Sustainable Development Technology of Yantai University.

Yantai University Trier School of Sustainable Development Technology was inaugurated

Approved by the Ministry of Education on May 19, 2021, the College of Middle De Trier implements undergraduate and master's degree education, and offers three undergraduate majors in environmental science and engineering, environmental protection equipment engineering, and vehicle engineering, and a master's degree in international material flow management. Adhering to the fine tradition of Yantai University's high starting point and high-quality development, the college learns from the world-class educational philosophy and management experience of Trier University of Applied Sciences, aims to build an exemplary Sino-German cooperative school-running institution in China, and cultivate "new engineering" talents who integrate disciplines and are committed to sustainable development.

Lightning News reporter Ge Yifan reports

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